Oracle temp tables: breaking a large query into steps - database

I've been working in Oracle World for 3 weeks after working in SQL Server Land for more than 4 years. Right now I'm finding Oracle's lack of local temp tables baffling.
In lieu of a data warehouse for reporting I've often been responsible for putting together reports from large amounts of normalized data. I quickly learned that cramming all of the logic into one gigantic query (i.e. one with many joins, sub-queries, correlated sub-queries, unions, etc.) was a recipe for terrible performance. Properly breaking the process into smaller steps and utilizing indexed temp tables (that you could create and alter on the fly within a procedure or an ad-hoc script) was often exponentially faster.
Enter Oracle... no local temp tables. I apparently can't even CREATE a global temporary table without being granted the permission to create permanent tables as well. I Googled "oracle temp table permission" and the first link returned is a forum question where the accepted answer starts with "As has been pointed out, it would be extremely unusual to want to have a user that could create global temporary tables but not permanent tables. I'm very hard-pressed to imagine a scenario where that would make sense." That's exactly what I could use in our prod environment. My SQL Server mind is blown.
I can almost accept having ONLY global temp tables to work with but is it really that unusual in Oracle to use them in this manner? What, if anything, can I do to implement some sort of similar step by step logic without using temp tables? How, within an ad-hoc script, can I save off and later reuse something similar to an indexed set of data? I'm obviously looking for something other than a subquery or a CTE.
I must be missing something...

unfortunalty we don't have such a privilege.but as workaround you can revoke any quota on permanent tablespaces then the user can't create any permanent table.of course in 11g with deferred segment creation feature users can create table but they cann't insert any row. because temp tables uses of temporary tablespaces they won't have any problem.


MS SQL Server: Documenting a database with no constraints

I'm working on a legacy system right now with a rather large MS-SQL database. The database has been growing and changing for ~20 years, but they've never put constraints in any of their tables. So, if you know that a table is on the many side of a join, the only way to discover that is to plumb through the stored procs and see how it's used (thanks SQL Search!).
Can anyone think of a way to document the relationships at least SEMI-automatically? The only thing I can think of is to write a console app which traverses the stored procs and notices where the joins are.
Thanks for any ideas.

In SQL Server, should I create synonym for a table or a stored procedure?

If this has been answered elsewhere, please post a link to it, yell at me, and close this question. I looked around and saw similar things, but didn't find exactly what I was looking for.
I am currently writing several stored procedures that require data from another database. That database could be on another server or the same server, it just depends on the customer's network. I want to use a Synonym so that if the location of the table that I need data from changes, I can update the synonym once and not have to go back in to all of the stored procedures and update their references.
What I want to know is what the best approach is with a synonym. I read a post on SO before that said there was a performance hit when using a view or table (especially across a linked server). This may be due to SQL Server's ability to recognize indexes on tables when using synonyms. I can't find that post anymore or I would post a link to it. It was suggested that the best approach is to create a synonym for a stored procedure, and load the resulting data in to a memory or temp table.
I may not have my facts straight on that, though, and was hoping for some clarification. From what I can tell, creating and loading data in to memory tables generally accounts for a large percentage of the execution plan. Is using a stored procedure worth the extra effort of loading the data in to a table over just being able to run queries against a view or table? What is the most efficient way to get data from another database using a synonym?
Synonyms are just defined alias's to make redirection easier, they have no performance impact worth considering. And yes, they are advised for redirection, they do make it a lot easier.
What a synonym points to on the other hand can have a significant performance impact (this has nothing to do with the synonym itself).
Using tables and views in other databases on the same server-instance has a small impact. I've heard 10% quoted and I can fairly say that I have never observed it to be higher than that. This impact is mostly from reductions in the optimizers efficiency, as far as I can tell.
Using objects on other server-instances, whether through linked server definitions, or OpenQuery is another story entirely. These tend to be much slower, primarily because of the combined effects of MS DTC and the optimizer deciding to do almost no optimizations for the remote aspects of a query. This tends to be bearable for small queries and small remote tables, but increasingly awful the bigger the query and/or remote table is.
Most practitioners eventually decide on one of two fixes for this problem, either 1) If it is a table, then just copy the remote table rows to a local #temp table first and then query on that, or, 2) if it is more complex, then write a stored procedure on the remote server and then execute it with INSERT INTO..EXECUTE AT, to retrieve the remote info.
As for how to use/organize your synonyms, my advice would be to create a separate owner-schema in your database (with an appropriate name like [Remote]) and then put all of your Synonyms there. Then when you need to redirect, you can write a stored procedure that will automatically find all of the synonyms pointing to the old location and change them to the new location (this is how I do it). Makes it a lot easier to deal with location/name changes.
Choosing Option 1 or 2 depends on the nature of your query. If you can retrieve the data with a relatively simple Select with a good Where clause to restrict the number of rows then Option 1 is generally the best choice. DO NOT JOIN local and remote tables. Pull the remote data to a local #temp table and join the local tables on that temp table in a separate query.
If the query is more complex with multiple joins and/or complex Where conditions then retrieving the data into a local #temp table via a Remote procedure call is generally the best choice. Again, DO NOT JOIN local and remote procedures and minimize the number/size of the parameters to the remote procedure.
The balance point between "simple Select" and "complex Select" is a matter of knowing you data and testing.
HTH :)

What are the problems with a join between two tables in two different databases?

I am interested in your thoughts about the the pitfalls of joining two or more tables from different databases. I'll try to give an example.
Suppose table Table1 is located in DatabaseA database and Table2 is located in DatabaseB .
Let's say i have a view, in DatabaseA that pulls out some data from Table1, and some other tables in DatabaseA'.
This view is used to push data to another database, let's call this one, unimaginatevely, DatabaseC.
If i need some data from Table2, my instinct is to join directly Table2 in this view, sort of like this table1 inner join DatabaseB..table2 on [some columns]
Doing this is pretty simple and quick, but i have a nagging voice in my head that keeps telling me not to do this. My worries are about not being able to track down all the objects depending on Table2, so if I change something there, I have to be very carefull and remember everywhere i use this table. So, sort of like breaking SRP for this view (and two databases), because this view can change from two different actions (performed on two different databases: Changing Table1 or changing Table2)
I am interested in your opinions. Is this a good or bad idea? What would be the problems with this approach (performance wise, maintainence wise and so on) and if you have a real world experience where this approach either was a big mistake or was a life saver for you.
P.S: I've searched this topic on google and SO, but could not find anything related to this. I will gladly take the minus votes, duplicate questions and other 'reprimands' from SO users just to have a different view on this problem.
P.P.S: I am using SQL Server 2005.
Thank you and hope i made myself clear:)
If they are on the same server, there is no real problem pulling from separate database. In fact, you may want to separate them for good reasons. For instance if you have a combination of transactional tables and lookup tables that are imported from files. The transactional data needs full recovery and frequent transactional log backups to be able to properly restore, the lookup data does not and can benefit from being in a database in simple recovery mode.
We have many different databases our applications use and we cross databases in queries all the time. As long as the indexing is done properly, there has been no noticable performance difference. The biggest potential issue is for data integrity as you can't set up foreign keys across databases. This can be handled in triggers if need be though.
Now when the databases are on different servers, there can be a performance problem and getting the data is more complicated.
Like everything else in SQL, it depends.
At my job, we do this a LOT. We have very large data sets, and separate DBs for header and detail level records, then additional DBs for reports or tables that we build off of other data, etc etc.
There's not really a performance issue from joining across DBs, and in some cases depending on your hardware setup it may be FASTER. If DatabaseA and DatabaseB are on separate physical drives with different controllers, it will likely be faster to run a query joining those than if they were in the same DB on the same volume.
Maintenance can be an issue but no more than for any other database/tables. It's not like you have different versions of the same tables, you just have those tables in different DBs.
The only major drawback is SQL Server does a poor job of showing intra-database dependencies, so you will need to keep track of these yourself. There are some scripts for this and also third party utilities, and I have heard that SQL Server Denali will add additional support for this but I'm not sure if that's accurate.
Your nagging voice is probably right.
Not least of the problems will be how to enforce declarative referential integrity since you cannot create foreign keys between databases, therefore sooner or later you will have to cope with inconsistent or mismatched or incomplete data.
But if you don't care about that, I don't see a problem :-)
Some general themes re cross-database joins:
Foreign keys
As others have pointed out, in the absence of foreign keys, you'll need to roll your own referential integrity. Not a problem in itself, but issues can surface when you're not in control of the data in one or more of the databases.
A related issue is the use of CASE tools. When reverse-engineering a schema, they will overlook links between tables where a FK->PK relationship doesn't exist.
If the database are on different servers then you're exposed to the vagaries of whatever else is running on those servers as well as the cost of running the join operation itself. Again, if the servers are all within your control, this is something you can monitor but this may may not be the case.
If your solution relies on other databases you have multiple points of failure. If a database goes down, this could cascade to one or more systems.
Data modification
Your solution may be coupled to what you believe to be static data in tables on another database. However, what if this were accidentally (or purposefully) amended, duplicated or deleted. Again, if the databases in question are out of your remit, other teams/departments may not be aware of how your system operates.
All this being, true, there are many cases where cross-database joins are the norm. A few examples I've seen:
Performant operations take place on the mart whilst the master data stash is kept on the repository. CRUD operations take place between the two on a frequent or infrequent basis (nightly update, real-time etc).
Legacy DB
You might expose a legacy database for data migration and or reporting/auditing purposes.
One or more of your databases may contain static lookup information which can be re-used.
So to answer your question - it depends on what exactly you're doing and whether the risk is acceptable. Other solutions exist such as replication but again, how feasible this is will depend on the structure of your department/company.
The answer to your questions depends.
I have noticed that there is no serious degradation in performance when you keep the queries nice and simple (fewer join etc).
The more complex the queries, the more chance that the optimizer will produce a suboptimal execution plan.
The optimizer ultimately gets to decide how to execute the query. The more complex the query, the more opportunity for the optimizer to get the order of operations "wrong".
I recently experimented with this problem...
I ran a query with roughly 8 joins on a single database. I then put up a copy of that database on the same server with a different name, and then I modified the query so that it would join to a couple tables in the second copy of the database.
As a single database query, it ran in under 3 seconds; expected given the volume of data.
The cross database joined query run in just under 3 minutes.
enter code here

Database design: one huge table or separate tables?

Currently I am designing a database for use in our company. We are using SQL Server 2008. The database will hold data gathered from several customers. The goal of the database is to acquire aggregate benchmark numbers over several customers.
Recently, I have become worried with the fact that one table in particular will be getting very big. Each customer has approximately 20.000.000 rows of data, and there will soon be 30 customers in the database (if not more). A lot of queries will be done on this table. I am already noticing performance issues and users being temporarily locked out.
My question, will we be able to handle this table in the future, or is it better to split this table up into smaller tables for each customer?
Update: It has now been about half a year since we first created the tables. Following the advices below, I created a handful of huge tables. Since then, I have been experimenting with indexes and decided on a clustered index on the first two columns (Hospital code and Department code) on which we would have partitioned the table had we had Enterprise Edition. This setup worked fine until recently, as Galwegian predicted, performance issues are springing up. Rebuilding an index takes ages, users lock each other out, queries frequently take longer than they should, and for most queries it pays off to first copy the relevant part of the data into a temp table, create indices on the temp table and run the query. This is not how it should be. Therefore, we are considering to buy Enterprise Edition for use of partitioned tables. If the purchase cannot go through I plan to use a workaround to accomplish partitioning in Standard Edition.
Start out with one large table, and then apply 2008's table partitioning capabilities where appropriate, if performance becomes an issue.
Datawarehouses are supposed to be big (the clue is in the name). Twenty million rows is about medium by warehousing standards, although six hundred million can be considered large.
The thing to bear in mind is that such large tables have a different physics, like black holes. So tuning them takes a different set of techniques. The other thing is, users of a datawarehouse must understand that they are dealing with huge amounts of data, and so they must not expect sub-second response (or indeed sub-minute) for every query.
Partitioning can be useful, especially if you have clear demarcations such as, as in your case, CUSTOMER. You have to be aware that partitioning can degrade the performance of queries which cut across the grain of the partitioning key. So it is not a silver bullet.
Splitting tables for performance reasons is called sharding. Also, a database schema can be more or less normalized. A normalized schema has separate tables with relations between them, and data is not duplicated.
I am assuming you have your database properly normalized. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with the data volume you refer to on a single table in SQL Server; what I think you need to do is review your indexes.
Since you've tagged your question as 'datawarehouse' as well I assume you know some things about the subject. Depending on your goals you could go for a star-schema (a multidemensional model with a fact and dimensiontables). Store all fastchanging data in 1 table (per subject) and the slowchaning data in another dimension/'snowflake' tables.
An other option is the DataVault method by Dan Lindstedt. Which is a bit more complex but provides you with full flexibility.
In a properly designed database, that is not a huge anmout of records and SQl server should handle with ease.
A partioned single table is usually the best way to go. Trying to maintain separate indivudal customer tables is very costly in termas of time and effort and far more probne to errors.
Also examine you current queries if you are experiencing performance issues. If you don't have proper indexing (did you for instance index the foreign key fields?) queries will be slow, if you don't have sargeable queries they will be slow if you used correlated subqueries or cursors, they will be slow. Are you returning more data than is striclty needed? If you have select * anywhere in your production code, get rid of it and only return the fields you need. If you used views that call views that call views or if you used EAV table, you willhave performance iisues at this level. If you allowed a framework to autogenerate SQl code, you may well have badly perforimng queries. Remember Profiler is your friend. Of course you could also have a hardware issue, you need a pretty good sized dedicated server for that number of records. It won't work to run this on your web server or a small box.
I suggest you need to hire a professional dba with performance tuning experience. It is quite complex stuff. Databases desigend by application programmers often are bad performers when they get a real number of users and records. Database MUST be designed with data integrity, performance and security in mind. If you didn't do that the changes of having them are slim indeed.
Partioning is definately something to look into. I had a database that had 2 tables sharded. Each table contained around 30-35million records. I have since merged this into one large table and assigned some good indexes. So far, I've not had to partition this table as it's working a treat, but I'm keep partitioning in mind. One thing that I have noticed, compared to when the data was sharded, and that's the data import. It is now slower, but I can live with that as the Import tool can be re-written ;o)
One table and use table partitioning.
I think the advice to use NOLOCK is unjustified based on the information given. NOLOCK means you will get inaccurate and unreliable results from your queries (dirty and phantom reads). Before using NOLOCK you need to be sure that's not going to be a problem for your customers.
Is this a single flat table (no particular model)? Typically in data warehouses, you either have a normalized data model (third normal form at least - usually in an entity-relationship-model) or you have dimensional data (Kimball method or variations - usually fact tables with associated dimension tables in a set of stars).
In both cases, indexes play a large part, and partitioning can also play a part in getting queries to perform (but partitioning is not usually about performance but about maintenance being able to add and drop partitions quickly) over very large data sets - but it really depends on the order of aggregation and the types of queries.
One table, then worry about performance. That is, assuming you are collecting the exact same information for each customer. That way, if you have to add/remove/modify a column, you are only doing it in one place.
If you're on MS SQL server and you want to keep the single table, table partitioning could be one solution.
Keep one table - 20M rows isn't huge, and customers aren't exactly the kind of table that you can easily 'archive off', and the aggrevation of searching multiple tables to find a customer isn't worth the effort (SQL is likely to be much more efficient at BTree searching than your own invention is)
You will need to look into the performance and locking issues however - this will prevent your db from scaling.
You can also create supplemental tables that hold already calculated details on historical information if there are common queries.

Migrate and Merge several databases into one

In an update project i have to do the following:
Move 3 databases from SQL2000 to SQL2005 and merge them at the same time. There are already quite a few cross database queries used in SP's and Views.
The current plan is to move each of the old databases into a separate schema in 1 database.
That means we will also have to change our current SP's and Views, we now have:
SELECT OrderId, OrderDate FROM Sales.dbo.Orders
and expect we will have to change that into
SELECT OrderId, OrderDate FROM Sales.Orders
The question is: how do we do that as automated as possible?
I know about SED and similar for changing the scripts. I would welcome tips about how to be 'smart' about this, like strategies for partitioning the scripts, performance (tons of INSERT INTO lines) etc.
Note: I did look at the Import/Export Wizard but apparently I would have to set the Schema manually on each output table and fix the SP's through ALTER scripts anyway.
I did this a couple of years ago, and I ran into a few problems that you want to be aware of.
You've got a single SQL 2000 database server with 3 databases, A/B/C
You want all of the objects to end up in SQL 2005 in database A (we'll refer to that as the Target)
You want to get rid of databases B and C eventually (the old Sources)
You don't have a full-blown test environment where you can automatically restore your production databases every day, and script this again and again until it's right. (That's the best way, and I've taken that approach too, but it's labor-intensive.)
Here's my hard lessons learned:
Don't do the merge and the SQL 2005 change the same day. Either do the merge before you go to 2005, or after, but don't try to accomplish it all in a single outage. It'll be a finger-pointing mess. If it was me, I'd go to 2005 first just to get it out of the way. That way, I know anything that breaks isn't because of a schema change, and those types of breaks are easier to fix. You want at least a week of end user activity on the 2005 box before you declare victory and move on to the merge.
Build the new objects in Target ahead of time. Even if they're not being queried in your live production apps, go ahead and build 'em now. That way you can populate fake test data in there to test your applications ahead of time. Yes, this means mixing live and test data, but frankly, you're already out there working without a net. Be wary of identity fields, though, since you can end up with conflicting records with the same identity number but different data in the Target and Source databases.
Create views in Target ahead of time. You mentioned that you've got views that already do cross-database queries. Copy those from Source to Target now, and tell any other developers (report guys, power users) to start referring to the Target views instead. This isn't going to speed up your own work, but it speeds up THEIR work. If you can get to the point where you can verify that they're only hitting Target (even though the Target views still point to tables in Source) then it'll make troubleshooting easier on migration day. Then you can start denying permissions on the Source views ahead of time.
Sync tables ahead of time. Make a list of all of the tables that need to be moved out of the Sources, and for each one, analyze how it's being updated. If it's only being inserted into (not updated or deleted), like a log table, then write a T-SQL script to start keeping it in sync in Target. Run that script via a SQL Agent job during periods of low activity on your server, like nightly. This way, when it's go-live day, you won't have to push as many records around, meaning your go-live window will be smaller and your Target transaction logs can stay smaller. Tables that are being constantly updated or deleted aren't as easy, and it's up to you whether you decide to sync those as well. We did it for any tables over a million lines.
Check for record conflicts between the Source databases. It sounds like this one doesn't apply to you specifically, but I'm noting it here in case anybody else does a merge and they're reading it for tips. If you have more than one Source database, dump out the list of objects. If you've got two objects with the same name, check their schema. I've worked with instances where they had a State or Region table in each database, and they were supposed to be identical, but they had identity fields for their primary keys. Each child table (like Customers, which linked to a Region table) referred to the parent table (Region) by the primary key (identity field) - which didn't match from one database to the other. In that case, the smart thing to do is take an outage window ahead of time, before the migration day, to clean those records up with manual update scripts.
Disable any constraints or foreign key relationships
Change the identity fields (if they're lookup tables, you may be able to turn off the identity stuff and just run with manually specified pk numbers)
Modify the Region table to add a NewID field, matching to what it's going to become, and an OldID field, showing what it used to be
Update all of the child tables (Customers) to use the NewID number instead of the original
Update the Region table so that the real ID field now has the NewID value, and the OldID field has what the Region used to be. (You're probably going to screw something up like miss a child table you didn't know about, and you're going to wonder what it used to be.)
Break the migration into pieces. List every stored proc in all of the databases. If any of them can be moved without moving data, do that first. For example, if you've got Source.dbo.usp_RunReport, and it only refers to tables in the Target database, then do that in a first phase. If you've got small system lookup tables that are only used internally in your app, not visible to customers or reports, then put that in the first phase too. It sounds like it's too small to bother with, but the idea is to reduce the amount of panic on migration day. The less you wonder about, the better you can troubleshoot. We moved every static lookup table (State, Region, Calendar, etc) over ahead of time. The amount of work required in Phase 1 - just moving those small, static tables - got management to understand how huge it was going to be to move the rest, and it bought us resources and time we wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
Pre-grow the data files for Target. If you're not using SQL 2005's new Instant File Initialization, data file growths take quite a while. Enable Instant File Initialization if you've got a choice, then grow the data files to make sure they're not fragmented. If they just grow naturally during your migration day, they can be fragmented. If you can't use Instant File Initialization, you still need to pre-grow the files, but you want to do that ahead of time during periods of low activity to speed up the maintenance window.
On migration day, run your inserts one table at a time, or smaller. You want to keep your insert transactions as tight as possible. The smaller your insert transactions, the less space you'll need in the transaction log. Remember that the transaction log will grow with insert statements even in simple mode. After every round of inserts, do a sanity check to make sure that they worked, and that you're not going to run out of drive space for data files or t-log files.
After the updates finish, change security on the Source databases. Put every non-SA login into the dbdenydatareader and dbdenydatawriter roles in the Source databases. That way they can still log in if they've hard-coded the database name in the connection string, but they won't be able to do anything. This makes your troubleshooting easier too: if an app or a query runs into problems, you could consider taking their login out of the deny roles and see if it works - if it does, it's borked. The risk with that is that they might run a transaction that uses the Source database data to update the Target database (get customers from Source, update them in Target) and it might cause issues.
Other options for the Source databases are:
Rename them, so you can still query 'em but the apps won't touch 'em
Detach them, but keep the files available in case you need to troubleshoot
Strip out all logins, and use new logins to access the existing databases just in case. Then if somebody's read-only report is totally borked, you can let it work temporarily by issuing them a new login and telling them it's referring to the wrong database.
After the updates finish, rebuild indexes & statistics on Target. If you're just doing continuous inserts, this isn't a big deal, but if you're merging multiple databases (like two Sales databases that had been broken up into regions of the country) then you'll want to clean things up.
IMHO, use one schema unless you can justify a gain from multiple schemas. This last one is just my two cents, but it sounds like you're going through an awful lot of work to go from 3 databases 1 schema each, to 1 database with 3 schemas. If you're not really sure about the 3 schema thing, you might consider using 1 schema - or else you'll be in another messy rework later on down the road. 3 schemas does make sense if you have specific security needs, but otherwise, just make sure you're getting the bang for the buck that you want. Now would be a great time to go to one schema.
You could give Redgate SQL Compare and Data Compare a shot. They have a schema mapping feature that should let you map the dbo schema to the sales schema in another and then move the tables and procs. It would make it so you don't have to mess with the SQL export wizard. You still would have to refactor your other objects though.
I love these two tools.
I think you can get a fully functional demo too.
Additionally, they offer SQL Refactor, which does a 'smart' rename. Score!
Could you have a dummy database called SALES that has a VIEW called [Orders]:
CREATE VIEW Sales.dbo.Orders
SELECT OrderId, OrderDate, ...
FROM CombinedDatabase.Sales.Orders
and then
SELECT ... FROM Sales.dbo.Order
will still work.
You won't be able to INSERT / UPDATE that table without some further jiggery-pokery though.
If you could have such VIEWs log that they were used that would enable you to fix the code that called them!! but I can't think of a way to do that; however you could disable each in turn, run some tests, fix whatever is broken, then move on to next one ... and thus eradicate them by refactoring, but have a largely working application during the process.
I've used SED for this type of thing, but we have unique names for all our tables and all our columns, and we use variable names within our application that match the database column names - so I would have high confidence that changing xxx_yyy_ID to aaa_bbb_ID in our application would work well, and not have accidental side effects.
If you have actual column/table names like "Sales" and "Orders" I think that something like SED would be risky
Ok, so my basic understanding of your problem is something like this:
You have three different databases (i.e. Sales, Manu, Inventory)
They have distinct table & procedure names (no table/proc names in Sales exist in Manu or Inventory)
You want all the tables/procs from all three databases in a single database (i.e. SaleManInv)
Some stored procedures in each database explicitly refer to tables in the other databases (i.e. Sales.dbo.lookupItem() explicitly refers to Inventory.dbo.Items table)
Exporting and importing the tables doesn't seem like it will be a problem, what I would do for the procs:
Export one proc from the SQL Server 2000 db to the SQL Server 2005 DB to determine if you need to get rid of the ".dbo." portion of the cross references.
Export all the procs to text files (same folder for all procs)
Use a text editor with a "Search and Replace in Files" (I use PSPAD) and replace all the "Sales.dbo." with "SaleManInv.dbo.", then all the "Iventory.dbo." with "SameManInv.dbo." etc. to convert all the references to the new db.
Then run the exported and modified procs into your new db.
Is that making any sense? :-)
I was in a similar position where I had several SQL Server 2008 databases that were merged into 1. My solution was to use Integration Services' Transfer Server Objects task into a new target database. All data was copied over along with tables. Afterwards - in what was a very complex query, I scripted out all stored procedures/functions/views/etc. to a file and changed all cross-database references and re-created the stored procedures and other objects.
The trick with the stored procedures was to script them out in the order or syscontraints in order to ensure that stored procedures or functions that were referencing other stored procedures/functions internally were created last.
If there was a tool that I felt could have handled this task in an automated fashion, I would have purchased it immediately.
I would like to know if it's same kind of data. Any way. I would create a new column with the name 'SourceSystem'. So when the boss comes running after:
" - what was the sales diff between databasesystem1 and db2 in 2004".
Then you can answer that. Then in a year or two, if that questions don't pop up. You can delete that column. Merging data removes the origin of the data.
