Visual Studio Schema Compare repeats table on update - sql-server

When comparing our production database to our database project, one table always shows up as "Add" action, even though the file is already part of the project. Updating the schema then produces the same file again with an underscore and increment (dbo.Data.sql => dbo.Data_1.sql)
I noticed that when I open the individual table creation scripts, all scripts open in [Design] mode while the offending table opens as plain T-SQL.
How do I add topsheet.Data to my project without it showing up on my next schema compare?
The offending table: topsheet.Data
A normal table: topsheet.Property

Does it do this if you rename the table Data to something else? I saw here that Data is a future reserved keyword, maybe this is making it act all weird?


Want to replace old liquibase migration script file with new ones

I am using liquibase scripts with Cordapp. And previously the first version databaseChangeLog file was having all table creations in one single change set and in a later point of time we have split it into different databaseChangeLog having each changeset.
Now the problem is some production testing environments have the data in it with the older script, but we want to use the new scripts.
The change done is like →
Old: abc-master.xml contained abc-init.xml (usual way)|
Now: abc-master.xml contains abc-v1.xml and
abc-v1.xml contains table-v1.xml files for each table creation
Solution we were thinking is like,
create new tables with slight name change → then copy the data from old tables here → then drop old tables. So then we can remove old tables and old scripts (i assume)
Still the DATABASECHANGELOG will probably have the old scripts data, would that be a problem?
Or is there a far better way to do this?
Many thanks.
I answered this also on the Liquibase forums, but I'll copy it here for other people.
The filename is part if the unique key on the databasechangelog table (ID/Author/Filename). So when you change the filename of a changeset that has already executed, that is now in-fact a new changeset according to Liquibase.
I normally recommend that my customers never manually update the databasechangelog table, but in this case I think it might be the best course of action for you. That way your new file structure is properly reflected in the databasechangelog table.
I would run an update-sql command on the new file structure, against one of your database where you have already executed the chagesets. This will show you what changesets are pending, and also the values for the filenames that you need to update.
we are planning to go with
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
<tableExists tableName="MY_NEW_TABLE"/>
For all those table creation changeset in new distributed structure ones, so our assumptions are:
We can keep this new structure alone in code & remove the old INIT file.
For environments having existing data, eventhough these new structure of changesets will be considered as new changeset to run, the preconditions will prevent it running.
For fresh db deployments, it will work as expected, by creating all the required tables.

where is the option to load CSV into Snowflake? I'm not seeing it

I'm testing out a trial version of Snowflake. I created a table and want to load a local CSV called "food" but I don't see any "load" data option as shown in tutorial videos.
What am I missing? Do I need to use a PUT command somewhere?
Don't think Snowsight has that option in the UI. It's available in the classic UI though. Go to Databases tab, select a database. Go to Tables tab and select a table the option will be at the top
If the classic UI is limiting you or you are already using Snowsight and don't want to switch back, then here is another way to upload a CSV file.
A preliminary is that you have installed SnowSQL on your device (
Start SnowSQL and perform the following steps:
Use the database where to upload the file to. You need various privileges for creating a stage, a fileformat, and a table. E.g. USE MY_TEST_DB;
Create the fileformat you want to use for uploading your CSV file. E.g.
If you don't configure the RECORD_DELIMITER, the FIELD_DELIMITER, and other stuff, Snowflake uses some defaults. I suggest you have a look at Some of the auto detection stuff can make your life hard and sometimes it is better to disable it.
Create a stage using the previously created fileformat
Now you can put your file to this stage
PUT file://<file_path>/file.csv #MY_STAGE;
You can find documentation for configuring the stage at
You can check the upload with
SELECT d.$1, ..., d.$N FROM #MY_STAGE/file.csv d;
Then, create your table.
CREATE TABLE MY_TABLE (col1 varchar, ..., colN varchar);
Personally, I prefer creating first a table with only varchar columns and then create a view or a table with the final types. I love the try_to_* functions in snowflake (e.g.
Then, copy the content from your stage to your table. If you want to transform your data at this point, you have to use an inner select. If not then the following command is enough.
COPY INTO mycsvtable from #MY_STAGE/file.csv;
I suggest doing this without the inner SELECT because then the option ERROR_ON_COLUMN_COUNT_MISMATCH works.
Be aware that the schema of the table must match the format. As mentioned above, if you go with all columns as varchars first and then transform the columns of interest in a second step, you should be fine.
You can find documentation for copying the staged file into a table at
If you can check the dropped lines as follows:
SELECT error, line, character, rejected_record FROM table(validate("MY_TEST_DB"."MY_SCHEMA"."MY_CSV_TABLE", job_id=>'xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'))
Details can be found at
If you want to add those lines to your success table you can copy the the dropped lines to a new table and transform the data until the schema matches with the schema of the success table. Then, you can UNION both tables.
You see that it is pretty much to do for loading a simple CSV file to Snowflake. It becomes even more complicated when you take into account that every step can cause some specific failures and that your file might contain erroneous lines. This is why my team and I are working at Datameer to make these types of tasks easier. We aim for a simple drag and drop solution that does most of the work for you. We would be happy if you would try it out here:

Unit testing SQL scripts

For below script written in .sql files:
if not exists (select * from sys.tables where name='abc_form')
CREATE TABLE abc_forms (
y VARCHAR(60),
Above script has a bug in table name.
For programming languages like Java/C, compiler help resolve most of the name resolutions
For any SQL script, How should one approach unit testing it? static analysis...
15 years ago I did something like you request via a lot of scripting. But we had special formats for the statements.
We had three different kinds of files:
One SQL file to setup the latest version of the complete database schema
One file for all the changes to apply to older database schema's (custom format like version;SQL)
One file for SQL statements the code uses on the database (custom format like statementnumber;statement)
It was required that every statement was on one line so that it could be extracted with awk!
1) At first I set up the latest version of the database by executing from statement after the other and logging the errors to a file.
2) Secondly I did the same for all changes to have a second schema
3) I compared the two database schemas to find any differences
4) I filled in some dummy test values in the complete latest schema for testing
5) Last but not least I executed every SQL statement against the latest schema with test data and logged every error again.
At the end the whole thing runs every night and there was no morning without new errors that one of 20 developers had put into the version control. But it saved us a lot of time during the next install at a new customer.
You could also generate the SQL scripts from your code.
Code first avoids these kinds of problems. Choosing between code first or database first usually depends on whether your main focus is on your data or on your application.

Export large amounts of binary data from one SQL database and import it into another database of the same schema

I have one database with an image table that contains just over 37,000 records. Each record contains an image in the form of binary data. I need to get all of those 37,000 records into another database containing the same table and schema that has about 12,500 records. I need to insert these images into the database with an IF NOT EXISTS approach to make sure that there are no duplicates when I am done.
I tried exporting the data into excel and format it into a script. (I have doe this before with other tables.) The thing is, excel does not support binary data.
I also tried the "generate scripts" wizard in SSMS which did not work because the .sql file was well over 18GB and my PC could not handle it.
Is there some other SQL tool to be able to do this? I have Googled for hours but to no avail. Thanks for your help!
I have used SQL Workbench/J for this.
You can either use WbExport and WbImport through text files (the binary data will be written as separate files and the text file contains the filename).
Or you can use WbCopy to copy the data directly without intermediate files.
To achieve your "if not exists" approache you could use the update/insert mode, although that would change existing row.
I don't think there is a "insert only if it does not exist mode", but you should be able to achieve this by defining a unique index and ignore errors (although that wouldn't be really fast, but should be OK for that small number of rows).
If the "exists" check is more complicated, you could copy the data into a staging table in the target database, and then use SQL to merge that into the real table.
Why don't you try the 'Export data' feature? This should work.
Right click on the source database, select 'Tasks' and then 'Export data'. Then follow the instructions. You can also save the settings and execute the task on a regular basis.
Also, the bcp.exe utility could work to read data from one database and insert into another.
However, I would recommend using the first method.
Update: In order to avoid duplicates you have to be able to compare images. Unfortunately, you cannot compare images directly. But you could cast them to varbinary(max) for comparison.
So here's my advice:
1. Copy the table to the new database under the name tmp_images
2. use the merge command to insert new images only.
INSERT INTO DB1.dbo.table_name
SELECT * FROM DB2.dbo.table_name
WHERE column_name NOT IN
SELECT column_name FROM DB1.dbo.table_name

VS SchemaCompare: Making Table Updates

Does anyone know how the SchemaCompare in Visual Studio (using 2010 currently) determines how to handle [SQL Server 2008R2] database table updates (column data type, optionality, etc)?
The options are to:
Use separate ALTER TABLE statements
Create a new table, copy the old data into the new table, rename the old table before the new one can be renamed to assume the proper name
I'm asking because we have a situation involving a TIMESTAMP column (for optimistic locking). If SchemaCompare uses the new table approach, the TIMESTAMP column values will change & cause problems for anyone with the old TIMESTAMP values.
I believe Schema Compare employs the same CREATE-COPY-DROP-RENAME (CCDR) strategy as VSTSDB described here: link
Should be able to confirm this by running a compare and scripting out the deploy, no?
