Is there is a way that I can download only a part of the dataset from huggingface? - dataset

I'm trying to load (peoples speech) dataset, but it's way too big, is there's a way to download only a part of it?
from datasets import load_dataset
from datasets import load_dataset
train = load_dataset("MLCommons/peoples_speech", "clean",split="train[:10%]")
test = load_dataset("MLCommons/peoples_speech", "clean",split="test[:10%]")
Using ("train [: 10%]") didn't help, it still trying to download the entire dataset...


JSON array keyerror in Python

I'm fairly new to Python programming and am attempting to extract data from a JSON array. Below code results in an error for
js[jstring][jkeys]['5. volume'])
Any help would be much appreciated.
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import json
def DailyData(symb):
url =
stockdata = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data =
js = json.loads(data)
js = None
jstring = 'Time Series (Daily)'
for entry in js:
i = js[jstring].keys()
for jkeys in i:
return (jkeys,
js[jstring][jkeys]['1. open'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['2. high'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['3. low'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['4. close'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['5. volume'])
Looks like the reason for the error is because the returned data from the URL is a bit more hierarchical than you may realize. To see that, print out js (I recommend using a jupyter notebook):
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import ssl
import json
import sqlite3
url = ""
stockdata = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data =
js = json.loads(data)
You can see that js (now a python dict) has a "Meta Data" key before the actual time series begins. You need to start operating on the dict at that key.
Having said that, to get the data into a table like structure (for plotting, time series analysis, etc), you can use pandas package to read the dict key directly into a dataframe. The pandas DataFrame constructor accepts a dict as input. In this case, the data was transposed, so the T at the end rotates it (try with and without the T and you will see it.
import pandas as pd
df=pd.DataFrame(js['Time Series (Daily)']).T
Added edit... You could get the data into a dataframe with a single line of code:
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = ""
data = pd.DataFrame(requests.get(url).json()['Time Series (Daily)']).T
DataFrame: The contructor from Pandas to make data into a table like structure
requests.get(): method from the requests library to fetch data..
.json(): directly converts from JSON to a dict
['Time Series (Daily)']: pulls out the key from the dict that is the time series
.T: transposes the rows and columns.
Good luck!
Following code worked for me
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import json
def DailyData(symb):
# Your code was missing the ? after query
url = "{}&apikey=demo".format(symb)
stockdata = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data =
js = json.loads(data)
jstring = 'Time Series (Daily)'
for entry in js:
i = js[jstring].keys()
for jkeys in i:
return (jkeys,
js[jstring][jkeys]['1. open'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['2. high'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['3. low'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['4. close'],
js[jstring][jkeys]['5. volume'])
# query multiple times, just to print one item?
open 99.8850
high 101.4300
low 99.6700
close 101.1600
volume 19234627
Without seeing the error, it's hard to know what exact problem you were having.

Merge results of ExecuteSQL processor with Json content in nifi 6.0

I am dealing with json objects containing geo coordinate points. I would like to run these points against a postgis server I have locally to assess point in polygon matching.
I'm hoping to do this with preexisting processors - I am successfully extracting the lat/lon coordinates into attributes with an "EvaluateJsonPath" processor, and successfully issuing queries to my local postgis datastore with "ExecuteSQL". This leaves me with avro responses, which I can then convert to JSON with the "ConvertAvroToJSON" processor.
I'm having conceptual trouble with how to merge the results of the query back together with the original JSON object. As it is, I've got two flow files with the same fragment ID, which I could theoretically merge together with "mergecontent", but that gets me:
{"my":"original json", "coordinates":[47.38, 179.22]}{"polygon_match":"a123"}
Are there any suggested strategies for merging the results of the SQL query into the original json structure, so my result would be something like this instead:
{"my":"original json", "coordinates":[47.38, 179.22], "polygon_match":"a123"}
I am running nifi 6.0, postgres 9.5.2, and postgis 2.2.1.
I saw some reference to using replaceText processor in - but this seems to be merging content from an attribute into the body of the content. I'm missing the point of merging the content of the original and either the content of the SQL response, or attributes extracted from the SQL response without the content.
Groovy script following appears to do what is needed. I am not a groovy coder, so any improvements are welcome.
import java.nio.charset.*
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def flowFile = session.get();
if (flowFile == null) {
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
flowFile = session.write(flowFile,
{ inputStream, outputStream ->
def text = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
def obj = slurper.parseText(text)
def originaljsontext = flowFile.getAttribute('original.json')
def originaljson = slurper.parseText(originaljsontext)
originaljson.put("point_polygon_info", obj)
} as StreamCallback)
session.transfer(flowFile, ExecuteScript.REL_SUCCESS)
If your original JSON is relatively small, a possible approach might be the following...
Use ExtractText before getting to ExecuteSQL to copy the original JSON into an attribute.
After ExecuteSQL, and after ConvertAvroToJSON, use an ExecuteScript processor to create a new JSON document that combines the original from the attribute with the results in the content.
I'm not exactly sure what needs to be done in the script, but I know others have had success using Groovy and JsonSlurper through the ExecuteScript processor.

Is there a way to import an image from excel to a PictureBox?

I am writing an application that works with Excel files. So far I have been using Gembox spreadsheet to work with excel files. However, I discovered using Gembox spreadsheet I can save pics to excel files, but not retrieve them. Anyone can recommend how to retrieve a pic from excel file? Thank you
Here is how you can retrieve an image from an Excel file with GemBox.Spreadsheet:
ExcelFile workbook = ExcelFile.Load("Sample.xlsx");
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet;
// Select Picture element.
ExcelPicture picture = worksheet.Pictures[0];
// Import to PictureBox control.
this.pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(picture.PictureStream);
// Or write to file.
File.WriteAllBytes("Sample.png", picture.PictureStream.ToArray());

How does one call external datasets into scikit-learn?

For example consider this dataset:
How does one call such external datasets into scikit-learn to do anything with it?
The only kind of dataset calling that I have seen in scikit-learn is through a command like:
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
digits = load_digits()
You need to learn a little pandas, which is a data frame implementation in python. Then you can do
import pandas
my_data_frame = pandas.read_csv("/path/to/my/data")
To create model matrices from your data frame, I recommend the patsy library, which implements a model specification language, similar to R formulas
import patsy
model_frame = patsy.dmatrix("my_response ~ my_model_fomula", my_data_frame)
then the model frame can be passed in as an X into the various sklearn models.
Simply run the following command and replace the name 'EXTERNALDATASETNAME' with the name of your dataset
import sklearn.datasets
data = sklearn.datasets.fetch_EXTERNALDATASETNAME()

How to export some selected records from SQLFORM.grid as doc or pdf format in web2py

When I click the checkbox before every row, export the selected records as doc or pdf format. How to realize this?
def test():
form=SQLFORM.grid(db.problem,selectable = lambda ids:download(ids)
return dict(form=form)
def export(ids):
if I set csv=True in SQLFORM.grid there are some format while no doc and pdf!
Unfortunately, working with .doc, .docx (Microsoft Word) and .pdf isn't as simple as you might think it is.
For Word, you'll need python-docx that can be installed with $ pip install python-docx and you can find the documentation an sample code here.
To create a PDF document, you'll only need to import pyfpdf using from gluon.contrib.fpdf import FPDF, since web2py already comes with it. But, the same case applies here: You'll need to read some documentation and write some code.
