How to get rid of the default single quotes in parameterized queries in clickhouse - prepared-statement

Consider this simple program:
from clickhouse_driver import Client
c = Client(host="localhost")
params = {"database": "test", "table": "t"}
query = c.substitute_params( query='SELECT * from %(database)s.%(table)s', params= params, context=c.connection.context)
Clickhouse will put single quotes around the parameters, so the query result will be:
SELECT * from 'test'.'t'
I could also use f-string and the problem will be solved but that's vulnerable to SQLI. If I understand correctly, this is how parameterized queries are used in clickhouse to prevent SQLI.
How can we prevent the quotes from being put around the parameters?

As I understand it, substitute_params is not intended for database object identifiers like database and table, since those have to be quoted "differently" in ClickHouse (generally with backticks) than actual literal string values (with single quotes).
In general you can do your own bit of "SQL Injection defense" by validating the inputs for database and table, like ensuring they match a simple regex like "are all lower case letters or underscore" that applies to your ClickHouse schema. In that case using an f-string should be safe.
ClickHouse also support "server side substitution" where you can use an Identifier type for this use case, but I don't believe that feature is available in clickhouse-driver.


SOQL Query - How to write a SOQL query by making a field to lowercase and compare?

Following query returns an error:
SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, OwnerId, PersonEmail
FROM Account
WHERE lower(PersonEmail) = lower('abc.DEF#org.cOM')
API Response:
success: false
result: Dictionary
error: IntegrationError
title: "The JSON body contains an error"
message: "Salesforce returned the following error code: MALFORMED_QUERY"
detail: "
'%test%' and lower(PersonEmail) = lower('abc.DEF#org.cOM')
ERROR at Row:4:Column:54
Bind variables only allowed in Apex code"
Can't we use SQL functions in SOQL?
You do not need to change the text to lower case:
Comparisons on strings are case-sensitive for unique case-sensitive fields and case-insensitive for all other fields
EDIT: to put it another way, only specific fields are uniquely marked to be case sensitive. The rest aren't. Also, emails are stored as all lowercase by default. Also, try the LIKE comparison, which (I believe) is case insensitive even for case sensitive fields.
Can't we use SQL functions in SOQL?
No, you can't. SOQL is a Salesforce-specific dialect. Here's a decent list of what you can use: And any comparison you make must be in field operator value style. You can't compare field value with another field's value (apart from primary / foreign keys... you could write formulas for that though). And you can't do "clever" weird queries WHERE 1=1 AND...
This is not too different from other SQL dialects really? To me SQL Server's date format "112" is equally strange as to you lack of LOWER. If you really want to have a lowercase value returned/displayed in UI you can make a formula field in SF (bit like adding a column to materialized view?) - but comparisons on it will still be case-insensitive and probably slower, full table search to run ultimately useless function instead of using indexes.
SOQL is case insensitive on database level (I believe it's called collation?). Any SELECTs you make will return hits ignoring case so you don't have to explicitly call LOWER() There are some exceptions to this but PersonEmail is not one of them:
If you have custom field marked as unique case sensitive (you could ask admin to build an automationt hat copies value from PersonEmail to such custom field but i don't think there's a point)
If you use Platform Encryption (a.k.a. Salesforce Shield) and used Deterministic Encryption method with case-sensitive option.

SSRS How to see multi value parameter in subscription

I tried to get value from query or to specify values, as soon as the parameter is multi value i can't see the data when i'm trying to make my subscription.
my request looks like :
select id from employee where canal in(#canal)
what should i do, i'm totally stuck,
when i did research i saw data driven subscription but i don't have access to it apparently, don't know if that help
I'll start by saying sorry this isn't a pleasant answer. You've run into a limitation with the built-in functionality. Thankfully there are workarounds.
The problem is that you can only pass 1 value into the data-driven subscription. So you have use a comma-separated list and get the query/report to parse out the values.
If you have or can create a Split function in your database, that is a good option. This would be a table-valued user defined function and there are some easy to find examples already. Also this function is generally good to have for other use cases anyway. With this your SQL would read:
where canal in Split(#canal)
SSRS works really well with SQL Server, but when you use an ODBC connection, the parameter support is limited. You can use the same multi-value parameter workaround that is required in those cases.
In the Dataset properties > parameters tab, use an expression like this to combine the values into a single comma-separated string surrounded by commas.
="," + Join(Parameters!canal.Value, ",") + ","
The SQL would look like this:
where # like '%,' + canal + ',%'
Basically, this searches row-by-row for values that are contained in the string.
In either case, the query in your data-driven subscription settings will need to return the comma-separated string. Then you can select that column in the report parameters value field. Hope this helps!

How to get data from database according to string length without using any string function

I have to get the records from a table field where Length of record/data/string is greater then 8 characters. I cannot use any string function as the query has to be used on (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle).
I don't want to do the below EXAMPLE:
List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
String st = select 'name' from table;
rs = executeSQL(st);
if ( rs != null )
for(String name : names)
if(name.length() > 8)
Any idea other then the one coded above? A query that can get the required result instead of processing on the retrieved data and then getting the required result.
Thank you for any help / clue.
JDBC Drivers may implement a JDBC escapes for the functions listed in appendix D (Scalar Functions) of the JDBC specification. A driver should convert the scalar functions it supports to the appropriate function on the database side. A list of the supported functions can be queried using 'DatabaseMetaData.getStringFunctions()'
To use this in a query you would then either use CHAR_LENGTH(string) or LENGTH(string) like :
SELECT * FROM table WHERE {fn CHAR_LENGTH(field)} > 8
You can replace CHAR_LENGTH with LENGTH. The driver (if it supports this function) will then convert it to the appropriate function in the underlying database.
From section 13.4.1 Scalar Functions of the JDBC 4.1 specification:
Appendix D “Scalar Functions" provides a list of the scalar functions
a driver is expected to support. A driver is required to implement
these functions only if the data source supports them, however.
The escape syntax for scalar functions must only be used to invoke the
scalar functions defined in Appendix D “Scalar Functions". The escape
syntax is not intended to be used to invoke user-defined or vendor
specific scalar functions.
I think you may be better off leveraging the power of the database and implementing a factory for your SQL statements (or perhaps for objects encapsulating your SQL functionality).
That way you can configure your factory with the name/type of the database, and it'll give you the appropriate SQL statements for that database. It gives you a clean means of parameterising this info, whilst allowing you to leverage the functionality of your databases and not having to replicate the database functionality in a suboptimal fashion in your code.
DabaseStatementFactory fac = DatabaseStatementFactory.for(NAME_OF_DATABASE);
String statement = fac.getLongNames();
// then use this statement. It'll be configured for each db type
It's probably wise to encapsulate further and use something like:
DabaseStatementFactory fac = DatabaseStatementFactory.for(NAME_OF_DATABASE);
List<String> names = fac.getLongNames();
such that you're not making assumptions re. common schema and means of queries etc.
Another solution that I found is:
Select name from table where name like '________';
SQL counts the underscore (_) characters and return a name of length equal to number of underscore characters.

Is this sufficient to prevent query injection while using SQL Server?

I have recently taken on a project in which I need to integrate with PHP/SQL Server. I am looking for the quickest and easiest function to prevent SQL injection on SQL Server as I prefer MySQL and do not anticipate many more SQL Server related projects.
Is this function sufficient?
$someVal = mssql_escape($_POST['someVal']);
$query = "INSERT INTO tblName SET field = $someVal";
function mssql_escape($str) {
return str_replace("'", "''", $str);
If not, what additional steps should I take?
I am running on a Linux server - sqlsrv_query() only works if your hosting environment is windows
The best option: do not use SQL statements that get concatenated together - use parametrized queries.
E.g. do not create something like
string stmt = "INSERT INTO dbo.MyTable(field1,field2) VALUES(" + value1 + ", " + value2 + ")"
or something like that and then try to "sanitize" it by replacing single quotes or something - you'll never catch everything, someone will always find a way around your "safe guarding".
Instead, use:
string stmt = "INSERT INTO dbo.MyTable(field1,field2) VALUES(#value1, #value2)";
and then set the parameter values before executing this INSERT statement. This is really the only reliable way to avoid SQL injection - use it!
UPDATE: how to use parametrized queries from PHP - I found something here - does that help at all?
$tsql = "INSERT INTO DateTimeTable (myDate, myTime,
myDateTimeOffset, myDatetime2)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
$params = array(
date("Y-m-d"), // Current date in Y-m-d format.
"15:30:41.987", // Time as a string.
date("c"), // Current date in ISO 8601 format.
date("Y-m-d H:i:s.u") // Current date and time.
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, $tsql, $params);
So it seems you can't use "named" parameters like #value1, #value2, but instead you just use question marks ? for each parameter, and you basically just create a parameter array which you then pass into the query.
This article Accessing SQL Server Databases with PHP might also help - it has a similar sample of how to insert data using the parametrized queries.
UPDATE: after you've revealed that you're on Linux, this approach doesn't work anymore. Instead, you need to use an alternate library in PHP to call a database - something like PDO.
PDO should work both on any *nix type operating system, and against all sorts of databases, including SQL Server, and it supports parametrized queries, too:
$db = new PDO('your-connection-string-here');
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT priv FROM testUsers WHERE username=:username AND password=:password");
$stmt->bindParam(':username', $user);
$stmt->bindParam(':password', $pass);
No, it's not sufficient. To my knowledge, string replacement can never really be sufficient in general (on any platform).
To prevent SQL injection, all queries need to be parameterized - either as parameterized queries or as stored procedures with parameters.
In these cases, the database calling library (i.e. ADO.NET and SQL Command) sends the parameters separately from the query and the server applies them, which eliminates the ability for the actual SQL to be altered in any way. This has numerous benefits besides injection, which include code page issues and date conversion issues - for that matter any conversions to string can be problematic if the server does not expect them done the way the client does them.
I partially disagree with other posters. If you run all your parameters through a function that double the quotes, this should prevent any possible injection attack. Actually in practice the more frequent problem is not deliberate sabotague but queries that break because a value legitimately includes a single quote, like a customer named "O'Hara" or a comment field of "Don't call Sally before 9:00". Anyway, I do escapes like this all the time and have never had a problem.
One caveat: On some database engines, there could be other dangerous characters besides a single quote. The only example I know is Postgres, where the backslash is magic. In this case your escape function must also double backslashes. Check the documentation.
I have nothing against using prepared statements, and for simple cases, where the only thing that changes is the value of the parameter, they are an excellent solution. But I routinely find that I have to build queries in pieces based on conditions in the program, like if parameter X is not null then not only do I need to add it to the where clause but I also need an additional join to get to the value I really need to test. Prepared statements can't handle this. You could, of course, build the SQL in pieces, turn it into a prepared statement, and then supply the parameters. But this is just a pain for no clear gain.
These days I mostly code in Java that allows functions to be overloaded, that is, have multiple implementations depending on the type of the passed in parameter. So I routine write a set of functions that I normally name simply "q" for "quote", that return the given type, suitably quoted. For strings, it doubles any quote marks, then slaps quote marks around the whole thing. For integers it just returns the string representation of the integer. For dates it converts to the JDBC (Java SQL) standard date format, which the driver is then supposed to convert to whatever is needed for the specific database being used. Etc. (On my current project I even included array as a passed in type, which I convert to a format suitable for use in an IN clause.) Then every time I want to include a field in a SQL statement, I just write "q(x)". As this is slapping quotes on when necessary, I don't need the extra string manipulation to put on quotes, so it's probably just as easy as not doing the escape.
For example, vulnerable way:
String myquery="select name from customer where customercode='"+custcode+"'";
Safe way:
String myquery="select name from customer where customercode="+q(custcode);
The right way is not particularly more to type than the wrong way, so it's easy to get in a good habit.
String replacement to escape quotes IS sufficient to prevent SQL injection attack vectors.
This only applies to SQL Server when QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON, and when you don't do something stoopid to your escaped string, such as truncating it or translating your Unicode string to an 8-bit string after escaping. In particular, you need to make sure QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is set to ON. Usually that's the default, but it may depend on the library you are using in PHP to access MSSQL.
Parameterization is a best practice, but there is nothing inherently insecure about escaping quotes to prevent SQL injection, with due care.
The rel issue with escaping strings is not the efficacy of the replacement, it is the potential for forgetting to do the replacement every time.
That said, your code escapes the value, but does not wrap the value in quotes. You need something like this instead:
function mssql_escape($str) {
return "N'" + str_replace("'", "''", $str) + "'";
The N above allows you to pass higher Unicode characters. If that's not a concern (i.e., your text fields are varchar rather than nvarchar), you can remove the N.
Now, if you do this, there are some caveats:
You need to make DAMNED SURE you call mssql_escape for every string value. And therein lies the rub.
Dates and GUID values also need escaping in the same manner.
You should validate numeric values, or at least escape them as well using the same function (MSSQL will cast the string to the appropriate numeric type).
Again, like others have said, parameterized queries are safer--not because escaping quotes doesn't work (it does except as noted above), but because it's easier to visually make sure you didn't forget to escape something.

Real examples of SQL injection issues for SQL Server using only a Replace as prevention?

I know that dynamic SQL queries are bad due to the SQL Injection issues (as well as performance and other issues). I also know that parameterized queries are prefered to avoid injection issues, we all know that.
But my client is still very stubborn and thinks that just
var UserName=Request.Form["UserName"];
SQL="SELECT * FROM Users where UserName='" + UserName + "'";
Is enought protection against SQL injection issues against (SQL Server (Only), not mysql).
Can anyone give me real SQL Injection attack example that still can get through the Replace case above? Guess there's some unicode character issues?
I want some real live examples of attacks that still can get through that simple replace.
My question is only for SQL Server and I know that MySQL has some issues with the \ character.
This will not work if you are using NUMBERs.
"SELECT * FROM data WHERE id = " + a_variable + ";"
1;DROP TABLE users
Gives you
Have a look at
SQL injection
MSDN SQL Injection
Have a look at this. It is very close to your question
Proving SQL Injection
Please input your age : 21; drop table users;
SELECT * FROM table where age = 21; drop table users;
I have some trouble understanding the scope of replacement. Your original line is:
Because you apply it to the variable name SQL, I would assume you are replacing all occurrences of '' with ' in the entire statement.
This can't be correct: consider this statement:
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col = '<input value goes here>'
Now, if is the empty string, the statement will be:
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col = ''
...and after SQL.Replace("''", "'") it will become:
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col = '
As you can see, it will leave a dangling single quote, and yields a syntax error.
Now, let's suppose you intended to write SQL.Replace("'", "''") then the replaced statement would become:
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col = ''''
Although syntactically correct, you are now comparing col to a literal single quote (as the '' inside the outer single quotes that delimit the literal string will evaluate to a literal single quote). So this can't be right either.
This leads me to believe that you might be doing something like this:
SQL = "SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col = '" & ParamValue.Replace("'", "''") & "'"
Now, as was already pointed out by the previous poster, this approach does not work for number. Or actually, this approach is only applicable in case you want to process the input inside a string literal in the SQL stament.
There is at least on case where this may be problematic. If MS SQL servers QUOTED_IDENTIFIER setting is disabled, then literal strings may also be enclosed by double quote characters. In this case, user values injecting a double quote will lead to the same problems as you have with single quote strings. In addition, the standard escape sequence for a single quote (two single quotes) doesn't work anymore!!
Just consider this snippet:
SELECT " "" '' "
This gives the result:
" ''
So at least, the escaping process must be different depending on whether you delimit strings with single or with double quotes. This may not seem a big problem as QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON by default, but still. See:
Please see this XKCD cartoon:
Little Bobby Tables
The answers so far have been targeting on condition query with numeric datatypes and not having single quote in the WHERE clause.
However in MSSQL *at least in ver 2005), this works even if id is say an integer type:
"SELECT * FROM data WHERE id = '" + a_variable + "';"
I hate to say this but unless stored procedure (code that calls EXECUTE, EXEC, or sp_executesql) is used or WHERE clauses do not use quotes for numeric types, using single quote replacement will almost prevent possibility of SQL Injection. I cannot be 100% certain, and I really hope someone can prove me wrong.
I mentioned stored procedure due to second level injection which I only recently read about. See an SO post here on What is second level SQL Injection.
To quote from the accepted answer of the SO question "Proving SQL Injection":
[...] there is nothing inherently unsafe in a properly-quoted SQL statement.
So, if
String data is properly escaped using Replace("'","''") (and your SQL uses single quotes around strings, see Roland's answer w.r.t. QUOTED_IDENTIFIER),
numeric data comes from numeric variables and is properly (i.e. culture-invariantly) converted to string, and
datetime data comes from datetime variables and is properly converted to string (i.e. into one of the culture-invariant formats accepted by SQL Server).
then I cannot think of any way that SQL injection could be done in SQL Server.
The Unicode thing you mentioned in your question was a MySQL bug. Accounting for such problems in your code provides an extra layer of security (which is usually a good thing). Primarily, it's the task of the database engine to make sure that a properly-quoted SQL statement is not a security risk.
Your client is correct.
SQL = SQL.Replace("'","''");
will stop all injection attacks.
The reason this is not considered safe is that it's easy to miss one string entirely.
