Want to replace old liquibase migration script file with new ones - database

I am using liquibase scripts with Cordapp. And previously the first version databaseChangeLog file was having all table creations in one single change set and in a later point of time we have split it into different databaseChangeLog having each changeset.
Now the problem is some production testing environments have the data in it with the older script, but we want to use the new scripts.
The change done is like →
Old: abc-master.xml contained abc-init.xml (usual way)|
Now: abc-master.xml contains abc-v1.xml and
abc-v1.xml contains table-v1.xml files for each table creation
Solution we were thinking is like,
create new tables with slight name change → then copy the data from old tables here → then drop old tables. So then we can remove old tables and old scripts (i assume)
Still the DATABASECHANGELOG will probably have the old scripts data, would that be a problem?
Or is there a far better way to do this?
Many thanks.

I answered this also on the Liquibase forums, but I'll copy it here for other people.
The filename is part if the unique key on the databasechangelog table (ID/Author/Filename). So when you change the filename of a changeset that has already executed, that is now in-fact a new changeset according to Liquibase.
I normally recommend that my customers never manually update the databasechangelog table, but in this case I think it might be the best course of action for you. That way your new file structure is properly reflected in the databasechangelog table.
I would run an update-sql command on the new file structure, against one of your database where you have already executed the chagesets. This will show you what changesets are pending, and also the values for the filenames that you need to update.

we are planning to go with
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<tableExists tableName="MY_NEW_TABLE"/>
For all those table creation changeset in new distributed structure ones, so our assumptions are:
We can keep this new structure alone in code & remove the old INIT file.
For environments having existing data, eventhough these new structure of changesets will be considered as new changeset to run, the preconditions will prevent it running.
For fresh db deployments, it will work as expected, by creating all the required tables.


Qt qsqlite db file update / remove

In my program I use qsqlite database. I changed the data in the database and then I iterated through the updated database but It took no effect, I could see only the old data. Nothing helped me until I manually deleted the db file so the new one was created, containing the desired new data.
I didn't use any exec to put my new data in the database. I just rewrote it manually with new values.
I wonder what I have to do in order to see my new data without manually deleting the db file. Can I update the binary db file? Or could I remove it after the connection is closed from within the program?
I consider this as a basic question still I can't find the answer.

Adding a column to a table in SQLite

I've got a table in SQLite, and it already has many rows stored in it. I know realise I need another column in the table. Up to now I've just deleted the database and started again because the data has just been test data. But now the data in the database can't be deleted.
I know the query to add a column to the table, my question is what is a good way to do this so that it works for both existing users and new users? (I have updated the CREATE query I have for when the table is not found (because it's a new user or an existing user has cleared the database). It seems wrong to have an ALTER query in software that ships, and check every time. Is there some way of telling SQLite to automatically add the column if it doesn't exist during the UPDATE query I now need?
If I discover I need more columns in the future, is having a bunch of ALTER statements on startup (or somewhere?) really the best way to do it?
(If relevant this is for a node js app)
I'd just throw a table somewhere that marks what version of your database it is, and check that to determine if an update is needed. Either that or if you have a table already where there's always going to be just one record in it add a new field 'DatabaseVersion' to it.
So for example if you check the version number, and find it's a version 1 database when the newest version should be version 3, you know which updates to perform on it.
You can use PRAGMA user_version to store the version number of the database and check if the database needs to be updated.

Visual Studio Schema Compare repeats table on update

When comparing our production database to our database project, one table always shows up as "Add" action, even though the file is already part of the project. Updating the schema then produces the same file again with an underscore and increment (dbo.Data.sql => dbo.Data_1.sql)
I noticed that when I open the individual table creation scripts, all scripts open in [Design] mode while the offending table opens as plain T-SQL.
How do I add topsheet.Data to my project without it showing up on my next schema compare?
The offending table: topsheet.Data
A normal table: topsheet.Property
Does it do this if you rename the table Data to something else? I saw here that Data is a future reserved keyword, maybe this is making it act all weird?

Import Access database table design properties but not data

I've got a large amount of access databases that need to have the same table design changes (and a few new tables created) in each of them. Is there any way to take my most recent (properly designed) database, export the design properties, and import them to each of the other databases overwriting changes and creating any new fields, tables, etc. as needed?
My research has only led me to the Database documenter which seems to only be helpful in cases where I'd manually update the properties. I also know I could potentially copy each table over manually specifying 'Structure Only' for each case but that'd be a rather daunting task and I'm unsure what exactly would be copied using this method.
Let me see if I have the outline...
Open Proper.mdb
For each OtherMDB in Folder1
Open OtherMDB
for each ProperTable in Proper.mdb
If ProperTable is absent from OtherMDB
Add ProperTable to OtherMDB
For each Field in ProperTable.Fields
If ProperField is absent from OtherTable.Fields
Add Field to OtherTable
Elseif ' is this a possibility?? wanting to change field type?
ProperField.Type <> OtherTable.Field("xx").Type Then
Change Field.Type
Next Field
Next Table
Close OtherMDB
Next MDB
I found a utility called DBWeigher which is able to analyze and compare two access databases and automatically generate the necessary VBcode to update the changes between the two. From here I quickly ran through the changes manually and was able to see firsthand what changes would be made prior to running them through the DBConsole.
For anyone trying to update older access databases (especially when they're at different stages and could have some variances), I can't suggest checking this lightweight utility out.

VS SchemaCompare: Making Table Updates

Does anyone know how the SchemaCompare in Visual Studio (using 2010 currently) determines how to handle [SQL Server 2008R2] database table updates (column data type, optionality, etc)?
The options are to:
Use separate ALTER TABLE statements
Create a new table, copy the old data into the new table, rename the old table before the new one can be renamed to assume the proper name
I'm asking because we have a situation involving a TIMESTAMP column (for optimistic locking). If SchemaCompare uses the new table approach, the TIMESTAMP column values will change & cause problems for anyone with the old TIMESTAMP values.
I believe Schema Compare employs the same CREATE-COPY-DROP-RENAME (CCDR) strategy as VSTSDB described here: link
Should be able to confirm this by running a compare and scripting out the deploy, no?
