Jaikuengine running locally on Windows with Google App Engine SDK - google-app-engine

Has anyone succeeded in getting an instance of jaikuengine running locally on Windows using the Google App Engine SDK and the latest jaikuengine SVN code?

just got it upp and running - easy as a breeze...
Python 2.54, Latest svn, GAE SDK and docutils.. that's all..


AssertionError constantly appearing when I try to use on Google App Engine SDK

The following error keeps appearing whenever I try to do
dev_appserver.py app.yaml
File "/Users/monikap/Desktop/test-dir/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/dev_appserver.py", line 95, in
assert sys.version_info[0] == 2
I have Python version 3.7 installed on my Mac
The development server still needs python 2 installed, even for python 3 apps, see Python 3.7 Local Development Server Options for new app engine apps
Python3 now has GA support on Cloud SDK.
I think you need to update your Cloud SDK with gcloud components update.

IntelliJ looking for appcfg.sh, but only appcfg.py exists

I'm creating an AppEngine webapp and would like to be able to deploy it from IntelliJ. However, the plugin fails to deploy because it's looking for appcfg.sh in the AppEngine SDK directory. That directory contains an appcfg.py file, but no .sh file. Is the plugin just out of date? Is there a work around?
Google Cloud SDK 249.0.0
app-engine-java 1.9.74
The appcfg.sh was (or maybe still is) available in the GAE-only Java SDK, but not in the gcloud SDK (click on Download and install the original App Engine SDK for Java. at the bottom of the Download Cloud SDK page).
The JetBrains tools are a bit behind in this regard (same applied to the last PyCharm Pro version I used - it supported the GAE Python SDK, not the gcloud one). Which is why I have both SDKs installed, using them alternatively as needed.
at least in the PyCharm case only the Pro version had GAE support, the Community Edition didn't
the GAE SDKs are no longer actively kept at par with the gcloud SDK, some newer GAE features aren't available through them, so YMMV.

Pycharm does not find GAE installation

When I create a new Google App Engine project with PyCharm, the App Engine SDK Directory field is automatically filled with the correct value.
The path name is the same used to run the app and the app runs without problems, but the Create button is grayed out and the message Please select App Engine SDK directory does not go away.
The folder is C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin.
How do I fix it?
In case you haven't already used the Cloud SDK to deploy or run the local development server, install the App Engine Python component of the SDK manually:
gcloud components install app-engine-python
Change your App Engine SDK path in PyCharm to:
C:\Users\<user-name>\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\app_engine\
When installing google Cloud SDK, the appengine is not being installed automatically. So you have to install it before first use of google Cloud SDK.
If you install google cloud SDK for current user google_appengine path is
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\google_appengine\
If you install google cloud SDK for all users the google_appengine path is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform

Google App Engine Launcher (Python)

I am trying to run the Google App Engine Launcher. it pops up an error message saying that it cannot find the Python binary file. But I have downloaded and installed Python 2.7.8. The error message suggests me to modify the Python path in Edit-> Preference. But the Launcher is not responding, it just hangs on there for ever. What should I do?
You need to add python to the PATH Variable.
Refer to How to add to the pythonpath in windows 7?
Install Latest App Engine
https://cloud.google.com/sdk/?hl=en_US dowloand Google Cloud SDK install it then launch Google App Engine launcher --> Edit-->Preferences-->Python path--> new python should be installed probably under the drive C: then select Python27x86 -->pythonw.exe.

Laravel FatalErrorException on Google App Engine

I am deploying an laravel application in Google app engine. I have installed SDK and python. I can deploy it online, but when run application localy by using this command from cmd:
python dev_appserver.py --skip_sdk_update_check=yes --port=8080
--admin_port=8000 --php_executable_path=C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\php-cgi.exe C:\laravel-master
It shows the following error:
PHP Startup: apc_fcntl_create: could not open C:\Windows\.apc.a02796
I really need to run it locally because I can't test it online. Pls I need some help
This is the cache having problems to send write file commands to your Windows SO. A workaround to this is to locally disable APC by adding:
apc.enabled = "0"
Do your SDK php.ini file.
But it's better to keep it enabled in your GAE application.
