Make out-of-order CPU run instructions in-order - arm

Consider the loop:
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sum += a[i];
An out-of-order CPU can execute many instructions in advance, it can e.g. have 20 parallel pending loads of a[i] from 20 different iterations of the loop.
But, for me, this is a hindrance. I want that the CPU works like an in-order CPU. I want it to not start a load in the next iteration until it has finished the load in the current iteration.
The reason I want this is very simple: I want to save the memory bandwidth for other processes running on other CPU core. This process is low priority, and I want to limit is as much as possible even though it will get slower.
Two techniques come to mind: fake loop-carried dependencies and memory barriers.
For fake dependencies, something like this can be used:
double* a_current = a;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
volatile int a_val = *a_current;
sum += a_val;
a_current += 1 + (a_val - a_val);
This is horrible code and I wonder if there is something better.
About memory barriers, I don't know almost anything. What could be useful there?


tasks run in thread takes longer than in serial?

So im doing some computation on 4 million nodes.
the very bask serial version just have a for loop which loops 4 million times and do 4 million times of computation. this takes roughly 1.2 sec.
when I split the for loop to, say, 4 for loops and each does 1/4 of the computation, the total time became 1.9 sec.
I guess there are some overhead in creating for loops and maybe has to do with cpu likes to compute data in chunk.
The real thing bothers me is when I try to put 4 loops to 4 thread on a 8 core machine, each thread would take 0.9 seconds to finish.
I am expecting each of them to only take 1.9/4 second instead.
I dont think there are any race condition or synchronize issue since all I do was having a for loop to create 4 threads, which took 200 microseconds. And then a for loop to joins them.
The computation read from a shared array and write to a different shared array.
I am sure they are not writing to the same byte.
Where could the overhead came from?
main: ncores: number of cores. node_size: size of graph (4 million node)
for(i = 0 ; i < ncores ; i++){
int *t = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
*t = i;
int iret = pthread_create( &thread[i], NULL, calculate_rank_p, (void*)(t));
for (i = 0; i < ncores; i++)
pthread_join(thread[i], NULL);
calculate_rank_p: vector is the rank vector for page rank calculation
Void *calculate_rank_pthread(void *argument) {
int index = *(int*)argument;
for(i = index; i < node_size ; i+=ncores)
current_vector[i] = calc_r(i, vector);
return NULL;
calc_r: this is just a page rank calculation using compressed row format.
double calc_r(int i, double *vector){
double prank = 0;
int j;
for(j = row_ptr[i]; j < row_ptr[i+1]; j++){
prank += vector[col_ind[j]] * val[j];
return prank;
everything that is not declared are global variable
The computation read from a shared array and write to a different shared array. I am sure they are not writing to the same byte.
It's impossible to be sure without seeing relevant code and having some more details, but this sounds like it could be due to false sharing, or ...
the performance issue of false sharing (aka cache line ping-ponging), where threads use different objects but those objects happen to be close enough in memory that they fall on the same cache line, and the cache system treats them as a single lump that is effectively protected by a hardware write lock that only one core can hold at a time. This causes real but invisible performance contention; whichever thread currently has exclusive ownership so that it can physically perform an update to the cache line will silently throttle other threads that are trying to use different (but, alas, nearby) data that sits on the same line.
This looks like it could very well trigger false sharing, depending on the size of a vector (though there is still not enough information in the post to be sure, as we don't see how the various vector are allocated.
for(i = index; i < node_size ; i+=ncores)
Instead of interleaving which core works on which data i += ncores give each of them a range of data to work on.
For me the same surprise when build and run in Debug (other test code though).
In release all as expected ;)

Why doesn't this code scale linearly?

I wrote this SOR solver code. Don't bother too much what this algorithm does, it is not the concern here. But just for the sake of completeness: it may solve a linear system of equations, depending on how well conditioned the system is.
I run it with an ill conditioned 2097152 rows sparce matrix (that never converges), with at most 7 non-zero columns per row.
Translating: the outer do-while loop will perform 10000 iterations (the value I pass as max_iters), the middle for will perform 2097152 iterations, split in chunks of work_line, divided among the OpenMP threads. The innermost for loop will have 7 iterations, except in very few cases (less than 1%) where it can be less.
There is data dependency among the threads in the values of sol array. Each iteration of the middle for updates one element but reads up to 6 other elements of the array. Since SOR is not an exact algorithm, when reading, it can have any of the previous or the current value on that position (if you are familiar with solvers, this is a Gauss-Siedel that tolerates Jacobi behavior on some places for the sake of parallelism).
typedef struct{
size_t size;
unsigned int *col_buffer;
unsigned int *row_jumper;
real *elements;
} Mat;
int work_line;
// Assumes there are no null elements on main diagonal
unsigned int solve(const Mat* matrix, const real *rhs, real *sol, real sor_omega, unsigned int max_iters, real tolerance)
real *coefs = matrix->elements;
unsigned int *cols = matrix->col_buffer;
unsigned int *rows = matrix->row_jumper;
int size = matrix->size;
real compl_omega = 1.0 - sor_omega;
unsigned int count = 0;
bool done;
do {
done = true;
#pragma omp parallel shared(done)
bool tdone = true;
#pragma omp for nowait schedule(dynamic, work_line)
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
real new_val = rhs[i];
real diagonal;
real residual;
unsigned int end = rows[i+1];
for(int j = rows[i]; j < end; ++j) {
unsigned int col = cols[j];
if(col != i) {
real tmp;
#pragma omp atomic read
tmp = sol[col];
new_val -= coefs[j] * tmp;
} else {
diagonal = coefs[j];
residual = fabs(new_val - diagonal * sol[i]);
if(residual > tolerance) {
tdone = false;
new_val = sor_omega * new_val / diagonal + compl_omega * sol[i];
#pragma omp atomic write
sol[i] = new_val;
#pragma omp atomic update
done &= tdone;
} while(++count < max_iters && !done);
return count;
As you can see, there is no lock inside the parallel region, so, for what they always teach us, it is the kind of 100% parallel problem. That is not what I see in practice.
All my tests were run on a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v2 # 2.50GHz, 2 processors, 10 cores each, hyper-thread enabled, summing up to 40 logical cores.
On my first set runs, work_line was fixed on 2048, and the number of threads varied from 1 to 40 (40 runs in total). This is the graph with the execution time of each run (seconds x number of threads):
The surprise was the logarithmic curve, so I thought that since the work line was so large, the shared caches were not very well used, so I dug up this virtual file /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cache/index0/coherency_line_size that told me this processor's L1 cache synchronizes updates in groups of 64 bytes (8 doubles in the array sol). So I set the work_line to 8:
Then I thought 8 was too low to avoid NUMA stalls and set work_line to 16:
While running the above, I thought "Who am I to predict what work_line is good? Lets just see...", and scheduled to run every work_line from 8 to 2048, steps of 8 (i.e. every multiple of the cache line, from 1 to 256). The results for 20 and 40 threads (seconds x size of the split of the middle for loop, divided among the threads):
I believe the cases with low work_line suffers badly from cache synchronization, while bigger work_line offers no benefit beyond a certain number of threads (I assume because the memory pathway is the bottleneck). It is very sad that a problem that seems 100% parallel presents such bad behavior on a real machine. So, before I am convinced multi-core systems are a very well sold lie, I am asking you here first:
How can I make this code scale linearly to the number of cores? What am I missing? Is there something in the problem that makes it not as good as it seems at first?
Following suggestions, I tested both with static and dynamic scheduling, but removing the atomics read/write on the array sol. For reference, the blue and orange lines are the same from the previous graph (just up to work_line = 248;). The yellow and green lines are the new ones. For what I could see: static makes a significant difference for low work_line, but after 96 the benefits of dynamic outweighs its overhead, making it faster. The atomic operations makes no difference at all.
The sparse matrix vector multiplication is memory bound (see here) and it could be shown with a simple roofline model. Memory bound problems benefit from higher memory bandwidth of multisocket NUMA systems but only if the data initialisation is done in such a way that the data is distributed among the two NUMA domains. I have some reasons to believe that you are loading the matrix in serial and therefore all its memory is allocated on a single NUMA node. In that case you won't benefit from the double memory bandwidth available on a dual-socket system and it really doesn't matter if you use schedule(dynamic) or schedule(static). What you could do is enable memory interleaving NUMA policy in order to have the memory allocation spread among both NUMA nodes. Thus each thread would end up with 50% local memory access and 50% remote memory access instead of having all threads on the second CPU being hit by 100% remote memory access. The easiest way to enable the policy is by using numactl:
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=... OMP_PROC_BIND=1 numactl --interleave=all ./program ...
OMP_PROC_BIND=1 enables thread pinning and should improve the performance a bit.
I would also like to point out that this:
done = true;
#pragma omp parallel shared(done)
bool tdone = true;
// ...
#pragma omp atomic update
done &= tdone;
is a probably a not very efficient re-implementation of:
done = true;
#pragma omp parallel reduction(&:done)
// ...
if(residual > tolerance) {
done = false;
// ...
It won't have a notable performance difference between the two implementations because of the amount of work done in the inner loop, but still it is not a good idea to reimplement existing OpenMP primitives for the sake of portability and readability.
Try running the IPCM (Intel Performance Counter Monitor). You can watch memory bandwidth, and see if it maxes out with more cores. My gut feeling is that you are memory bandwidth limited.
As a quick back of the envelope calculation, I find that uncached read bandwidth is about 10 GB/s on a Xeon. If your clock is 2.5 GHz, that's one 32 bit word per clock cycle. Your inner loop is basically just a multiple-add operation whose cycles you can count on one hand, plus a few cycles for the loop overhead. It doesn't surprise me that after 10 threads, you don't get any performance gain.
Your inner loop has an omp atomic read, and your middle loop has an omp atomic write to a location that could be the same one read by one of the reads. OpenMP is obligated to ensure that atomic writes and reads of the same location are serialized, so in fact it probably does need to introduce a lock, even though there isn't any explicit one.
It might even need to lock the whole sol array unless it can somehow figure out which reads might conflict with which writes, and really, OpenMP processors aren't necessarily all that smart.
No code scales absolutely linearly, but rest assured that there are many codes that do scale much closer to linearly than yours does.
I suspect you are having caching issues. When one thread updates a value in the sol array, it invalids the caches on other CPUs that are storing that same cache line. This forces the caches to be updated, which then leads to the CPUs stalling.
Even if you don't have an explicit mutex lock in your code, you have one shared resource between your processes: the memory and its bus. You don't see this in your code because it is the hardware that takes care of handling all the different requests from the CPUs, but nevertheless, it is a shared resource.
So, whenever one of your processes writes to memory, that memory location will have to be reloaded from main memory by all other processes that use it, and they all have to use the same memory bus to do so. The memory bus saturates, and you have no more performance gain from additional CPU cores that only serve to worsen the situation.

Why does CILK_NWORKERS affect program with only one cilk_spawn?

I am trying to paralellize a matrix processing program. After using OpenMP I decided to also check out CilkPlus and I noticed the following:
In my C code, I only apply parallelism in one part i.e.:
//(test_function declarations)
cilk_spawn highPrep(d, x, half);
d = temp_0;
r = malloc(sizeof(int)*(half));
temp_1 = r;
x = x_alloc + F_EXTPAD;
lowPrep(r, d, x, half);
//test_function return
According to the documentation I have read so far, cilk_spawn is expected to -maybe- (CilkPlus does not enforce parallelism) take the highPrep() function and execute it in a different hardware thread should one be available, and then continue with the execution of the rest of the code, including the function lowPrep(). The threads then should synchronize at cilk_sync before the execution proceeds with the rest of the code.
I am running this on an 8core/16thread Xeon E5-2680, that does not execute anything else at any given time apart from my experiments. My question at this point is that I notice that when I change the environment variable CILK_NWORKERS and try values such as 2, 4, 8, 16 the time that the test_function requires to be executed changes with a big variation. In particular, the higher the CILK_NWORKERS is set (after 2) the slower the function becomes. This seems counter intuitive to me since I would expect the available number of threads not to change the operation of cilk_spawn. I would expect that if 2 threads are available then the function highPrep is executed on another thread. Anything more than 2 threads I would expected to remain idle.
The highPrep and lowPrep functions are:
void lowPrep(int *dest, int *src1, int *src2, int size)
double temp;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
temp = -.25 * (src1[i] + src1[i + 1]) + .5;
if (temp > 0)
temp = (int)temp;
if (temp != (int)temp)
temp = (int)(temp - 1);
dest[i] = src2[2*i] - (int)(temp);
void highPrep(int *dest, int *src, int size)
double temp;
int i;
for(i=0; i < size + 1; i++)
temp = (-1.0/16 * (src[-4 + 2*i] + src[2 + 2*i]) + 9.0/16 * (src[-2 + 2*i] + src[0 + 2*i]) + 0.5);
if (temp > 0)
temp = (int)temp;
if (temp != (int)temp)
temp = (int)(temp - 1);
dest[i] = src[-1 + 2*i] - (int)temp;
There must be a reasonable explanation behind this, is it reasonable to expect different execution times for a program like this?
Clarification: Cilk does "continuation stealing", not "child stealing", so highPrep always runs on the same hardware thread as its caller. It's the "rest of the code" that might end up running on a different thread. See this primer for a fuller explanation.
As to the slowdown, it's probably an artifact of the implementation being biased towards high degrees of parallelism that can consume all threads. The extra threads are looking for work, and in the process of doing so, eat up some memory bandwidth, and for hyperthreaded processors eat up some core cycles. The Linux "Completely Fair Scheduler" given us some grief in this area because sleep(0) no longer gives up the timeslice. It's also possible that the extra threads cause the OS to map software threads onto the machine less efficiently.
The root of the problem is a tricky tradeoff: Running thieves aggressively enables them to pick up work faster if it appears, but also causes them to unnecessarily consume resources if no work is available. Putting thieves to sleep when there is no work available saves the resources, but adds significant overhead to spawn, since now a spawning thread has to check if there are sleeping threads to be woken up. TBB pays this overhead, but it's not much for TBB because TBB's spawn overhead is much higher anyway. The current Cilk implementation does pay this tax: it only sleeps workers during sequential execution.
The best (but imperfect) advice I can give is to find more parallelism so that no worker threads loiter for long and cause trouble.

cpu cacheline and prefetch policy

I read this article The article said that because cacheline delay, the code:
int[] arr = new int[64 * 1024 * 1024];
// Loop 1
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) arr[i] *= 3;
// Loop 2
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i += 16) arr[i] *= 3;
will almost have same execute time, and I wrote some sample c code to test it. I run the code on Xeon(R) E3-1230 V2 with Ubuntu 64bit, ARMv6-compatible processor rev 7 with Debian, and also run it on Core 2 T6600. All results are not what the article said.
My code is as follows:
long int jobTime(struct timespec start, struct timespec stop) {
long int seconds = stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;
long int nsec = stop.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec;
return seconds * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + nsec;
int main() {
struct timespec start;
struct timespec stop;
int i = 0;
struct sched_param param;
int * arr = malloc(LENGTH * 4);
printf("---------sieofint %d\n", sizeof(int));
param.sched_priority = 0;
sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &param);
//clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
//for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) arr[i] *= 5;
//clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop);
//printf("step %d : time %ld\n", 1, jobTime(start, stop));
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i += 2) arr[i] *= 5;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop);
printf("step %d : time %ld\n", 2, jobTime(start, stop));
Each time I choose one piece to compile and run (comment one and uncomment another).
compile with:
gcc -O0 -o cache cache.c -lrt
On Xeon I get this:
step 1 : 258791478
step 2 : 97875746
I want to know whether or not what the article said was correct? Alternatively, do the newest cpus have more advanced prefetch policies?
Short Answer (TL;DR): you're accessing uninitialized data, your first loop has to allocate new physical pages for the entire array within the timed loop.
When I run your code and comment each of the sections in turn, I get almost the same timing for the two loops. However, I do get the same results you report when I uncomment both sections and run them one after the other. This makes me suspect you also did that, and suffered from cold start effect when comparing the first loop with the second. It's easy to check - just replace the order of the loops and see if the first is still slower.
To avoid, either pick a large enough LENGTH (depending on your system) so that you dont get any cache benefits from the first loop helping the second, or just add a single traversal of the entire array that's not timed.
Note that the second option wouldn't exactly prove what the blog wanted to say - that memory latency masks the execution latency, so it doesn't matter how many elements of a cache line you use, you're still bottlenecked by the memory access time (or more accurately - the bandwidth)
Also - benchmarking code with -O0 is a really bad practice
Here's what i'm getting (removed the scheduling as it's not related).
This code:
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) arr[i] = 1; // warmup!
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) arr[i] *= 5;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop);
printf("step %d : time %ld\n", 1, jobTime(start, stop));
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i+=16) arr[i] *= 5;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop);
Gives :
---------sieofint 4
step 1 : time 58862552
step 16 : time 50215446
While commenting the warmup line gives the same advantage as you reported on the second loop:
---------sieofint 4
step 1 : time 279772411
step 16 : time 50615420
Replacing the order of the loops (warmup is still commented) shows it's indeed not related to the step size but to the ordering:
---------sieofint 4
step 16 : time 250033980
step 1 : time 59168310
(gcc version 4.6.3, on Opteron 6272)
Now a note about what's going on here - in theory, you'd expect warmup to be meaningful only when the array is small enough to sit in some cache - in this case the LENGTH you used is too big even for the L3 on most machines. However, you're forgetting the pagemap - you didn't just skip warming the data itself - you avoided initializing it in the first place. This can never give you meaningful results in real life, but since this a benchmark you didn't notice that, you're just multiplying junk data for the latency of it.
This means that each new page you access on the first loop doesn't only go to memory, it would probably get a page fault and have to call the OS to map a new physical page for it. This is a lengthy process, multiplies by the number of 4K pages you use - accumulating to a very long time. At this array size you can't even benefit from TLBs (you have 16k different physical 4k pages, way more than most TLBs can support even with 2 levels), so it's just the question of the fault flows. This can probably be measures by any profiling tool.
The second iteration on the same array won't have this effect and would be much faster - even though is still has to do a full pagewalk on each new page (that's done purely in HW), and then fetch the data from memory.
By the way, this is also the reason when you benchmark some behavior, you repeat the same thing multiple times (in this case it would have solved your problem if you had run over the array several time with the same stride, and ignored the first few rounds).

unbalanced nested for loops in openmp

I've been trying to parallelize an algorithm with unbalanced nested for loops using OpenMP. I can't post the original code as it's a secret project of an unheard government but here's a toy example:
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
#pragma omp parallel for private(j, k)
for (j = 0; j < 1000000; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
temp = i * j * k; /* dummy operation (don't mind the race) */
if (i % 2 == 0) temp = 0; /* so I can't use openmp collapse */
Currently this example is working slower in multiple threads (~1 sec in single thread ~2.4 sec in 2 threads etc.).
Things to note:
Outer for loop needs to be done in order (dependent on the previous step) (As far as I know, OpenMP handles inner loops well so threads don't get created/destroyed at each step, right?)
Typical index numbers are given in the example (100, 1000000, 2)
Dummy operation consists of just a few operations
There are some conditional operations outside the inner most loop so collapse is not an option (doesn't seem like it would increase the performance anyways)
Looks like an embarrassingly parallel algorithm but I can't seem to get any speedups for the last two days. What would be the best strategy here?
Unfortunately this embarrassingly parallel algorithm is an embarrassingly bad example of how performant parallelism should be implemented. And since my crystall ball tells me that besides i, temp is also a shared automatic variable, I would assume it for the rest of this text. It also tells me that you have a pre-Nehalem CPU...
There are two sources of slowdown here - code transformation and cache coherency.
The way parallel regions are implmentend is that their code is extracted in separate functions. Shared local variables are extracted into structures that are then shared between the threads in the team that executes the parallel region. Under the OpenMP transformations your code sample would become something similiar to this:
typedef struct {
int i;
int temp;
} main_omp_fn_0_shared_vars;
void main_omp_fn_0 (void *data) {
main_omp_fn_0_shared_vars *vars = data;
// compute values of j_min and j_max for this thread
for (j = j_min; j < j_max; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
vars->temp = vars->i * j * k;
if (vars->i % 2 == 0) vars->temp = 0;
int main (void) {
int i, temp;
main_omp_fn_0_shared_vars vars;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
vars.i = i;
vars.temp = temp;
// This is how GCC implements parallel regions with libgomp
// Start main_omp_fn_0 in the other threads
GOMP_parallel_start(main_omp_fn_0, &vars, 0);
// Start main_omp_fn_0 in the main thread
// Wait for other threads to finish (implicit barrier)
i = vars.i;
temp = vars.temp;
You pay a small penalty for accessing temp and i this way as their intermediate values cannot be stored in registers but are loaded and stored each time.
The other source of degradation is the cache coherency protocol. Accessing the same memory location from multiple threads executing on multiple CPU cores leads to lots of cache invalidation events. Worse, vars.i and vars.temp are likely to end up in the same cache line and although vars.i is only read from and vars.temp is only written to, full cache invalidation is likely to occur at each iteration of the inner loop.
Normally access to shared variables is protected by explicit synchronisation constructs like atomic statements and critical sections and performance degradation is well expected in that case.
Think of the overheads:
Since your outer loop needs to be in order you're creating x threads to perform the work in the inner loop, destroying them, then creating them again... and so on 100 times.
You have to wait until the longest task within the inner loop completes its work before performing the next step in the outer loop, so essentially this is a synchronization overhead. The tasks don't look irregular, but if the work to perform is small there's only so much speedup you can get out of this.
You have the cost of thread creation here, and allocating the private variables.
If the work inside the inner loop is small the benefits of parallelising this loop might not necessarily outweigh the cost of the parallelisation overheads above, hence you end up with a slowdown.
