Why does defining a static class object in C++ cause a "multiple definition" error? - static

I am currently making a program in Arduino IDE to make animations with LEDs. My concept is that there is a base Animation class that holds the static RGBLed object that allows me to light up LEDs in the draw() method. All the children of Animation are supposed to inherit this object and the method. This is my Animation.cpp:
#include <RGBLed.h>
const int GPIN = D0, RPIN = D1, BPIN = D2; //RGB MOSFET pins
class Animation{
int R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;
static RGBLed myLED;
void update(int currentTime){}
void draw(){
myLED.setColor(R, G, B);
class Animation1: public Animation{
int timer = 0;
int anim_time = 1000;
timer = millis();
void update(int currentTime){
//do some RGB magic
class RGBSwipe: public Animation{
float H = 0.0, S = 1.0, V = 1.0;
int timer = 0;
int delay_time = 10;
timer = millis();
void update(int currentTime){
//do some HSV magic
void HSVtoRGB(){
//Conversion happens here
I get this error:
(USER)/appdata/local/arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/3.1.0-gcc10.3-e5f9fec/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-lx106-elf/10.3.0/../../../../xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/ld.exe: (USER)\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-3EC4D14CA84EC5BABE4C744AA5D32B6B\sketch\FFT_analyzer.ino.cpp.o:(.bss._ZN9Animation5myLEDE+0x0): multiple definition of `_ZN9Animation5myLEDE'; (USER)\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino-sketch-3EC4D14CA84EC5BABE4C744AA5D32B6B\sketch\Animation.cpp.o:(.bss._ZN9Animation5myLEDE+0x0): first defined here
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
exit status 1
Compilation error: exit status 1
I tried re-locating the definition but nothing seems to work. Any Ideas?

In your main.cpp, you have a #include "Animation.cpp".
Don't do that.
Never #include an implementation .cpp file, only header files .h or .hpp. There are exceptions to that rule for advanced uses, like creation of an amalgamation, but this is only for expert C++ programmers.
All .cpp files shall be compiled separately. This is what is called a compilation unit. In your situation, the content of Animation.cpp was compiled twice, once for its own and once inside main.cpp. Ans the linker has two copies for each identifier.
This is not a problem for the class declarations (they should indeed be declared in shared header files). This is not a problem neither for the function member definitions, since as they are placed inside the class block, are implicitly inline.
It happens this is not a problem neither with GPIN, RPIN and BPIN variables. As they are declared const at global scope, they are implicitly static, meaning there is one distinct copy per compilation unit (usually compiled out by the optimizer however).
But RGBLed Animation::myLED(RPIN, GPIN, BPIN, RGBLed::COMMON_CATHODE); is a definition, which must be defined once to follow the One Definition Rule (ODF).
So move most of your code into Animation.h, and #include "Animation.h" into both main.cpp and Animation.cpp. The definition of Animation::myLED must be in Animation.cpp and not in header. Also, I suggest to move the code marked // do some magic out of the class declaration into the implementation .cpp file. Better reserve inline methods to small functions like getters and setters. Also, prefer constexpr to declare constant values instead of old const. A global constexpr definition is implicitly inline.


Static declaration follows non static declaration?

I know its basic but I am not familiar with C and I couldn't understand the answers here in the subject .
Inside a C file I have this functions :
void uart_event_handle(app_uart_evt_t * p_event)
static void uart_init(void)
void initialize()
The static function uart_init() was inside some example program main.c , i am trying to put it inside another C file ( this one)
The error occurs only when I call : uart_init(); . Otherwise it will not happen.
Declaring a function static makes it invisible outside the translation unit. This is similar to declaring fields private in a class, because static "hides" the function from all other files.
This lets you define a new function with the same name in some other file without worrying about name collisions. At the same time, static makes it impossible to call the function from outside the .c file where it is defined.
Your example provides a use case for making static functions: initialize becomes part of the "public" interface of the library, while uart_init remains hidden.

GCC ARM : vtable not initialized

I'm using arm-none-eabi-g++ to compile for an ARM Cortex M microcontroller. My code statically instantiates some modules, initialize them, and execute them sequentially in a loop. Each module (ModuleFoo, ModuleBar...) is a class which herits from a common Module class. The Module class defines two virtual functions, init() and exec(), which are implemented in every derived module. There are no explicit constructors, neither in the base nor the derived classes. Finally, I have a Context struct which is passed around and contains a list of pointers to the modules (Module* modules[]).
I had the following code which worked :
int main() {
ModuleFoo foo;
ModuleBar bar;
Context context;
const int N_MODULES = 2;
context.modules[0] = &foo; // Indexes are actually an enum but I stripped it to make it shorter
context.modules[1] = &bar;
for (int i = 0; i < N_MODULES; i++) {
while (1) {
for (int i = 0; i < N_MODULES; i++) {
So far, so good (at least I think so, in any case it worked).
Now, I want to make the system more maintainable by moving all the code related to "which modules are used in a particular configuration" to a separate config.cpp/config.h file :
config.cpp :
ModuleFoo foo;
ModuleBar bar;
void initContext(Context& context) {
context.nModules = 2;
context.modules[0] = &foo;
context.modules[1] = &bar;
main.cpp :
#include "config.h"
int main() {
Context context;
for (int i = 0; i < context.nModules; i++) {
while (1) {
for (int i = 0; i < context.nModules; i++) {
The problem appears when init() is called on the first module (the MCU HardFaults). This is because, according to GDB, the vtable pointer is not initialized :
(gdb) p foo
$1 = {
<Module> = {
_vptr.Module = 0x0 <__isr_vector>,
_enabled = false
I rolled back with Git to check, with the previous code structure the vtable pointer was correctly initialized. And according to the linker's map file and GDB, the vtable exists (at around the same address as before):
.rodata 0x0000000000008e14 0x2c ModuleFoo.o
0x0000000000008e14 typeinfo name for ModuleFoo
0x0000000000008e1c typeinfo for ModuleFoo
0x0000000000008e28 vtable for ModuleFoo
The pointer is simply not set. The only difference I see between the two versions is that in the first one the modules are instanciated on the stack, whereas on the second they are instanciated globally in the bss :
.bss 0x00000000200015fc 0x22c config.o
0x00000000200015fc foo
0x000000002000164c bar
Could this be the problem?
In any case, thanks for taking the time to read this far!
**EDIT : **
The problem was coming from the startup code and the linker script. I used the sample files provided with Atmel's ARM GCC toolchain, which seem to be poorely written and, most importantly, didn't call __libc_init_array() (which is used to call global constructors). I switched to using the startup/linker script from ASF, and it works way better. Thanks #FreddieChopin !
Show us the startup code you are using. Most likely you did not enable global constructors, which can be done by calling __libc_init_array() function. You can test this theory, by manually calling this function at the beginning of main() - it should work fine then. If it does, then you should add that function to your startup code (Reset_Handler).
Quick test:
int main() {
extern "C" void __libc_init_array();
// rest of your code...
To do it properly, find the place where your startup code calls main() (usually sth like ldr rX, =main and blx rX or maybe directly as bl main) and right before that do exactly the same but with __libc_init_array instead of main.

Generate two functions with C Preprocessor

I have a project, and a case where I have a few often-changed preprocessor #defines that control how it works--ex:
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content) {
#ifdef FEATURE_X
This works fine, although it does have to be recompiled each time, so it's in the "stuff that has to be recompiled each time" file. I would like to push it into a [static] library instead. I'm ok with changing how it's called (already have a function pointer for picking myFunction), so I'd like that to turn into
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content) {
void myfunction_featureX(int num, mystruct* content) {
I need to do this in a couple places, so using a separate library (one with and one without -D FEATURE_X) for each isn't an acceptable option. I could do it with copy/paste, but that results in code reuse that carries a risk of fixing a bug in one copy but not the other.
Have the featureX versions of functions call the mainline functions. In your example myfunction_featureX would call myfunction and then do its own thing.
Surely, this is the point at which you change the activation of Feature X from a compile time issue into a run-time issue:
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content)
if (FeatureX_Enabled())
The FeatureX_Enabled() test might be a full function, or it might be simply test an appropriately scoped variable that is defined outside the function — a static variable in the file, or an external variable. This avoids having to futz with the function pointers; it's the same function called as now. Changing a table of function pointers is equivalent to changing a single variable — it involves changing the value of something stored outside the function to change the behaviour of the function.
Would it help if you put myfeature_x in a function table instead?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
int x,y;
} mystruct;
typedef void (*fn_ptr)(mystruct* content);
fn_ptr vtable[10];
void feature_x(mystruct *content)
printf("y: %d\n", content->y);
void myfunction(int num, mystruct* content) {
printf("x: %d\n", content->x);
if (vtable[FEATURE_X_INDEX]) {
int main(void)
bzero(vtable, sizeof(vtable));
mystruct s;
s.x = 1;
s.y = 2;
myfunction(0, &s);
if (1) {
//Of course you'd use a more sensible condition.
vtable[FEATURE_X_INDEX] = feature_x;
myfunction(0, &s);
return 0;
x: 1
x: 1
y: 2
Then all you need to do is populate the virtual function table with NULLs if that feature is not to be used, and with function pointers if it is to be used. This you can do from wherever you want - your static library for example.. or you can compile feature_x into a dynamic library, load it at runtime and if the loading succeeded populate the function table, and clear the table when the dynamically linked library is unloaded.
I think the only benefit this really gives you over Jonathan Leffler's method is that the code for feature_x doesn't actually need to be linked into the same binary as your other code. If all you need is a runtime switch to turn the feature on or off, a simple if statement should do the trick, as Jonathan Leffler suggested. (Incidentally, there's an if here, too - it checks the function table's content :) )

Can you run a function on initialization in c?

Is there an mechanism or trick to run a function when a program loads?
What I'm trying to achieve...
void foo(void)
but obviously register_function won't run.
so a trick in C++ is to use initialization to make a function run
something like
int throwaway = register_function(foo);
but that doesn't work in C. So I'm looking for a way around this using standard C (nothing platform / compiler specific )
If you are using GCC, you can do this with a constructor function attribute, eg:
#include <stdio.h>
void foo() __attribute__((constructor));
void foo() {
printf("Hello, world!\n");
int main() { return 0; }
There is no portable way to do this in C, however.
If you don't mind messing with your build system, though, you have more options. For example, you can:
#define CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD(methodname) /* null definition */
Now write a build script to search for instances of CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD, and paste a sequence of calls to them into a function in a generated .c file. Invoke the generated function at the start of main().
Standard C does not support such an operation. If you don't wish to use compiler specific features to do this, then your next best bet might be to create a global static flag that is initialized to false. Then whenever someone invokes one of your operations that require the function pointer to be registered, you check that flag. If it is false you register the function then set the flag to true. Subsequent calls then won't have to perform the registration. This is similar to the lazy instantiation used in the OO Singleton design pattern.
There is no standard way of doing this although gcc provides a constructor attribute for functions.
The usual way of ensuring some pre-setup has been done (other than a simple variable initialization to a compile time value) is to make sure that all functions requiring that pre-setup. In other words, something like:
static int initialized = 0;
static int x;
int returnX (void) {
if (!initialized) {
x = complicatedFunction();
initialized = 1;
return x;
This is best done in a separate library since it insulates you from the implementation.

How can I check that all my init functions have been called?

I am writing a large C program for embedded use. Every module in this program has an init() function (like a constructor) to set up its static variables.
The problem is that I have to remember to call all of these init functions from main(). I also have to remember to put them back if I have commented them out for some reason.
Is there anything clever I do to make sure that all of these functions are getting called? Something along the lines of putting a macro in each init function that, when you call a check_inited() function later, sends a warning to STDOUT if not all the functions are called.
I could increment a counter, but I'd have to maintain the correct number of init functions somewhere and that is also prone to error.
The following is the solution I decided on, with input from several people in this thread
My goal is to make sure that all my init functions are actually being called. I want to do
this without maintaining lists or counts of modules across several files. I can't call
them automatically as Nick D suggested because they need to be called in a certain order.
To accomplish this, a macro included in every module uses the gcc constructor attribute to
add the init function name to a global list.
Another macro included in the body of the init function updates the global list to make a
note that the function was actually called.
Finally, a check function is called in main() after all of the inits are done.
I chose to copy the strings into an array. This not strictly necessary because the
function names passed will always be static strings in normal usage. If memory was short
you could just store a pointer to the string that was passed in.
My reusable library of utility functions is called "nx_lib". Thus all the 'nxl' designations.
This isn't the most efficient code in the world but it's only called a boot time so that
doesn't matter for me.
There are two lines of code that need to be added to each module. If either is omitted,
the check function will let you know.
you might be able to make the constructor function static, which would avoid the need to give it a name that is unique across the project.
this code is only lightly tested and it's really late so please check carefully before trusting it.
Thank you to:
pierr who introduced me to the constructor attribute.
Nick D for demonstrating the ## preprocessor trick and giving me the framework.
tod frye for a clever linker-based approach that will work with many compilers.
Everyone else for helping out and sharing useful tidbits.
This is the relevant fragment of my library header file
typedef struct _nxl_function_element{
BOOL called;
} nxl_function_element;
void nxl_func_run_check_add(char *func_name);
BOOL nxl_func_run_check(void);
void nxl_func_run_check_hit(char *func_name);
#define NXL_FUNC_RUN_CHECK_ADD(function_name) \
void cons_ ## function_name() __attribute__((constructor)); \
void cons_ ## function_name() { nxl_func_run_check_add(#function_name); }
This is the libary code that is called to add function names and check them later.
static nxl_function_element m_functions[MAX_CHECKED_FUNCTIONS];
static int m_func_cnt = 0;
// call automatically before main runs to register a function name.
void nxl_func_run_check_add(char *func_name)
// fail and complain if no more room.
if (m_func_cnt >= MAX_CHECKED_FUNCTIONS) {
print ("nxl_func_run_check_add failed, out of space\r\n");
strncpy (m_functions[m_func_cnt].func, func_name,
m_functions[m_func_cnt].func[NX_FUNC_RUN_CHECK_NAME_SIZE-1] = 0;
m_functions[m_func_cnt++].called = FALSE;
// call from inside the init function
void nxl_func_run_check_hit(char *func_name)
int i;
for (i=0; i< m_func_cnt; i++) {
if (! strncmp(m_functions[i].func, func_name,
m_functions[i].called = TRUE;
print("nxl_func_run_check_hit(): error, unregistered function was hit\r\n");
// checks that all registered functions were called
BOOL nxl_func_run_check(void) {
int i;
BOOL success=TRUE;
for (i=0; i< m_func_cnt; i++) {
if (m_functions[i].called == FALSE) {
success = FALSE;
xil_printf("nxl_func_run_check error: %s() not called\r\n",
return success;
This is an example of a module that needs initialization
#include "nx_lib_public.h"
void solo_init(void)
nxl_func_run_check_hit((char *) __func__);
/* do module initialization here */
You can use gcc's extension __attribute__((constructor)) if gcc is ok for your project.
#include <stdio.h>
void func1() __attribute__((constructor));
void func2() __attribute__((constructor));
void func1()
void func2()
int main()
return 0;
//the output
I don't know how ugly the following looks but I post it anyway :-)
(The basic idea is to register function pointers, like what atexit function does.
Of course atexit implementation is different)
In the main module we can have something like this:
typedef int (*function_t)(void);
static function_t vfunctions[100]; // we can store max 100 function pointers
static int vcnt = 0; // count the registered function pointers
int add2init(function_t f)
// todo: error checks
vfunctions[vcnt++] = f;
return 0;
int main(void) {
// iterate vfunctions[] and call the functions
... and in some other module:
typedef int (*function_t)(void);
extern int add2init(function_t f);
#define M_add2init(function_name) static int int_ ## function_name = add2init(function_name)
int foo(void)
return 0;
M_add2init(foo); // <--- register foo function
Why not write a post processing script to do the checking for you. Then run that script as part of your build process... Or better yet, make it one of your tests. You are writing tests, right? :)
For example, if each of your modules has a header file, modX.c. And if the signature of your init() function is "void init()"...
Have your script grep through all your .h files, and create a list of module names that need to be init()ed. Then have the script check that init() is indeed called on each module in main().
If your single module represents "class" entity and has instance constructor, you can use following construction:
static inline void init(void) { ... }
static int initialized = 0;
#define INIT if (__predict_false(!initialized)) { init(); initialized = 1; }
struct Foo *
where "__predict_false" is your compiler's branch prediction hint. When first object is created, module is auto-initialized (for once).
Splint (and probably other Lint variants) can give a warning about functions that are defined but not called.
It's interesting that most compilers will warn you about unused variables, but not unused functions.
Larger running time is not a problem
You can conceivably implement a kind of "state-machine" for each module, wherein the actions of a function depend on the state the module is in. This state can be set to BEFORE_INIT or INITIALIZED.
For example, let's say we have module A with functions foo and bar.
The actual logic of the functions (i.e., what they actually do) would be declared like so:
void foo_logic();
void bar_logic();
Or whatever the signature is.
Then, the actual functions of the module (i.e., the actual function declared foo()) will perform a run-time check of the condition of the module, and decide what to do:
void foo() {
if (module_state == BEFORE_INIT) {
This logic is repeated for all functions.
A few things to note:
This will obviously incur a huge penalty performance-wise, so is
probably not a good idea (I posted
anyway because you said runtime is
not a problem).
This is not a real state-machine, since there are only two states which are checked using a basic if, without some kind of smart general logic.
This kind of "design-pattern" works great when you're using separate threads/tasks, and the functions you're calling are actually called using some kind of IPC.
A state machine can be nicely implemented in C++, might be worth reading up on it. The same kind of idea can conceivably be coded in C with arrays of function pointers, but it's almost certainly not worth your time.
you can do something along these lines with a linker section. whenever you define an init function, place a pointer to it in a linker section just for init function pointers. then you can at least find out how many init functions have been compiled.
and if it does not matter what order the init functions are called, and the all have the same prototype, you can just call them all in a loop from main.
the exact details elude my memory, but it works soemthing like this::
in the module file...
//this is the syntax in GCC..(or would be if the underscores came through in this text editor)
initFuncPtr thisInit __attribute((section(.myinits)))__= &moduleInit;
void moduleInit(void)
// so init here
this places a pointer to the module init function in the .myinits section, but leaves the code in the .code section. so the .myinits section is nothing but pointers. you can think of this as a variable length array that module files can add to.
then you can access the section start and end address from the main. and go from there.
if the init functions all have the same protoytpe, you can just iterate over this section, calling them all.
this, in effect, is creating your own static constructor system in C.
if you are doing a large project and your linker is not at least this fully featured, you may have a problem...
Can I put up an answer to my question?
My idea was to have each function add it's name to a global list of functions, like Nick D's solution.
Then I would run through the symbol table produced by -gstab, and look for any functions named init_* that had not been called.
This is an embedded app so I have the elf image handy in flash memory.
However I don't like this idea because it means I always have to include debugging info in the binary.
