Customize Winforms MenuStrip DropDown location and corners - winforms

I am trying to heavily customize a menu strip, and have made good progress with most of it. See below for customized rounded corners on hover (OnRenderMenuItemBackground)
I have already overridden the ProfessionalColorTable and ToolStripProfessionalRenderer to get a lot of the themeing
The last bits of customization I am struggling to implement are for
The location of the drop-down. It is currently a few pixels to the right of where I would like it to be (most likely due to some Marging/Padding on the ToolStripMenuItems), as well as too high. Is there a particular property I can override to set the location of the drop-down (and sub-drop-downs)?
The corners on the drop-down are sharp 90 degrees. I want to modify these to be smooth rounded corners like on my hover/OnRenderMenuItemBackground. What property is the best to override to do this?


How do I make dailaog box rounded rectangular in Codename One?

In my app a dialog box automatically captures a screen as a full rectangular area.
I want to change to rounded rectangular. Can I change the dialog box in theme.res in Codename One? Or do i need to write any code to change the dialog box to rounded rectangular?
I used method but when i change dialog as a rounded rectangular from theme.res. so it shows changes in theme which i used but in my application their is no required change is apply. It appear same as a previous.
so tell me their is any issue or what can i do for apply changes on my all dialog?
The Dialog UIID covers the entire Form due to the way dialogs are implemented (they are technically regular forms that cover everything).
We have the following builtin UIID's you can use:
If you just set the other two to have no border the DialogContentPane should work but won't include the title since that's outside of the content pane area. I would suggest defining the hideEmptyTitleBool theme constant to true in that case.
Our builtin Android/iOS dialogs are rounded and we used 9-piece borders to do that. We cut out the border for the DialogTitle which is rounded on top and square below and we cut out a border for DialogContentPane which is the mirror of that (rounded below and square on top). So they fit together perfectly.
Ideally we'll revisit this styling in the future as we try to make styling easier. All of this was done before our newer rounded border implementations existed and during the iOS 4.x period where the iOS Dialog design was more complicated.

Image glimmer or sparkle animation

I've been searching for awhile, but haven't been able to find anything. I'd like to be able to add kind of a glimmer or sparkly animation on an image element in wpf.
Essentially the effect here I'm after here is the same that you get with trading cards that are "foil's".
I'd like to have an image, and then be able to add this animation to it at will. I'm thinking maybe some kind of user control, or template possibly. Hopefully generic enough that I can just toss an image at it and it will just overlay the image and run.
Any ideas?
A simple construction that easily can be turned into a control is by nesting the image in a Grid and adding a second Grid (on top) as a sibling.
De second grid can be given a linear gradient brush that is primarily transparent but does contain a white glimmer.
This brush can be animated; you could move it and change the opacity of the grid/brush.
This way you do not change the image.

WPF, any easy way to work with different screen resolutions?

Given a WPF Application running full screen, a fair amount of controls some of which will animate from off screen to center. I was wondering if there are any special ways to save on the amount of time required to optimize an application for different screen resolutions?
For example, using Blend I've setup some text, which is originally off screen to scroll into view. Now in design mode the start positions are static. If resolution changes the start positions will obviously not be correct.
So I guess to correct this, during app startup. I need to
Check resolution
Move the text box to the desired start location
Adjust the storyboard as required, so the frames all have correct co-ordinates depending on the res of the screen.
I don't mind doing all of this, but if there is an easier way please share!
In WPF layout of controls should be made in such way, that when size of window or content changes, controls automaticaly resize/reposition themselves to reflect this change.
This is highly affected how your layout is made, especialy by using specific panels, that do layout of their child elements.
This is also made obvious by using device-independent units for sizes, margins and sometimes positions of controls. And also allows different kind of zooming and scaling of whole UI without any need to redesign the whole thing.
If you are trying to position your controls absolutely, either by using Canvas panel or margins, your are doing it totaly wrong.
In WPF, scene is measured in abstract units, not pixels, and controls are freely scaled. There should be no problems to center something, or what?

WPF: Changing the look of a Surface Listbox "click-effect"

I'm changing the look of some Controls that I use in my Microsoft Surface Application at the moment. And today I'm working on a SurfaceListBox.
I have the template for it and already changed background and borders and other stuff.
But I really cannot find where I can change the color of the rectangle that appears on the ListBoxItem when you touch the ListBox. At the moment it's just white and I want to change that.
It's not something like the effect that you can see when the item is selected. I already found that and changed that so my selected item now appears in a different color. But the effect in the second when you touch the item stays white.
So where can I change this effect?
If you mean the bright, white highlight that happens when you press your finger against an item you should look into the SurfaceShadowChrome. It's used by (almost) all surface controls to give feedback when the user is pressing on a control.
It does have a Color property that you can modify to suit your needs. Apart from the color, and the tweaking of corner radius and shadow offset, it's not a very flexible decorator. But hopefully, you'll be able to make it do what you need.

WPF Custom Draw Multiple Progress Bar

In processing a group of items, I wanted to display a unified image of the status of the group, so I essentially made a Grid of a number of progressbars with transparent backgrounds and various colored foregrounds all at the same cell.
I'm running into some transparency artifacts (purple bar is actually purple under the green, and sometimes it draws over the top, etc) and it just seems a bit wasteful. So, I decided to make my own, but now I've got a bit of paralysis on how to do it. Do I use the DrawingContext in FrameworkElement's OnRender, or is there something simpler? Is there a set of general rules when it comes to making your own control?
I pondered switching to a pie chart since those are easy to come by, but its high time I did something not off-the-shelf.
I'm not quite sure how you intend the progressbar to combine different progresses, but if say the furthest along progress is at the bottom of the z-index and the least along progress is at the top, then I'd do something on the lines of this:
1) I would probably create a user control for this new progresbar.
2) It would have a property called NumberOfProgresses, that is tied with an array containing status of said progresses.
3) Each progress would be represented by a Border item (or perhaps something more suitable up the visual tree), because it's a simple wpf control with a background property. The background property would be set to nice a looking progress style and the progress color can be bound in the style to say the border's borderbrush property. Making it easy to set the color of the progress.
4) The user control would have a method UpdateProgress which takes the percentage value and the index of the progress in the array as parameters.
5) As progresses are updated you can either, just calculate the appropriate width (user control actual width * percentage) for the border and play around with the Z index to get it displayed at the top/bottom, or stack the borders horizontaly, set the least along progress as first, then for the rest of the progresses you'd have to substract previous progresses lengths to get the same effect.
This way there would be no transparency induced artifacts and no OnRender()...
Mind you, in WPF there should be no reason to mess with OnRender this and OnRender that, like it was required in WinForms with OnPaint.
Just set up the elements via code to get the look you want, and let WPF do it's rendering ;)
I can imagine one problem with this user control though. You'd have to provide feedback to the user as to which color belongs to which progress. But that would probably take you back to square one, meaning it's better/simpler to just display multiple progressbars.
