MS SQL Server: Documenting a database with no constraints - sql-server

I'm working on a legacy system right now with a rather large MS-SQL database. The database has been growing and changing for ~20 years, but they've never put constraints in any of their tables. So, if you know that a table is on the many side of a join, the only way to discover that is to plumb through the stored procs and see how it's used (thanks SQL Search!).
Can anyone think of a way to document the relationships at least SEMI-automatically? The only thing I can think of is to write a console app which traverses the stored procs and notices where the joins are.
Thanks for any ideas.


Oracle temp tables: breaking a large query into steps

I've been working in Oracle World for 3 weeks after working in SQL Server Land for more than 4 years. Right now I'm finding Oracle's lack of local temp tables baffling.
In lieu of a data warehouse for reporting I've often been responsible for putting together reports from large amounts of normalized data. I quickly learned that cramming all of the logic into one gigantic query (i.e. one with many joins, sub-queries, correlated sub-queries, unions, etc.) was a recipe for terrible performance. Properly breaking the process into smaller steps and utilizing indexed temp tables (that you could create and alter on the fly within a procedure or an ad-hoc script) was often exponentially faster.
Enter Oracle... no local temp tables. I apparently can't even CREATE a global temporary table without being granted the permission to create permanent tables as well. I Googled "oracle temp table permission" and the first link returned is a forum question where the accepted answer starts with "As has been pointed out, it would be extremely unusual to want to have a user that could create global temporary tables but not permanent tables. I'm very hard-pressed to imagine a scenario where that would make sense." That's exactly what I could use in our prod environment. My SQL Server mind is blown.
I can almost accept having ONLY global temp tables to work with but is it really that unusual in Oracle to use them in this manner? What, if anything, can I do to implement some sort of similar step by step logic without using temp tables? How, within an ad-hoc script, can I save off and later reuse something similar to an indexed set of data? I'm obviously looking for something other than a subquery or a CTE.
I must be missing something...
unfortunalty we don't have such a privilege.but as workaround you can revoke any quota on permanent tablespaces then the user can't create any permanent table.of course in 11g with deferred segment creation feature users can create table but they cann't insert any row. because temp tables uses of temporary tablespaces they won't have any problem.

In SQL Server, should I create synonym for a table or a stored procedure?

If this has been answered elsewhere, please post a link to it, yell at me, and close this question. I looked around and saw similar things, but didn't find exactly what I was looking for.
I am currently writing several stored procedures that require data from another database. That database could be on another server or the same server, it just depends on the customer's network. I want to use a Synonym so that if the location of the table that I need data from changes, I can update the synonym once and not have to go back in to all of the stored procedures and update their references.
What I want to know is what the best approach is with a synonym. I read a post on SO before that said there was a performance hit when using a view or table (especially across a linked server). This may be due to SQL Server's ability to recognize indexes on tables when using synonyms. I can't find that post anymore or I would post a link to it. It was suggested that the best approach is to create a synonym for a stored procedure, and load the resulting data in to a memory or temp table.
I may not have my facts straight on that, though, and was hoping for some clarification. From what I can tell, creating and loading data in to memory tables generally accounts for a large percentage of the execution plan. Is using a stored procedure worth the extra effort of loading the data in to a table over just being able to run queries against a view or table? What is the most efficient way to get data from another database using a synonym?
Synonyms are just defined alias's to make redirection easier, they have no performance impact worth considering. And yes, they are advised for redirection, they do make it a lot easier.
What a synonym points to on the other hand can have a significant performance impact (this has nothing to do with the synonym itself).
Using tables and views in other databases on the same server-instance has a small impact. I've heard 10% quoted and I can fairly say that I have never observed it to be higher than that. This impact is mostly from reductions in the optimizers efficiency, as far as I can tell.
Using objects on other server-instances, whether through linked server definitions, or OpenQuery is another story entirely. These tend to be much slower, primarily because of the combined effects of MS DTC and the optimizer deciding to do almost no optimizations for the remote aspects of a query. This tends to be bearable for small queries and small remote tables, but increasingly awful the bigger the query and/or remote table is.
Most practitioners eventually decide on one of two fixes for this problem, either 1) If it is a table, then just copy the remote table rows to a local #temp table first and then query on that, or, 2) if it is more complex, then write a stored procedure on the remote server and then execute it with INSERT INTO..EXECUTE AT, to retrieve the remote info.
As for how to use/organize your synonyms, my advice would be to create a separate owner-schema in your database (with an appropriate name like [Remote]) and then put all of your Synonyms there. Then when you need to redirect, you can write a stored procedure that will automatically find all of the synonyms pointing to the old location and change them to the new location (this is how I do it). Makes it a lot easier to deal with location/name changes.
Choosing Option 1 or 2 depends on the nature of your query. If you can retrieve the data with a relatively simple Select with a good Where clause to restrict the number of rows then Option 1 is generally the best choice. DO NOT JOIN local and remote tables. Pull the remote data to a local #temp table and join the local tables on that temp table in a separate query.
If the query is more complex with multiple joins and/or complex Where conditions then retrieving the data into a local #temp table via a Remote procedure call is generally the best choice. Again, DO NOT JOIN local and remote procedures and minimize the number/size of the parameters to the remote procedure.
The balance point between "simple Select" and "complex Select" is a matter of knowing you data and testing.
HTH :)

SQL Server Database Optimization Strategy

I am starting a new project using SQL Server for a medical office. Their current database (SQL Server 2008) have over 500,000 rows that span across 15+ tables. Currently they are complaining that their data entry application is very slow to generate reports and insert new data.
For my new system I was thinking of developing a two tiered database approach where the primary used SQL Server 2012 will only contain 3 months worth of rows and the second SQL Server 2012 would maintain all the data for the system. This way when users insert new data it will be entered into a much smaller system and when they query recent data the query should execute much faster. This system will also have reporting, but I think the reports will have to be generated from the larger data set.
My questions are as follows
Will a solution like this improve the overall performance of the database
Are there any scalability concerns with this solution?
What is the best way to transfer that data between the two servers each night?
If my solution makes no sense please feel free to offer any other solutions.
Don't do this. Splitting your app into multiple databases will be a management nightmare. Plus, 500k records isn't that many, assuming that the records are of reasonable size.
Instead, go after the low-hanging fruit. Turn on logging and look at the access patterns. Which queries are slow? Figure out why. Do they lack indexes? Can the queries be simplified? Debug the problem.
Keep in mind that sometimes throwing hardware at the problem is the right solution. If you can solve the problem with an $800 server, do it. That's a lot cheaper than your time.
To chime in: 500K records is not so big. You ought to be able to make the db work very speedily as is with some tuning.

Log inserted/updated/deleted rows in all tables for a given database in SQL Server 2008

Whats the best way to track/Log inserted/updated/deleted rows in all tables for a given database in SQL Server 2008?
Or is there a better "Audit" feature in SQL Server 2008?
Short answer is that there is no one single solution fits all. It depends on the system but and requirements but here are couple different approaches.
DML Triggers
Relatively easy to implement, because you have to write one that works well for one table and then apply it to other tables.
Downside is that it can get messy when you have a lot of tables and even more triggers. Managing 600 triggers for 200 tables (insert, update and delete trigger per table) is not an easy task.
Also, it might cause a performance impact.
Creating audit triggers in SQL Server
Log changes to database table with trigger
Change Data Capture
Very easy to implement, natively supported but only in enterprise edition which can cost a lot of $ ;). Another disadvantage is that CDC is still not as evolved as it should be. For example, if you change your schema, history data is lost.
Transaction log analysis
Biggest advantage of this is that all you need to do is to put the database in full recovery mode and all info will be stored in transaction log
However, if you want to do this correctly you’ll need a third party log reader because this is not natively supported.
Read the log file (*.LDF) in SQL Server 2008
SQL Server Transaction Log Explorer/Analyzer
If you want to implement this I’d recommend you try out some of the third party tools that exist out there. I worked with couple tools from ApexSQL but there are also good tools from Idera and Netwrix
ApexSQL Log – auditing by reading transaction log
ApexSQL Comply – uses traces in the background and then parses those traces and stores results in central database.
Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned above.
Change Data Capture is designed to do what you want, but it requires each table be set up individually, so depending on the number of tables you have, there may be some logistics to it. It will also only store the data in capture tables for a couple of days by default, so you may need an SSIS package to pull it out and store for longer periods.
I don't remember whether there is already some tool for this, but you could always use triggers (then you will have access for temporal tables with changed rows- INSERTED and DELETED). Unfortunately, it could be quite a work to do if you would like to track all tables. I believe that there should be some simpler solution, but do not remember as I said.
Maybe this could be helpful:
--Change tracking
This allows you to do audits at the database level; it may or may not be enough to meet the business requirements, as database records usually don't make all that much sense without the logic to glue them together. For instance, knowing that user x inserted a record into the "time_booked" table with a foreign key to the "projects", "users", "time_status" tables may not make all that much sense without the SQL query to glue those 4 tables together.
You may also need to have each database user connect with their own user ID - this is fine with integrated security and a client app, but probably won't work with a website using a connection pool.
The sql server logs are not possible to analyze just like that. There are some 3rd party tools available to read the logs but as far as I know you can't query them for statistics and such. If you need this kind of info you'll have to create some sort of auditing to capture all these events in separate tables. You can use "DDL triggers".

Can SQL server 2008 handle 300 transactions a second?

In my current project, the DB is SQL 2005 and the load is around 35 transactions/second. The client is expecting more business and are planning for 300 transactions/second. Currently even with good infrastructure, DB is having performance issues. A typical transaction will have at least one update/insert and a couple of selects.
Have you guys worked on any systems that handled more than 300 txn/s running on SQL 2005 or 2008, if so what kind of infrastructure did you use how complex were the transactions? Please share your experience. Someone has already suggested using Teradata and I want to know if this is really needed or not. Not my job exactly, but curious about how much SQL can handle.
Its impossible to tell without performance testing - it depends too much on your environment (the data in your tables, your hardware, the queries being run).
According to its possible for SQL Server 2005 to get 1,379 transactions per second. Here is a link to a system that's done it. (There are SQL Server based systems on that site that have far more transactions... the one I linked was just the first I one I looked at).
Of course, as Kragen mentioned, whether you can achieve these results is impossible for anyone here to say.
Infrastructure needs for high performance SQL Servers may be very differnt than your current structure.
But if you are currently having issues, it is very possible the main part of your problem is in bad database design and bad query design. There are many way to write poorly performing queries. In a high transaction system, you can't afford any of them. No select *, no cursors, no correlated subqueries, no badly performing functions, no where clauses that aren't sargeable and on and on.
The very first thing I'd suggest is to get yourself several books on SQl Server peroformance tuning and read them. Then you will know where your system problems are likely to be and how to actually determine that.
An interesting article:
