How does ABP insert value in an SQL SERVER identity column - abp

I'm working on a DataSeeder program in ABP and needed to insert static values to identity columns. I have a method that does the SET IDENTITY_INSERT [table] ON/OFF and use it to turn on or off before and after I seed the tables. Is there a built in method in ABP Framework that does the same thing?

Hi could you please review the document? -> here


Not able to perform Upsert for SQL Server Management Studio as the data contains Identity column in ADF

Not able to perform Upsert in SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS) as the data contains Identity column Sequence number & Rowid.
I am trying to perform incremental load from DB2 to SSMS. In the sink side I am selecting Upsert but throwing the error as:
Can not update identity column
I should not use dataflows to achieve this scenario.
Can anyone suggest how to do this for many tables dynamically to set the identity flag to
Yes if there is insert else I need to set identity flag as No?
Thanks in advance
I tried with set identity_insert dbo.test on to insert manually for one table
but need help to set up this dynamically.
ErrorCode=SqlOperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=A database operation failed. Please search error to get more details.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,
''Type=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,Message=Cannot update identity column 'SEQNR'.,Source=.Net SqlClient Data Provider,SqlErrorNumber=8102,Class=16

How to copy a SQL table to another server with index and keys?

I am trying to copy 2 tables from one server to another with the primary key, data and index.
Method 1:
I have tried with import/export wizard and exported data, also edited the script to have primary key and identity and checked the insert identity checkbox before execution.
Method 2:
Generated script for those 2 tables with Types of data to script - Schema and data and Script Indexes - True
But in both of these method, i am losing the identity functionality in the new table. When I do a right click on the new table and select Design option, the Identity Specification is stated as NO but in the old table it is staed as YES.
Is there any other method to copy a table with this identity functionality?
Obviously there is a bug in Microsoft SSMS. With your method 1 SSMS 2016 still executes the standard CREATE TABLE query in the background, although you edit it in the wizard. My recommendation is that you download and install the latest SSMS version. Here is the link to it. After that you can use your method 1 without problems and it will work without problems.

Oracle ADF Insert operation set SQL Server database to use database auto increment PK

I am making a simple CRUD application using Oracle ADF with SQL Server database.
My problem is that when inserting a new record into SQL Server table, I get an error on the primary key. My table has a primary key as Auto_Increment, but ADF is having problems to respect the database to do its own Auto_increment how do you go about this. I am sure there is a simple solution that works but I cant find one.

SQL Server : best way to check values before insert to table

I am working in a company that has software that can connect to a database and push values to a table.
I have a problem that some properties do not insert into the database.
I check regular insert query in the SQL Server Management Studio, and the insert is ok there.
I want to check the values that came from my software company before insert to the table.
Friends, please help me.
You can use extended events(light weight version of profiler).You may choose filters as per your requirement and in set session filters screen you can try scoping to a single database or a table or even some text using like syntax
Below are the steps

Get the Azure Table values when it is updated through C#

I have to get the Table Values from Azure when it is updated in the SQL table. Is that possible with any utility?
