I was trying to configure AD Connect to allow Hybrid join. When the app ask for Global Administrator credentials I got an error that I need to Restart Azure AD Connect with the / Interactive Auth.
When I did that using terminal and command AzureADConnect.exe /InteractiveAuth I cannot open AD Connect app anymore.
It shows - This app cannot run on your PC
OS version - MS Server 2022
#Marcis As per the prerequisites mentioned here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/hybrid/how-to-connect-install-prerequisites#:%7E:text=note%20that%20Windows%20Server%202022%20is%20not%20yet%20supported. Azure AD Connect installation on Windows Server 2022 is not yet supported.
I've installed the latest version of MS AAD Connect Provisioning Agent (1.1.997.0), however the authentication step fails with the error "Please provide the Azure AD credentials of a global administrator or a hybrid administrator." I've tried both types (a gAdmin account as well as a hybrid identity admin) with no success. Is there a known issue?
I just followed the instructions as documented by MS.
downloaded and installed the latest version of the agent from AAD Connect cloud sync provisioning blade.
Once the agent installs the AAD authentication wizard launches but no matter which creds I use (global or hybrid admin), the error persists.
Instructions: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/cloud-sync/tutorial-pilot-aadc-aadccp
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got below error with Non-Admin Account credentials
Steps to Create AAD Connect Configuration:
1)Download the AAD Connect tool here and install.
2)Select Customize -> Choose any sign in method (For testing I selected password hash synchronization) -> Next
3)Make sure to enter Global admin credentials to sync to Azure AD.
4)Enter your On-Prem DC Admin credentials to verify the DC access, you will get below screen once you validate both Azure AD Global and DC Admin Credentials.
5)Complete next steps and finish the installation.
6)Verify Sync after completing the AAD installation.
7)Open Synchronization Service Manager and check sync Status.
8)Also check the status in Azure Portal
To disable IE Enhanced Security, you can follow below steps:
Go to Server Manager -> Local Servers -> IE Enhanced Security Configuration -> Select Off
So we have Azure AD synced with our on-premise domain. We have an Azure SQL Server configured with the active directory admin. We also have a non Azure SQL server running on a virtual machine in Azure that is domain joined to this same domain. The following are the results of using the various authentication mechanisms offered by SQL Management Studio (SSMS). Can someone explain why the failures occur with the various options that should be supported?
Facts about environment:
Passthrough authentication is the sign-in method configured on AD Connect
Password hash sync is also enabled so password hashes are stored in Azure AD
Azure SQL is configured with Active Directory admin
Latest version of SSMS was downloaded when performing these test
On premise account was used to test all scenarios
Domain joined client connecting to Azure SQL from SSMS
Active Directory Password (PASS)
Active Directory Universal (PASS)
Windows Integrated (FAIL - not supported by Azure SQL)
Active Directory Integrated (FAIL – see error below)
Failure when client is standard domain joined client
Failure when client is Azure domain joined client
Domain joined client connecting to non-Azure SQL hosted on same domain
Active Directory Integrated (PASS)
Windows Integrated (PASS)
Active Directory Password (FAIL – Login failed for user ‘’)
Active Directory Universal (FAIL – Login failed for user ’’)
This issue may be related with the AD Syncing options. Verify in your environment that AD is not syncing passwords into the tenant. This prevents AD Integration Authentication and AD Password Authentication. The only authentication that works on these cases is AD Universal Authentication, as your test shows.
It looks to me that his is an ADAL problem (WSTrust) related to network configuration. Please create a support case and work with the support team to solve this problem
I need to connect my web app on Azure to our on site SQL Server instance via Windows authentication (not via SQL Server account authentication). Active Directory is already integrated with the on-site AD and therefore all of the users are available there.
My question is, is it possible to hook up an azure web app to an on-site SQL Server via Windows authentication.
is it possible to hook up an azure web app to an on-site SQL Server via Windows authentication.
Base on my option, it maybe that we couldn’t do that. As we have been limited to do that operation for azure WebApp. There is also another SO thread mentioned that.
If we want to connect to on premise SQL Server, we can use hybrid connections to access on-premises SQL server database in Azure WebApp, more info please refer to the document.
If we want to authenticate the WebApp with local Active Directory, and we have an on-premises secure token service (STS) like Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), we could use that to federate authentication for our Azure WebApp. More info please refer to the document.
Hybrid connections at this time does not support AD accounts due to
because you cannot domain join an App Service worker
I have an Active Directory on an AWS EC2 Instance (Windows 2012 R2). I'm in the process of installing Tableau Server 10.0 on another AWS EC2 Instance (Windows 2012 R2). When running the Tableau Server Configuration tool. I'm prompted to enter the domain of the Active Directory
Please ignore the Radio Button for Active Directory selection is grayed out for now as I keep trying and reinstalling
I'm stuck on what to put for the Domain. I know my AD Domain is named "ABCD.loc" but that doesn't seem to authenticate when I try to setup a Tableau Admin user.
Both the Tableau and AD EC2 Instances are on the same Network in AWS.
I have a question about how to configure my web site and IIS using Active Directory.
I have a web app which will be running exclusively on our company's internal network. The SQL Database that the app needs to connect to (via active directory) can only be accessed by one specific AD user DBAccess but I am using Windows Authentication mode to validate my users. I would put the identity impersonate right into my Web.Config but the DB user does not have rights on the web server computer.
How would I configure IIS to use the DB Access user for connecting to the SQL Server and not for running locally on the web server?
Thanks in advance and sorry if this is a bit basic.
Set the application pool your application is using to run as the user you wish to connect to the DB as.
Add Integrated Security=true; to your connection string.