Why does CILK_NWORKERS affect program with only one cilk_spawn? - c

I am trying to paralellize a matrix processing program. After using OpenMP I decided to also check out CilkPlus and I noticed the following:
In my C code, I only apply parallelism in one part i.e.:
//(test_function declarations)
cilk_spawn highPrep(d, x, half);
d = temp_0;
r = malloc(sizeof(int)*(half));
temp_1 = r;
x = x_alloc + F_EXTPAD;
lowPrep(r, d, x, half);
//test_function return
According to the documentation I have read so far, cilk_spawn is expected to -maybe- (CilkPlus does not enforce parallelism) take the highPrep() function and execute it in a different hardware thread should one be available, and then continue with the execution of the rest of the code, including the function lowPrep(). The threads then should synchronize at cilk_sync before the execution proceeds with the rest of the code.
I am running this on an 8core/16thread Xeon E5-2680, that does not execute anything else at any given time apart from my experiments. My question at this point is that I notice that when I change the environment variable CILK_NWORKERS and try values such as 2, 4, 8, 16 the time that the test_function requires to be executed changes with a big variation. In particular, the higher the CILK_NWORKERS is set (after 2) the slower the function becomes. This seems counter intuitive to me since I would expect the available number of threads not to change the operation of cilk_spawn. I would expect that if 2 threads are available then the function highPrep is executed on another thread. Anything more than 2 threads I would expected to remain idle.
The highPrep and lowPrep functions are:
void lowPrep(int *dest, int *src1, int *src2, int size)
double temp;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
temp = -.25 * (src1[i] + src1[i + 1]) + .5;
if (temp > 0)
temp = (int)temp;
if (temp != (int)temp)
temp = (int)(temp - 1);
dest[i] = src2[2*i] - (int)(temp);
void highPrep(int *dest, int *src, int size)
double temp;
int i;
for(i=0; i < size + 1; i++)
temp = (-1.0/16 * (src[-4 + 2*i] + src[2 + 2*i]) + 9.0/16 * (src[-2 + 2*i] + src[0 + 2*i]) + 0.5);
if (temp > 0)
temp = (int)temp;
if (temp != (int)temp)
temp = (int)(temp - 1);
dest[i] = src[-1 + 2*i] - (int)temp;
There must be a reasonable explanation behind this, is it reasonable to expect different execution times for a program like this?

Clarification: Cilk does "continuation stealing", not "child stealing", so highPrep always runs on the same hardware thread as its caller. It's the "rest of the code" that might end up running on a different thread. See this primer for a fuller explanation.
As to the slowdown, it's probably an artifact of the implementation being biased towards high degrees of parallelism that can consume all threads. The extra threads are looking for work, and in the process of doing so, eat up some memory bandwidth, and for hyperthreaded processors eat up some core cycles. The Linux "Completely Fair Scheduler" given us some grief in this area because sleep(0) no longer gives up the timeslice. It's also possible that the extra threads cause the OS to map software threads onto the machine less efficiently.
The root of the problem is a tricky tradeoff: Running thieves aggressively enables them to pick up work faster if it appears, but also causes them to unnecessarily consume resources if no work is available. Putting thieves to sleep when there is no work available saves the resources, but adds significant overhead to spawn, since now a spawning thread has to check if there are sleeping threads to be woken up. TBB pays this overhead, but it's not much for TBB because TBB's spawn overhead is much higher anyway. The current Cilk implementation does pay this tax: it only sleeps workers during sequential execution.
The best (but imperfect) advice I can give is to find more parallelism so that no worker threads loiter for long and cause trouble.


Make out-of-order CPU run instructions in-order

Consider the loop:
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sum += a[i];
An out-of-order CPU can execute many instructions in advance, it can e.g. have 20 parallel pending loads of a[i] from 20 different iterations of the loop.
But, for me, this is a hindrance. I want that the CPU works like an in-order CPU. I want it to not start a load in the next iteration until it has finished the load in the current iteration.
The reason I want this is very simple: I want to save the memory bandwidth for other processes running on other CPU core. This process is low priority, and I want to limit is as much as possible even though it will get slower.
Two techniques come to mind: fake loop-carried dependencies and memory barriers.
For fake dependencies, something like this can be used:
double* a_current = a;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
volatile int a_val = *a_current;
sum += a_val;
a_current += 1 + (a_val - a_val);
This is horrible code and I wonder if there is something better.
About memory barriers, I don't know almost anything. What could be useful there?

Program is taking way longer than expected, is it running properly?

not sure this is the right place...
I am running a brute-force code to solve an asymmetric traveler sales problem.
It has 17 cities, one is fixed, so it would have 16! (> 20 trillions) permutations to check.
unsigned long TotalCost(unsigned long *Matrix, short *Path, short
unsigned long result = 0;
unsigned long Cost;
int iD;
for (iD = 1; iD <= Dimention; iD++)
Cost = Matrix[Dimention*Path[iD - 1] + Path[iD]];
if (Cost > 0)
result = result + Cost;
return 4099999999;
return result;
void swapP(short *x, short *y)
short temp;
temp = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = temp;
void permute(unsigned long *Matrix, short Dimention, unsigned long *CurrentMin, short *PerPath, short **MinPath, short l, short r)
short i;
unsigned long CCost;
if (l == r)
CCost = TotalCost(Matrix, PerPath, Dimention);
if (CCost < (*CurrentMin))
for (i = 0; i <= Dimention; i++)
(*MinPath)[i] = PerPath[i];
(*CurrentMin) = CCost;
PrintResults(Matrix, PerPath, Dimention, 2);
for (i = l; i <= r; i++)
swapP((PerPath+l), (PerPath+i));
permute(Matrix, Dimention, CurrentMin, PerPath, MinPath, l+1, r);
swapP((PerPath+l), (PerPath+i)); //backtrack
int main (void)
// The ommited code here, allocs memory for the matrix, HcG and HrGR array
// it also initializes them
permute(Matrix, Dimention, &TotalMin, HcG, &HrGR, 1, Dimention - 1);
I tested the above code for an instance of five cities and it returned successfully as expected in a few milliseconds.
For the 17 cities, i initially thought it would take a few hours to solve, and then a couple days. It is running for 4 days now and i'm beginning to suspect the program, for some reason, is no longer running, like it's frozen.
I'm not getting any errors, but it's taking way longer than i expected, the program prints the total cost and the path every time it finds a path with lower cost, but it stopped printing half an hour since it started.
I am using ubuntu 18.04, the program is "running" on terminal, the system monitor tells Memory: N/A, does that mean it's not using memory?
It also tells CPU: 6%, can i increase it?
Is there a way to check if it is running properly? Or estimate how long it will take to finish?
I'm so unsure about it's integrity that i think i should stop the process, but at the same time i really wanted to see the results.
I only glanced through your code, but I have done things like this many times in the past. My general approach for this is as follows (although it adds a small cost) ...
add a print statement in a way (perhaps with a mod counter) that you would expect the print to come out approximately once every 2 to 3 minutes. Include some information in the print so that you can tell how far along your simulation is progressing. (note, among that information you probably want to be sure to print out variables that, if they get trashed, could cause infinite looping, for example "Dimention" (which you have misspelled btw)
I would personally not have jumped from 5 cities to 17. Rather 5 to 7, then maybe 9 or 10 ... just to confirm all is working and to get an idea how much time increase to expect with your particular CPU.
Finally, in the situation you are in now, is it possible to get another window and run "ps" to see if your job is getting any CPU time? If not, my approach would be to kill it and implement as I described above. HTH.
Note also, the code you have omitted (memory allocation, etc) is critical: the code as written has the potential to go out of bounds, and possibly not crash (if only slightly out of bounds) but rather end up trashing variables (depending on memory layout) that could (as mentioned above) create an infinite or near-infinite loop.

tasks run in thread takes longer than in serial?

So im doing some computation on 4 million nodes.
the very bask serial version just have a for loop which loops 4 million times and do 4 million times of computation. this takes roughly 1.2 sec.
when I split the for loop to, say, 4 for loops and each does 1/4 of the computation, the total time became 1.9 sec.
I guess there are some overhead in creating for loops and maybe has to do with cpu likes to compute data in chunk.
The real thing bothers me is when I try to put 4 loops to 4 thread on a 8 core machine, each thread would take 0.9 seconds to finish.
I am expecting each of them to only take 1.9/4 second instead.
I dont think there are any race condition or synchronize issue since all I do was having a for loop to create 4 threads, which took 200 microseconds. And then a for loop to joins them.
The computation read from a shared array and write to a different shared array.
I am sure they are not writing to the same byte.
Where could the overhead came from?
main: ncores: number of cores. node_size: size of graph (4 million node)
for(i = 0 ; i < ncores ; i++){
int *t = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
*t = i;
int iret = pthread_create( &thread[i], NULL, calculate_rank_p, (void*)(t));
for (i = 0; i < ncores; i++)
pthread_join(thread[i], NULL);
calculate_rank_p: vector is the rank vector for page rank calculation
Void *calculate_rank_pthread(void *argument) {
int index = *(int*)argument;
for(i = index; i < node_size ; i+=ncores)
current_vector[i] = calc_r(i, vector);
return NULL;
calc_r: this is just a page rank calculation using compressed row format.
double calc_r(int i, double *vector){
double prank = 0;
int j;
for(j = row_ptr[i]; j < row_ptr[i+1]; j++){
prank += vector[col_ind[j]] * val[j];
return prank;
everything that is not declared are global variable
The computation read from a shared array and write to a different shared array. I am sure they are not writing to the same byte.
It's impossible to be sure without seeing relevant code and having some more details, but this sounds like it could be due to false sharing, or ...
the performance issue of false sharing (aka cache line ping-ponging), where threads use different objects but those objects happen to be close enough in memory that they fall on the same cache line, and the cache system treats them as a single lump that is effectively protected by a hardware write lock that only one core can hold at a time. This causes real but invisible performance contention; whichever thread currently has exclusive ownership so that it can physically perform an update to the cache line will silently throttle other threads that are trying to use different (but, alas, nearby) data that sits on the same line.
This looks like it could very well trigger false sharing, depending on the size of a vector (though there is still not enough information in the post to be sure, as we don't see how the various vector are allocated.
for(i = index; i < node_size ; i+=ncores)
Instead of interleaving which core works on which data i += ncores give each of them a range of data to work on.
For me the same surprise when build and run in Debug (other test code though).
In release all as expected ;)

unbalanced nested for loops in openmp

I've been trying to parallelize an algorithm with unbalanced nested for loops using OpenMP. I can't post the original code as it's a secret project of an unheard government but here's a toy example:
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
#pragma omp parallel for private(j, k)
for (j = 0; j < 1000000; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
temp = i * j * k; /* dummy operation (don't mind the race) */
if (i % 2 == 0) temp = 0; /* so I can't use openmp collapse */
Currently this example is working slower in multiple threads (~1 sec in single thread ~2.4 sec in 2 threads etc.).
Things to note:
Outer for loop needs to be done in order (dependent on the previous step) (As far as I know, OpenMP handles inner loops well so threads don't get created/destroyed at each step, right?)
Typical index numbers are given in the example (100, 1000000, 2)
Dummy operation consists of just a few operations
There are some conditional operations outside the inner most loop so collapse is not an option (doesn't seem like it would increase the performance anyways)
Looks like an embarrassingly parallel algorithm but I can't seem to get any speedups for the last two days. What would be the best strategy here?
Unfortunately this embarrassingly parallel algorithm is an embarrassingly bad example of how performant parallelism should be implemented. And since my crystall ball tells me that besides i, temp is also a shared automatic variable, I would assume it for the rest of this text. It also tells me that you have a pre-Nehalem CPU...
There are two sources of slowdown here - code transformation and cache coherency.
The way parallel regions are implmentend is that their code is extracted in separate functions. Shared local variables are extracted into structures that are then shared between the threads in the team that executes the parallel region. Under the OpenMP transformations your code sample would become something similiar to this:
typedef struct {
int i;
int temp;
} main_omp_fn_0_shared_vars;
void main_omp_fn_0 (void *data) {
main_omp_fn_0_shared_vars *vars = data;
// compute values of j_min and j_max for this thread
for (j = j_min; j < j_max; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
vars->temp = vars->i * j * k;
if (vars->i % 2 == 0) vars->temp = 0;
int main (void) {
int i, temp;
main_omp_fn_0_shared_vars vars;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
vars.i = i;
vars.temp = temp;
// This is how GCC implements parallel regions with libgomp
// Start main_omp_fn_0 in the other threads
GOMP_parallel_start(main_omp_fn_0, &vars, 0);
// Start main_omp_fn_0 in the main thread
// Wait for other threads to finish (implicit barrier)
i = vars.i;
temp = vars.temp;
You pay a small penalty for accessing temp and i this way as their intermediate values cannot be stored in registers but are loaded and stored each time.
The other source of degradation is the cache coherency protocol. Accessing the same memory location from multiple threads executing on multiple CPU cores leads to lots of cache invalidation events. Worse, vars.i and vars.temp are likely to end up in the same cache line and although vars.i is only read from and vars.temp is only written to, full cache invalidation is likely to occur at each iteration of the inner loop.
Normally access to shared variables is protected by explicit synchronisation constructs like atomic statements and critical sections and performance degradation is well expected in that case.
Think of the overheads:
Since your outer loop needs to be in order you're creating x threads to perform the work in the inner loop, destroying them, then creating them again... and so on 100 times.
You have to wait until the longest task within the inner loop completes its work before performing the next step in the outer loop, so essentially this is a synchronization overhead. The tasks don't look irregular, but if the work to perform is small there's only so much speedup you can get out of this.
You have the cost of thread creation here, and allocating the private variables.
If the work inside the inner loop is small the benefits of parallelising this loop might not necessarily outweigh the cost of the parallelisation overheads above, hence you end up with a slowdown.

Recursive Fib with Threads, Segmentation Fault?

Any ideas why it works fine for values like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... and seg faults for values like >15?
void *fib(void *fibToFind);
pthread_t mainthread;
long fibToFind = 15;
long finalFib;
pthread_create(&mainthread,NULL,fib,(void*) fibToFind);
printf("The number is: %d\n",finalFib);
void *fib(void *fibToFind){
long retval;
long newFibToFind = ((long)fibToFind);
long returnMinusOne;
long returnMinustwo;
pthread_t minusone;
pthread_t minustwo;
if(newFibToFind == 0 || newFibToFind == 1)
return newFibToFind;
long newFibToFind1 = ((long)fibToFind) - 1;
long newFibToFind2 = ((long)fibToFind) - 2;
pthread_create(&minusone,NULL,fib,(void*) newFibToFind1);
pthread_create(&minustwo,NULL,fib,(void*) newFibToFind2);
return returnMinusOne + returnMinustwo;
Runs out of memory (out of space for stacks), or valid thread handles?
You're asking for an awful lot of threads, which require lots of stack/context.
Windows (and Linux) have a stupid "big [contiguous] stack" idea.
From the documentation on pthreads_create:
"On Linux/x86-32, the default stack size for a new thread is 2 megabytes."
If you manufacture 10,000 threads, you need 20 Gb of RAM.
I built a version of OP's program, and it bombed with some 3500 (p)threads
on Windows XP64.
See this SO thread for more details on why big stacks are a really bad idea:
Why are stack overflows still a problem?
If you give up on big stacks, and implement a parallel language with heap allocation
for activation records
(our PARLANSE is
one of these) the problem goes away.
Here's the first (sequential) program we wrote in PARLANSE:
(define fibonacci_argument 45)
(define fibonacci
(lambda(function natural natural )function
`Given n, computes nth fibonacci number'
(ifthenelse (<= ? 1)
(+ (fibonacci (-- ?))
(fibonacci (- ? 2))
Here's an execution run on an i7:
C:\DMS\Domains\PARLANSE\Tools\PerformanceTest>run fibonaccisequential
Starting Sequential Fibonacci(45)...Runtime: 33.752067 seconds
Result: 1134903170
Here's the second, which is parallel:
(define coarse_grain_threshold 30) ; technology constant: tune to amortize fork overhead across lots of work
(define parallel_fibonacci
(lambda (function natural natural )function
`Given n, computes nth fibonacci number'
(ifthenelse (<= ? coarse_grain_threshold)
(fibonacci ?)
(let (;; [n natural ] [m natural ] )
(value (|| (= m (parallel_fibonacci (-- ?)) )=
(= n (parallel_fibonacci (- ? 2)) )=
(+ m n)
Making the parallelism explicit makes the programs a lot easier to write, too.
The parallel version we test by calling (parallel_fibonacci 45). Here
is the execution run on the same i7 (which arguably has 8 processors,
but it is really 4 processors hyperthreaded so it really isn't quite 8
equivalent CPUs):
C:\DMS\Domains\PARLANSE\Tools\PerformanceTest>run fibonacciparallelcoarse
Parallel Coarse-grain Fibonacci(45) with cutoff 30...Runtime: 5.511126 seconds
Result: 1134903170
A speedup near 6+, not bad for not-quite-8 processors. One of the other
answers to this question ran the pthreads version; it took "a few seconds"
(to blow up) computing Fib(18), and this is 5.5 seconds for Fib(45).
This tells you pthreads
is a fundamentally bad way to do lots of fine grain parallelism, because
it has really, really high forking overhead. (PARLANSE is designed to
minimize that forking overhead).
Here's what happens if you set the technology constant to zero (forks on every call
to fib):
C:\DMS\Domains\PARLANSE\Tools\PerformanceTest>run fibonacciparallel
Starting Parallel Fibonacci(45)...Runtime: 15.578779 seconds
Result: 1134903170
You can see that amortizing fork overhead is a good idea, even if you have fast forks.
Fib(45) produces a lot of grains. Heap allocation
of activation records solves the OP's first-order problem (thousands of pthreads each
with 1Mb of stack burns gigabytes of RAM).
But there's a second order problem: 2^45 PARLANSE "grains" will burn all your memory too
just keeping track of the grains even if your grain control block is tiny.
So it helps to have a scheduler that throttles forks once you have "a lot"
(for some definition of "a lot" significantly less that 2^45) grains to prevent the
explosion of parallelism from swamping the machine with "grain" tracking data structures.
It has to unthrottle forks when the number of grains falls below a threshold
too, to make sure there is always lots of logical, parallel work for the physical
CPUs to do.
You are not checking for errors - in particular, from pthread_create(). When pthread_create() fails, the pthread_t variable is left undefined, and the subsequent pthread_join() may crash.
If you do check for errors, you will find that pthread_create() is failing. This is because you are trying to generate almost 2000 threads - with default settings, this would require 16GB of thread stacks to be allocated alone.
You should revise your algorithm so that it does not generate so many threads.
I tried to run your code, and came across several surprises:
printf("The number is: %d\n", finalFib);
This line has a small error: %d means printf expects an int, but is passed a long int. On most platforms this is the same, or will have the same behavior anyways, but pedantically speaking (or if you just want to stop the warning from coming up, which is a very noble ideal too), you should use %ld instead, which will expect a long int.
Your fib function, on the other hand, seems non-functional. Testing it on my machine, it doesn't crash, but it yields 1047, which is not a Fibonacci number. Looking closer, it seems your program is incorrect on several aspects:
void *fib(void *fibToFind)
long retval; // retval is never used
long newFibToFind = ((long)fibToFind);
long returnMinusOne; // variable is read but never initialized
long returnMinustwo; // variable is read but never initialized
pthread_t minusone; // variable is never used (?)
pthread_t minustwo; // variable is never used
if(newFibToFind == 0 || newFibToFind == 1)
// you miss a cast here (but you really shouldn't do it this way)
return newFibToFind;
long newFibToFind1 = ((long)fibToFind) - 1; // variable is never used
long newFibToFind2 = ((long)fibToFind) - 2; // variable is never used
// reading undefined variables (and missing a cast)
return returnMinusOne + returnMinustwo;
Always take care of compiler warnings: when you get one, usually, you really are doing something fishy.
Maybe you should revise the algorithm a little: right now, all your function does is returning the sum of two undefined values, hence the 1047 I got earlier.
Implementing the Fibonacci suite using a recursive algorithm means you need to call the function again. As others noted, it's quite an inefficient way of doing it, but it's easy, so I guess all computer science teachers use it as an example.
The regular recursive algorithm looks like this:
int fibonacci(int iteration)
if (iteration == 0 || iteration == 1)
return 1;
return fibonacci(iteration - 1) + fibonacci(iteration - 2);
I don't know to which extent you were supposed to use threads—just run the algorithm on a secondary thread, or create new threads for each call? Let's assume the first for now, since it's a lot more straightforward.
Casting integers to pointers and vice-versa is a bad practice because if you try to look at things at a higher level, they should be widely different. Integers do maths, and pointers resolve memory addresses. It happens to work because they're represented the same way, but really, you shouldn't do this. Instead, you might notice that the function called to run your new thread accepts a void* argument: we can use it to convey both where the input is, and where the output will be.
So building upon my previous fibonacci function, you could use this code as the thread main routine:
void* fibonacci_offshored(void* pointer)
int* pointer_to_number = pointer;
int input = *pointer_to_number;
*pointer_to_number = fibonacci(input);
return NULL;
It expects a pointer to an integer, and takes from it its input, then writes it output there.1 You would then create the thread like that:
int main()
int value = 15;
pthread_t thread;
// on input, value should contain the number of iterations;
// after the end of the function, it will contain the result of
// the fibonacci function
int result = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, fibonacci_offshored, &value);
// error checking is important! try to crash gracefully at the very least
if (result != 0)
return 1;
if (pthread_join(thread, NULL)
return 1;
// now, value contains the output of the fibonacci function
// (note that value is an int, so just %d is fine)
printf("The value is %d\n", value);
return 0;
If you need to call the Fibonacci function from new distinct threads (please note: that's not what I'd advise, and others seem to agree with me; it will just blow up for a sufficiently large amount of iterations), you'll first need to merge the fibonacci function with the fibonacci_offshored function. It will considerably bulk it up, because dealing with threads is heavier than dealing with regular functions.
void* threaded_fibonacci(void* pointer)
int* pointer_to_number = pointer;
int input = *pointer_to_number;
if (input == 0 || input == 1)
*pointer_to_number = 1;
return NULL;
// we need one argument per thread
int minus_one_number = input - 1;
int minus_two_number = input - 2;
pthread_t minus_one;
pthread_t minus_two;
// don't forget to check! especially that in a recursive function where the
// recursion set actually grows instead of shrinking, you're bound to fail
// at some point
if (pthread_create(&minus_one, NULL, threaded_fibonacci, &minus_one_number) != 0)
*pointer_to_number = 0;
return NULL;
if (pthread_create(&minus_two, NULL, threaded_fibonacci, &minus_two_number) != 0)
*pointer_to_number = 0;
return NULL;
if (pthread_join(minus_one, NULL) != 0)
*pointer_to_number = 0;
return NULL;
if (pthread_join(minus_two, NULL) != 0)
*pointer_to_number = 0;
return NULL;
*pointer_to_number = minus_one_number + minus_two_number;
return NULL;
Now that you have this bulky function, adjustments to your main function are going to be quite easy: just change the reference to fibonacci_offshored to threaded_fibonacci.
int main()
int value = 15;
pthread_t thread;
int result = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, threaded_fibonacci, &value);
if (result != 0)
return 1;
pthread_join(thread, NULL);
printf("The value is %d\n", value);
return 0;
You might have been told that threads speed up parallel processes, but there's a limit somewhere where it's more expensive to set up the thread than run its contents. This is a very good example of such a situation: the threaded version of the program runs much, much slower than the non-threaded one.
For educational purposes, this program runs out of threads on my machine when the number of desired iterations is 18, and takes a few seconds to run. By comparison, using an iterative implementation, we never run out of threads, and we have our answer in a matter of milliseconds. It's also considerably simpler. This would be a great example of how using a better algorithm fixes many problems.
Also, out of curiosity, it would be interesting to see if it crashes on your machine, and where/how.
1. Usually, you should try to avoid to change the meaning of a variable between its value on input and its value after the return of the function. For instance, here, on input, the variable is the number of iterations we want; on output, it's the result of the function. Those are two very different meanings, and that's not really a good practice. I didn't feel like using dynamic allocations to return a value through the void* return value.
