Mule plugin for sonar cloud - mulesoft

Do we have any MuleSoft plugin for Sonar cloud. currently I see in mule catalyst github we have Sonar qube plugin but it needs Sonar qube installed on-premise. So do we have any similar plugin for Sonar cloud as well.


Error talking to API Manager: {"name":"UniqueConstraintError","message":"Deployment already exists for the API"}

I am creating CICD pipeline for deploying mule proxy application to cloud hub. My approach is to using anypoint cli to automate the deployment. Using anypoint cli i am able to add api from exchange to api manager, but while deploying the proxy application to cloud hub i am getting the following error
Error: Error talking to API Manager: {"name":"UniqueConstraintError","message":"Deployment already exists for the API"} [code 400]
Below is the command which i am using to deploy the proxy application to cloudhub
api-mgr api deploy --applicationName muleweatherapi --gatewayVersion 4.4.0 --overwrite true 17946730
where 17946730 is the asset id.
That API ID name may already be in use by another application deployed in CloudHub. Ensure that only one application has the API ID.
See this KB article for more details:

Deploy a Spring app (JAR) for browser

I have no knowledge about deployment, production server, web server, etc. But I have a web application and my boss wants to deploy it in order to access it by web browser.
So, my application was generated by Spring Initializr.
It's using Spring (Boot, Security, Web, Data JPA), with web service REST (#RestController), HTML templates and AngularJS.
With mvn clean package, I generated a JAR file of this application. It is working on my desk. But, how can I deploy it?
I believe that my company has an OVH hosting. Can I install JBOSS or Tomcat on it, and upload my JAR on OVH?
You can deploy your application on Tomcat but you need to have a war instead of a jar to run it on an existing application server.
You can read the following documentation to create the war :
Once done, you just have to upload it on the server in the webapps directory of your tomcat server.

Uploading Google Cloud Endpoint Client Library in Maven Remote Repository (Nexus)

Is there a way to upload the generated cloud endpoint client library in a maven remote repository like Nexus through a mvn goal?
Deploying the endpoints JAR should be pretty simple, just follow the instructions in here.
By step 4 you should have a packed jar file ready to deploy to your repo.

How to deploy Google App Engine managed VMs using maven

I've configured and deployed on the command line a managed vm using google cloud sdk.
How can managed VMs be deployed using jenkins and maven?

Jaikuengine running locally on Windows with Google App Engine SDK

Has anyone succeeded in getting an instance of jaikuengine running locally on Windows using the Google App Engine SDK and the latest jaikuengine SVN code?
just got it upp and running - easy as a breeze...
Python 2.54, Latest svn, GAE SDK and docutils.. that's all..
