ARM GCC + Cortex M4: Calling address as function generates BLX instead of BL - c

I build as little OS for a CortexM4 CPU which is able to receive compiled binaries over UART and schedule them dynamically. I want to use that feature to craft a testsuite which uploads test programs being able to directly call OS functions like memory allocation without doing a SVC. Therefor I need to cast the fixed addresses of those OS routines to function pointers. Now, casting of memory addresses resulting in wrong / non-thumb instruction code - BL is needed instead of BLX, resulting in HardFaults.
void (*functionPtr_addr)(void);
functionPtr_addr = (void (*)()) (0x0800084C);
This is the assembly when calling this function
8000838: 4b03 ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; (8000848 <idle+0x14>)
800083a: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
800083c: 4798 blx r3
Is there a way to force the BL instruction for such a case? It works with inline assembly, I could write macros but it would be much cleaner do it this way.
The code gets compiled and linked, among other things, with
-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb.
gcc version 12.2.0 (Arm GNU Toolchain 12.2.MPACBTI-Bet1 (Build arm-12-mpacbti.16))

bl instruction is limited in range. The compiler does not know where your code will be placed so it can't know if the instruction bl can be used.
resulting in HardFaults.
The address passed to blx has to be odd on Cortex-M4 uCs to execute the code in the Thumb mode. Your address is even and the uC tries to execute ARM code not supported by this core.


Clang-15 vs Clang-14 local static init guards

I'm using Clang++ to compile for a Cortex-M0+ target, and in moving from version 14 to version 15 I've found a difference in the code generated for guard variables for local statics.
So, for example:
int main()
static knl::QueueN<uint32_t, 8> valQueue;
Clang-14 generates the following:
ldr r0, .LCPI0_4
ldrb r0, [r0]
dmb sy
lsls r0, r0, #31
beq .LBB0_8
Clang-15 now generates:
ldr r0, .LCPI0_4
movs r1, #2
bl __atomic_load_1
lsls r0, r0, #31
beq .LBB0_8
Why the change? Was the Clang 14 code incorrect?
Note that an important consequence of this is that the second case actually requires an implementation of __atomic_load_1 to be provided from somewhere external to the compiler (e.g. -latomic), whereas the first doesn't.
See for the LLVM devs' response to this.
Neither one is wrong. It's just that in the first version, the code to do the atomic load is inlined, and in the second version it's called as a library function instead. If you look at the code within __atomic_load_1 you will probably find it executes the exact same instructions, or equivalent ones.
Each way has pros and cons. The inline version avoids the overhead of a function call, while the library version makes it possible to select code at runtime that is best optimized for the features of the actual runtime CPU.
The difference could be a conscious design change between clang versions, or a difference in the code gen and optimization options you used, or different configuration options when your clang installation was built. Someone else might know more details about what controls this. But it isn't anything to worry about as far as proper behavior of your code.

GCC startup code _start does not end in main()

I could only find bits and pieces of information on the symbol _start, which is called from the target startup code in order to establish the C runtime environment. This would be necessary to ensure that all initialized global/static variables are properly loaded prior to branching to main().
In my case, I am using an MCU with an ARM Cortex-R4F core CPU. When the device resets, I implement all of the steps recommended by the MCU manufacturer then attempt to branch to the symbol _start using the following lines of code:
extern void _start(void);
I am using something similar to the following to link the program:
armeb-eabi-gcc-7.5.0" -marm -fno-exceptions -Og -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -g -gdwarf-3 -gstrict-dwarf -Wall -mbig-endian -mcpu=cortex-r4 -Wl,-Map,"" --entry main -static -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--build-id=none -specs="nosys.specs" -o[OUTPUT FILE NAME HERE] [ALL OBJECT FILES HERE] -Wl,-T[LINKER COMMAND FILE NAME HERE]
My toolchain in this case is gcc-linaro-7.5.0-2019.12-i686-mingw32_armeb-eabi, which is being used since my MCU device is big-endian.
As I trace through the call to symbol _start, I can see my program branch to symbol _start then a few unexpected things happen.
First, there are a couple of places where the following instruction is called:
EF123456 svc #0x123456
This basically generates a software interrupt, which causes the program to branch to the software interrupt handler that I have configured for the device.
Secondly, the device eventually branches to __libc_init_array then _init. However, symbol _init does not contain any branch instruction and allows the program to flow into _fini, which also does not contain any branch instruction and allows the program to flow into whatever code was placed next in memory. This eventually causes some type of abort exception, as would be expected.
The disassembly associated with _init and _fini:
00003b00: E1A0C00D mov r12, r13
00003b04: E92DDFF8 push {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r14, pc}
00003b08: E24CB004 sub r11, r12, #4
00003b0c: E1A0C00D mov r12, r13
00003b10: E92DDFF8 push {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r14, pc}
00003b14: E24CB004 sub r11, r12, #4
Based on some other documentation I read, I also attempted to call main() directly, but this just caused the program to jump to main() without initializing anything. I also tried to call symbol __main() similar to what is done when using the ARM Compiler in order to execute startup code, but this symbol is not found.
Note that this is for a bare-metal-ish system that does not use semihosting.
My question is: Is there a way to set up the system and call a function that will establish the C runtime environment automatically and branch to main() using the GCC linker?
For the time being, I have implemented my own function to initialize .data sections and the .bss sections are already being zeroed at reset using a built in feature of the MCU device.
Adding some more details here:
The specific MCU that I am using should not be relevant, particularly taking the following discussion into consideration.
First, I have already set up the exception vectors for the device in an assembler file:
.section .excvecs,"ax",%progbits
.type Exc_Vects, %object
.size Exc_Vects, .-Exc_Vects
// See DDI0363G, Table 3-6
b c_int00 // Reset vector
b exc_undef // Undefined instruction
b exc_software // Software
b exc_prefetch // Pre-fetch abort
b exc_data // Data abort
b exc_invalid // Invalid vector
There are two instructions that follow for the IRQ and FIQ interrupts as well, but they are set according to the MCU datasheet. I have defined handlers for the undefined instruction, prefetch abort, data abort and invalid vector exceptions. For the software exception I use some assembly to jump to an address that can be changed at runtime. My startup sequence begins at c_int00. These have all been tested and work with no problems.
My reset handler takes care of all of the steps needed for initializing the MCU in accordance with the MCU datasheet. This include initializing CPU registers and the stack pointers, which are loaded using symbols from the linker file.
The toolchain that I am using, noted above, includes the C standard libraries and other libraries needed to compile and link my program with no problems. This includes the symbol _start that I mentioned previously.
From what I understand, the function _start typically wraps main(). Before it calls main() it initializes .bss and .data sections, configures the heap, as well as performing some other tasks to set up the environment. When main() returns, it performs some clean up tasks and branches to a designated exit() function. (Side note: _start is defined in newlib based on the source code that I downloaded from linaro).
There is some detail regarding this in a separate response here:
What is the use of _start() in C?
I have been using the ARM Compiler as an alternative for the same project. There, __main performs these functions. For the stack initialization, I basically provide it an empty hook function and for exit I provide it with a function that safely terminates the program should main() return for some reason. I am not sure if something like this is needed for GCC.
I would note that I have included option -specs="nosys.specs" without option -nostartfiles. My understanding is that this avoids implementing some of the functions that do not want to use in my application, such as I/O operations, but links the startup code.
I am not using the heap in my project as dynamic memory use is frowned upon, but I was hoping to be able to use the startup code primarily in order to avoid having to remember to initialize .data sections manually. Above I noted that my application is baremetal-ish. I am actually using an RTOS and have the memory partitioned into blocks so that I can use the device MPU.

Illegal instruction when running simple ELLCC-generated ELF binary on a Raspberry Pi

I have an empty program in LLVM IR:
define i32 #main(i32 %argc, i8** %argv) nounwind {
ret i32 0
I'm cross-compiling it on Intel x86-64 Windows for ARM Linux using ELLCC, with the following command:
ecc++ hw.ll -o hw.o -target arm-linux-engeabihf
It completes without errors and generates an ELF binary.
When I take the binary to a Raspberry Pi Model B+ (running Raspbian), I get only the following error:
Illegal instruction
I don't know how to tell what's wrong from the disassembled code. I tried other ARM Linux targets but the behavior was the same. What's wrong?
The exact same file builds, links and runs fine for other targets like i386-linux-eng, x86_64-w64-mingw32, etc (that I could test on), again using the ELLCC toolchain.
Assuming the library and startup code isn't at fault, this is what the disassembly of main itself looks like:
.text:00010188 e24dd008 sub sp, sp, #8
.text:0001018c e3002000 movw r2, #0
.text:00010190 e58d0004 str r0, [sp, #4]
.text:00010194 e1a00002 mov r0, r2
.text:00010198 e58d1000 str r1, [sp]
.text:0001019c e28dd008 add sp, sp, #8
.text:000101a0 e12fff1e bx lr
I'd guess it's choking on the movw at 0x0001018c. The movw/movt encodings which can handle full 16-bit immediate values first appeared in the ARMv6T2 version of the architecture - the ARM1176 in the original Pi models predates that, only supporting original ARMv6*.
You need to tell the compiler to generate code appropriate to the thing you're running on - I don't know ELLCC, but I'd guess from this it's fairly modern and up-to-date and thus defaulting to something newer like ARMv6T2 or ARMv7. Otherwise, it's akin to generating code for a Pentium and hoping it works on an 80486 - you might be lucky, you might not. That said, there's no good reason it should have chosen that encoding in the first place - it's not as if 0 can't be encoded in a 'classic' mov instruction...
The decadent option, however, would be to consider this a perfect excuse to replace the Pi with a Pi 2 - the Cortex-A7s in that are nice capable ARMv7 cores ;)
* Lies for clarity. I think 1176 might actually be v6K, but that's irrelevant here. I'm not sure if anything actually exists as plain ARMv6, and all the various architecture extensions are frankly a hideous mess

Can we use Address of operator "&" inline GCC ARM assembly?

Can we use Address of operator "&" inline GCC ARM assembly? If yes then I have a structure core_regx and I need to pass the address of a member r0 of that strucutre into the below mentioned code:
asm volatile("ldr r3, [%0,#0]":: "r" (&(core_reg->r0)));
Please check if this code is correct or not.
Yes, you certainly can use &. However, I would suggest that your assembler specifiers may have some issues and better options.
asm volatile("ldr r3, %0":: "m" (core_reg->r0) : "r3");
You definitely should add r3 to the clobber list. Also, the "m" specifier is probably better. If core_reg is already in r0, the compiler can use the offset of r0 member and generate code such as,
add r0, r0, #12 ; assuming r0 is core_reg.
ldr r3, [r0]
The compiler knows the relation between core_reg and core_reg->r0. At least "m" works well with some versions of arm-xxx-gcc. Run objdump --disassemble on the code the compiler generates to verify it is doing what you want.
Edit: The GCC manual has lots of information, such as Gcc assembler contraints, Machine specific and General Info. There are many tutorials on the Internet such as the ARM assembler cookbook, which is one of the best.

Wrong result with log10 math function in armv6 on Raspberry Pi

I have this very simple code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
long v = 35;
double app = (double)v;
app /= 100;
app = log10(app);
printf("Calculated log10 %lf\n", app);
return 0;
This code works perfectly on x86, but doesn't work on arm, on which the result is 0.00000. Some ideas?
Other info:
Operating system: linux 3.2.27
I build arm toolchain with ct-ng: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-
libc version 2.13
Output of gcc -v:
Using built-in specs.
Target: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi
Configured with: /home/mirko/misc/rasppi-ct-ng-files/.build/src/gcc-4.5.1/configure --build=x86_64-build_unknown-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-build_unknown-linux-gnu --target=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi --prefix=/opt/x-tools/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi --with-sysroot=/opt/x-tools/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi//sys-root --enable-languages=c --disable-multilib --with-pkgversion=crosstool-NG-1.9.3 --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libmudflap --disable-libgomp --disable-libssp --with-host-libstdcxx='-static-libgcc -Wl,-Bstatic,-lstdc++,-Bdynamic -lm' --with-gmp=/home/mirko/misc/rasppi-ct-ng-files/.build/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/build/static --with-mpfr=/home/mirko/misc/rasppi-ct-ng-files/.build/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/build/static --with-mpc=/home/mirko/misc/rasppi-ct-ng-files/.build/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/build/static --with-ppl=/home/mirko/misc/rasppi-ct-ng-files/.build/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/build/static --with-cloog=/home/mirko/misc/rasppi-ct-ng-files/.build/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/build/static --with-libelf=/home/mirko/misc/rasppi-ct-ng-files/.build/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/build/static --enable-threads=posix --enable-target-optspace --with-local-prefix=/opt/x-tools/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi//sys-root --disable-nls --enable-symvers=gnu --enable-c99 --enable-long-long
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.5.1 (crosstool-NG-1.9.3)
Floating point support on ARM Linux distributions is not trivial. Because of that you should use a toolchain matching your system that is operating system & hardware and use the right compile switches.
First thing you need to understand ARM's calling convention which is about "how arguments are passed when you call a function?". ARM being a RISC architecture, can only work on registers. There are no instructions manipulating memory directly. If you need to change a value in memory you first need to load it to a register, modify it, then you need to store it back on the memory.
When you call a function you may need to pass arguments to it, you can put arguments on stack (memory) but since ARM can only work with registers first thing your function would probably do will be loading them back to registers. To avoid this waste ARM calling convention uses registers to pass arguments. However since ARM has a limited number of registers, calling convention also dictates you to use only first four (r0-r3) registers for the first four arguments, remaining must still use stack to be passed.
Second thing is early ARM cores didn't have any floating point support, operations where implemented in software. (This is what is still supported via gcc's -mfloat-abi=soft.)
We can easily demonstrate what this means via following snippet.
float pi2(float a) {
return a * 3.14f;
Compiling this via -c -O3 -mfloat-abi=soft and obdumping gives us
00000000 <pi2>:
0: f24f 51c3 movw r1, #62915 ; 0xf5c3
4: b508 push {r3, lr}
6: f2c4 0148 movt r1, #16456 ; 0x4048
a: f7ff fffe bl 0 <__aeabi_fmul>
e: bd08 pop {r3, pc}
As you can see (actually it is not visible :) ) pi2 gets its parameter in r0, populates pi constant on r1 and uses __aeabi_fmul to multiply those and return result in r0. Since __aeabi_fmul also uses same calling convention, details about r0 is not visible. All our function does to populate r1 and delegate it to __aeabi_fmul.
When floating hardware support added to ARM (again because of architecture style), it came with its own set of registers (s0, s1, ...).
If we compile same snippet with -c -O3 -mfloat-abi=softfp and dump we get
00000000 <pi2>:
0: eddf 7a04 vldr s15, [pc, #16] ; 14 <pi2+0x14>
4: ee07 0a10 vmov s14, r0
8: ee27 7a27 vmul.f32 s14, s14, s15
c: ee17 0a10 vmov r0, s14
10: 4770 bx lr
12: bf00 nop
14: 4048f5c3 .word 0x4048f5c3
As you can see now compiler doesn't create a call to __aeabi_fmul but instead it creates a vmul.f32 instruction after it moves argument located in r0 to s14 and populates 3.14 on s15. After multiplication instruction it moves result available in s14 back to r0 since any caller of this function would expect it because of the calling convention.
Now if you think pi2 as a library provided to you by some third party, you can understand that both soft and softfp implementations do the same thing for you and you can use them interchangeably. If system provides them for you, you wouldn't care if your app runs on a system with hardware floating point support or not. This was quite good to keep old software running on new hardware.
However while keeping compability this approach introduces the overhead of moving values between ARM registers and FP registers. This obviously effects performance and addressed by a new calling convention, called hard by gcc. This new convention states that if you have floating point arguments in your function you can utilize floating point registers interleaved with normal ones, as well as you can return floating point values in floating point register s0.
Again if we compile our snippet with -c -O3 -mfloat-abi=hard and dump we get
00000000 <pi2>:
0: eddf 7a02 vldr s15, [pc, #8] ; c <pi2+0xc>
4: ee20 0a27 vmul.f32 s0, s0, s15
8: 4770 bx lr
a: bf00 nop
c: 4048f5c3 .word 0x4048f5c3
You can see there is no registers getting moved around. Argument to pi2 gets passed in s0, compiler created code to populate 3.14 in s15 and uses vmul.f32 s0, s0, s15 to get result we want in s0.
Big problem with this new convention is while you improve the code produced by compiler you completely kill compability. You can't expect an application built with hard convention to work with libraries built for soft/softfp and an application built for softfp won't work with libraries built for hard.
For more information on calling conventions you should check ARM's website.
