How does material-table know which rows are selected? - reactjs

I am using material-table in a project. I am trying to understand how the table knows which rows are selected and any possible way to access and modify that data.
Here are some example implementations of the selection feature

I could find the answer myself on the material-table github repo.
It turns out that each rowData will have an object "tableData" attached to it, which will store parameters such as id, checked, etc,.
So if the checked parameter is set to true, that row is selected, else not.


disable multiple select in checkbox treeview in react

This is my example with treeviewCheckbox. Now this allow multiple checked. I want to check only one at a time.
If there any suggestions please help me.
You can change the setChecked([...checked, ...updatedValues]); to setChecked([...updatedValues]);. But still, if you select a folder it will auto-select all the items beneath it.
If you want to be able to select a single folder, without its its children, then you can remove all your isParent relevant code and add the noCascade property to the tree.
If you read the supported option in the documentation you can find other customization as well.

How show a static number of rows using Ag datagrid

I'm new on reactjs, and I want to create a table to show some data. In the project I'm working, we are using Ag-Grid datagrid.
I already have created it with basic usage, but my question is:
Supose I have 100 rows as enter, how I can display in datagrid just the 10 firsts?
I stil wanna load all data (for filtering, sort, etc), just don't wanna show all by default.
I'm looking at documentation and do some search, but don't find the proper way to do it.
Edit: I already see the pagination options (the default solution provided by documentation), but in my case, at least for now I don't want pagination. Just wanna render the X first rows (the extra will be ommited in table, but have to be loaded in UI, if not, I could use autoHeight).
Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming you are using the Client Side Row Model and not loading data from a Server. In which case, the easiest way to achieve this would be to show the 10 rows, and add more rows (depending on when you want to load them) via Transaction Updates, please see the documentation on this here
you can use pagination:
documentation reference

episerver auto-suggestion allow multiple

I am using episerver auto suggestion like this
It works fine, what I want is to let the user add multiple value from the dropdown menu. Is it possible to do? I have seen the other way with the select multiple attribute, it creates checkbox and no auto suggestion is available.
No, there's no such option out-of-the-box.
The AutoSuggestSelection and SelectOne attributes result in dropdowns whereas the SelectMany attribute results in checkboxes.
Note however that AutoSuggestSelection doesn't force the user to select one of the suggested values, so it differs from the other two attributes.
There are others who wish for an equivalent attribute for select many scenarios, but your only option currently is to create a custom editor.

Grid not updating upon change in model in angularjs

I am using ng-grid to display a list of items.
I want to give my users ability to rearrange the rows in the list.
i.e move the rows up and down as they please.
However when I update the grid data in the backend i.e say change the index of a particular row, that row does not automatically change locations in the front-end.
What am i missing here ?
I have created a plunker to describe the problem
The grid doesn't use the index of the array to order it, so even if you are changing it, because the data is still there nothing happens.
What you could do is define an order field and update the value then changing the values as shown in this plukr. The order field you can hide it from the grid if required using columnDefs to explicitly defined which column should be shown.

How can I add slickgrid checkboxes to specific rows depending on if a value is true or false, without adding it as a formatter?

Does anyone know how I can add checkboxes only to specific rows in slickgrid without using the formatter approach?
Currently I've just done a columns.push(checkboxSelector.getColumnDefinition()); but that adds checkboxes to all the rows.
When I tried to use the formatter approach like this!topic/slickgrid/uKq2aVU5luo I found that when I scrolled through the grid, it would not hold the 'check' that were already selected in the checkboxes of the rows?
Grateful for any help on this.
