In ADF how can we start an auto trigger - database

When the user enter a data or file the trigger will automatically start no need to run the pipeline or trigger it manually
I have tried by using event trigger but not got the satisfactory result


How to create a custom in-app notification in Salesforce?

In Salesforce lightning I see a bell icon in the top right corner which displays notifications. I have a custom object and I would like to know if it is possible to create a notification inside Salesforce when the record value changes.
Yes, you can create a task whenever a record is getting changed on the desired object. Task will help you to get notified whenever a record is changed
Creating task based on record change can be done using apex triggers.

Check_mk event triggered

I am using checK_mk 1.2.6p12 version I want to trigger an event on arrival of certain messages of crictical state.
But I am unable to find where to put my shell script so that it performs actions if something goes down.
please help me out am stuck on it.In my Global Settings no error console options is showing.
Not sure 1.2 is the same, maybe it helps for 1.4 version or you already solved it.
Go to Event Console, click in Settings.
Create an Action, and choose in the "Type of Action" choose "Execute via Shell Script" and write your own script.
Create a Rule Pack.
Create a Rule with "Match syslog priority" option to CRITICAL.
Send an event and see if it trigger your Action.

Back-end updates with changes made via inline editing on ExtJS Summary Grid?

While I am trying to track changes made via inline editing on ExtJS Grid (with SummaryGrouping), I want to know what is the best way to update the back-end which is domino database record.
Obviously I dont want to update on each and every edit but to see if there is a way the changes can be temporarily stored and later via a submit button can be updated on the back-end using agent etc.
Please suggest.
Thanks in advance
All changes the user has made while editing grid are stored locally at client in the grid store provided that the store is not configure with autoSync:true. For saving changes, you need to have a button with handler that would call
manually. See that store has a valid proxy and writer configured.
See also this example

Is it a good idea to implement delete confirmation in ADF using Task Flows?

I want to implement delete confirmation dialog in Oracle ADF using a Taskflow which opens a popup dialog with OK and Cancel buttons.
If OK pressed "commit" operation happens and if Cancel pressed "rollback" operation happened.
Is it a good idea to implement delete confirmation in ADF using Task Flows?
There is a faster way to do it using clientListener with javascript confirm which is faster and does the same thing.
We can implement delete operation confirmation dialog using af:dialog like the following example : Oracle ADF Code Corner-Example 77
But I want to implemet this using ADF Task flows which are more readable.
After creating a task flow like this , I could Implement delete operation confirmation dialog like this.

ios 6.1.3 : No calendar has been set

I am trying to save an event on a device running ios 6.1.3 however I keep getting the error 'No calendar has been set'.
I have used the requestAccessToEntity:completion: to gey user permission however the EventStore still gives error even after user allows access.
The application runs on the simulator and on devices running ios 6.0.
I've seen the same problem on 6.1.3 and 6.1.4.
If you're trying to create the event in the completion block of requestAccessToEntity:completion:, you can't create the event in that block if you also create the EKCalendar.
Call requestAccessToEntity:completion:
If successful, create new EKCalendar inside completion block
Outside of the completion block, create your new EKEvent using your new EKCalendar and add it
