AssertionError constantly appearing when I try to use on Google App Engine SDK - google-app-engine

The following error keeps appearing whenever I try to do app.yaml
File "/Users/monikap/Desktop/test-dir/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/", line 95, in
assert sys.version_info[0] == 2
I have Python version 3.7 installed on my Mac

The development server still needs python 2 installed, even for python 3 apps, see Python 3.7 Local Development Server Options for new app engine apps

Python3 now has GA support on Cloud SDK.
I think you need to update your Cloud SDK with gcloud components update.


IntelliJ looking for, but only exists

I'm creating an AppEngine webapp and would like to be able to deploy it from IntelliJ. However, the plugin fails to deploy because it's looking for in the AppEngine SDK directory. That directory contains an file, but no .sh file. Is the plugin just out of date? Is there a work around?
Google Cloud SDK 249.0.0
app-engine-java 1.9.74
The was (or maybe still is) available in the GAE-only Java SDK, but not in the gcloud SDK (click on Download and install the original App Engine SDK for Java. at the bottom of the Download Cloud SDK page).
The JetBrains tools are a bit behind in this regard (same applied to the last PyCharm Pro version I used - it supported the GAE Python SDK, not the gcloud one). Which is why I have both SDKs installed, using them alternatively as needed.
at least in the PyCharm case only the Pro version had GAE support, the Community Edition didn't
the GAE SDKs are no longer actively kept at par with the gcloud SDK, some newer GAE features aren't available through them, so YMMV.

AppEngine complains about wrong version

I have updated the AppEngine SDK for Python on my Mac to version
I need to update a Python 2.7 Standard Environment App via (which is called from a complex build script updating multiple App Engine applications) but I get the following error:
Error 401
Your version of the AppEngine SDK is out-of-date. Please update your SDK ...
But this is what I just did.
What's wrong?

PhpStorm / Google AppEngine with PHP7

I recently deployed my app using Google App Engine. I installed Google Cloud SDK and I'm using PhpStorm.
When I run my app using runtime : php55, it works. But I need PHP 7!
When I try with
runtime: php
env: flex
A error occured : flex, only the following runtimes are allowed: ('python-compat', 'java', 'java7', 'go', 'custom')
Do you have an idea?
Here is my app.yaml config:
Here is my composer.json config:
Here is my PhpStorm config:
As answered in the comments to the question, I see you are working with the Development Server, which does not support the Flexible Environment. The Development Server only supports the runtime environments available for App Engine Standard, which are Java 7 (now deprecated) and 8, Go 1.6, Python 2.7 and PHP 5.5.
However, it also supports custom environments, which allows you to work in any programming language just by supplying a base Dockerfile image that configures the runtime environment (in your case you can build yourself an appropriate image with a PHP 7 environment or download it from an existent repository). It requires of course some more complex configuration and management than that of the provided Development Server, but right now, that is the only way you will be able to work with PHP in the development for App Engine.
So the configuration of your application should be correct, it is just that the Development Server does not yet support the Flexible Environment that you need to develop in PHP 7.

Cloud IDE for Google App Engine using GO

I've been struggling to find an online IDE which supports Go and Google App Engine. Codeenvy supports it using python, while Cloud9 runs python 2.6 (which isn't compatible with GAE), and the update doesn't work.
Is there any IDE that will allow me to develop and deploy Go to GAE?
Python 2.7.3 should be installable from command line in Cloud9 via c9pm install python27 (see also the github repo.
Koding comes with Go, Python2 & 3, and best of all gives you a normal Ubuntu VM with full root access! It will work great with Go and GAE :)

Jaikuengine running locally on Windows with Google App Engine SDK

Has anyone succeeded in getting an instance of jaikuengine running locally on Windows using the Google App Engine SDK and the latest jaikuengine SVN code?
just got it upp and running - easy as a breeze...
Python 2.54, Latest svn, GAE SDK and docutils.. that's all..
