how to break a paragraph to invclude a widget at the middle with Elementor? - elementor

i have an elementor post with a paragraph block filled with a lot of text. I would like to include a heading block at the middle of the text to improve readibility. how to break the paragraph block at the middle so i can include a new widget(actually, a header) atop of the second shattered block?


Using AWS Textract to classify given document pages structure into headlines and paragraphs

I have been searching all over the internet for a way to extract a meaningful page structure from an uploaded document (headlines/titles and paragraphs). The document could be of any format but I'm currently testing with PDF.
Example of what I'm trying to do:
Upload PDF file client-side
Save it to S3
Request AWS textract to detect or analyze text in that S3 object
Classify the output into: Headlines and Paragraphs
My application is working fine until step 3 and AWS textract outputs the result as blocks, block types can be either page, line or words and each block has a Geometry object which includes bounding box details and Polygon object as well (More info here: AnalayzeCommandOutput(JS_SDK) and AnalayzeCommandOutput(General)
However, I still need to process the output and classify it into headlines (e.g. 1 block of type line could be a headline and the following 3 blocks of type line are a single paragraph) so the output of step 4 would be:
"Headlines": ["Headline1", "Headline2", "Headline3"],
"Paragraphs": [{"Paragraph": "Paragraph1", "Headline": "Headline1"}, {"Paragraph": "Paragraph2", "Headline": "Headline1}
The unsuccessful methods I tried:
Calculate the size of bounding box of a line relative to the page size and comparing it the average bounding box sizes if it's greater then it's a headline if it's smaller than or equal it's a paragraph (not practical)
Use other PDF parsers but most of them just output unformatted text
Use the "Query" option of analyze document input but it would require to define each line in the PDF as key value pairs to output something meaningful. As per here So the PDF content would be something like:
Headline1: Headline
Paragraph1: Paragraph
Paragraph2: Paragraph
Headline2: Headline
Paragraph1: Paragraph
I'm not asking for a coding solution. Maybe I'm overcomplicating things and there is a simpler way to do it. Maybe someone has tried something similar and can point me into the right direction or approach.

If a line of text is separated into multiple text leaves in the accessibility tree, is it still accessible well?

Below is a picture of my current accessibility tree. You can see that the 4 text leaves in it are separated, but it still forms only one line of content. Is this still accessible well ("well" meaning screen readers can detect that they form one complete sentence), or should all of the text leaves be combined into one leaf?
If they should be combined, how can you concatenate variables into the text in React, while keeping it as one single leaf? This is my current code: <p>{cloudiness}% ({cloudinessDescription})</p>
How they are read aloud depends on the screen reader being used. VoiceOver reads it as one phrase, but that doesn't mean others will. Having it split up wouldn't be a nice experience, but it doesn't mean it's not accessible.
If you really want to make sure it's read as one phrase but don't like the noise of the template literal inside the JSX (I agree), why not define the string somewhere else until you are able to test on multiple screen readers?
const cloudinessSummary = `${cloudiness}% (${cloudinessDescription})`;
return <p>{cloudinessSummary}</p>;

Are these highlighted lines part of actual code?

I was randomly searching for help related to old dsp kit6713 and i came across some links,one of interest is below
On page 90/91 of document available on above link,there is a code,i have also attached snapshot of that code and highlighted the two lines with yellow color.
I wonder,in last line of snap,which value of filter_coeff (having red mark above)is being used here inside while loop in main function?from the two highlighted lines or the one below highlighted lines ?
In C single line comments begin with // so the two highlighted lines are comments which have no impact on the running code. The filter_coeff in use is the third one, the one that isn't highlighted. Presumably the three options are provided as common defaults. You could comment out the third filter_coeff and uncomment one of the others to change the band range, or you could presumably make your own filter_coeff if you knew exactly which values to use.

PDF: how do I find how much space will the text occupy when rendered?

I am writing a little PDF library in C. When generating PDF source code that is responsible for rendering text, I need to know how much space the rendered text occupies in order to render the next paragraph correctly.
How do I find out?
Thank you!
The mechanisms and math of PDF text rendering are exhaustively explained in the PDF specification ISO 32000-1. Most important are chapters 8 Graphics and 9 Text.
Essentially you need to know the current graphic state (which should be easy because you after all are the one who creates the PDF) and the metrics of the font you use and then calculate.
Most of these details are governed by the operators and calculations described in chapter 9 but one should not forget the current transformation matrix described in chapter 8.

how to (programmatically) scroll to a specific line in gtktextview/gtksourceview

I am creating a text editor as a way of getting more familiar with C and gtk+. I am using gtk+-2.0 & gtksourceview-2.0, and gtk_scrolled_window . As a first attempt at creating a goto function browser I thought I would just simply create an array of functions found in the document and a corresponding array of lines on which they occur. I have that much done. I was surprised to find that there is no goto line capability that I can easily find in devhelp. It sounds like gtk_text_view_scroll_to_mark () is what I want (after creating a mark), but all the *scroll_to functions require a within_margin, which to be honest I don't really understand.:
From devhelp:
The effective screen for purposes of this function is reduced by a margin of size within_margin.
What does that mean?
Am I even close? How can I create this scroll to line number functionality?
UPDATE: The following three functions were used to scroll to a line in the buffer:
gtk_text_iter_set_line (&start, lineNums[9]);
gtk_text_buffer_add_mark (tbuffer, scroll2mark, &start);
gtk_text_view_scroll_to_mark (text_view, scroll2mark, 0.0, TRUE, 0.0, 0.17);
The last parameter of gtk_text_view_scroll_to_mark was used to get the target line number to line up with the very top line in the buffer. I imagine this parameter will not work on all screen sizes, but I have not tested it.
The gtk_text_view_scroll_mark_onscreen function got me close to the line number, but it was just a couple of lines off the bottom of the text area.
The within_margin parameter controls the area of the screen in which the scrolled-to text should appear or more precisely it sets the amount of space at the border of the screen in which the text should not appear.
This exists so that when you set use_align to false (i.e. you don't want the text to appear at a specific position on the screen), you can still make sure that the text doesn't appear directly at the top of bottom of the screen (which might be bad for readability purposes).
If you don't care at all about the position at which the text will appear, you can use g_text_view_scroll_mark_on_screen which only takes the text view and a mark and no further arguments. This will always scroll the minimum amount to make the text appear on screen.
