Streamlit Ag-Grid checkbox selection for grouped table - checkbox

I am trying to implement checkbox selection in the grouped Ag-Grid table from a pre-determined dataframe which I read from a csv file (if it is connected to some other Ag-Grid that you have before in a code where you already have a checkbox option enabled it works/it is not a problem).
So when I have have a drop down ‘arrow/menu’ for each grouped item there I would like to have also a checkbox. Is that even possible?
Thank you for your help!
Best regards,

You can add checkboxes by including "checkboxSelection": True in the columnDefs section of gridOptions (example).


How does material-table know which rows are selected?

I am using material-table in a project. I am trying to understand how the table knows which rows are selected and any possible way to access and modify that data.
Here are some example implementations of the selection feature
I could find the answer myself on the material-table github repo.
It turns out that each rowData will have an object "tableData" attached to it, which will store parameters such as id, checked, etc,.
So if the checked parameter is set to true, that row is selected, else not.

Angularjs ng-repeat filter with multiselected values from multiselect dropdown

I have bind data to table from Json Object,i need to implement column wise multiselect dropdown filter for the data. i have done the single dropdown selection.filter required on multiple selections on each column dropdown.
I dont really understand the question but you can take a look Here .
it works really nice and it works also on mobile phones .

Extjs How to make Grid Column Header Menu options persist in Cookies (Stateful)

Using Sencha Architect Version 3.0.2
ExtJS 4.1
I am trying to make the selections in the Grid column headers stateful and save them in a cookie.
What I am after is the Columns menu that further dropdowns to list the columns in the grid with a Checkbox besides it. Selecting/Un-selecting this box will unhide/hide the respective column.
I want to save this setting so that next time the user loads the grid, a column that is unselected before is hidden and does not appear (until obviously cookies are cleared).
Example Fiddle Located here
Following is the menu I am talking about:
Set stateProvider and make the grid stateful:true with stateId, fiddle here:

How can I add slickgrid checkboxes to specific rows depending on if a value is true or false, without adding it as a formatter?

Does anyone know how I can add checkboxes only to specific rows in slickgrid without using the formatter approach?
Currently I've just done a columns.push(checkboxSelector.getColumnDefinition()); but that adds checkboxes to all the rows.
When I tried to use the formatter approach like this!topic/slickgrid/uKq2aVU5luo I found that when I scrolled through the grid, it would not hold the 'check' that were already selected in the checkboxes of the rows?
Grateful for any help on this.

How to dehighlight the row when checkbox is checked in extjs grid

I am using extjs4.1 grid in aspnet mvc3 application.
I have used checkboxrowselection model.
the issue is :
once the checkbox is checked,the row should not get highlighted in the extjs grid.
How can i acheive this.
please help
The purpose of the checkbox selection model is to select rows. In extjs, selecting a row means to specifically highlight it, what you want is just a logical selection. You should be using the user extension: Ext.ux.CheckColumn that ships with the core library.
To gather the rows, you would need to do a query on the store where the models property is set to true for the data index you define on the checkcolumn.
