disable multiple select in checkbox treeview in react - reactjs

This is my example with treeviewCheckbox. Now this allow multiple checked. I want to check only one at a time.
If there any suggestions please help me.

You can change the setChecked([...checked, ...updatedValues]); to setChecked([...updatedValues]);. But still, if you select a folder it will auto-select all the items beneath it.
If you want to be able to select a single folder, without its its children, then you can remove all your isParent relevant code and add the noCascade property to the tree.
If you read the supported option in the documentation you can find other customization as well.


How show a static number of rows using Ag datagrid

I'm new on reactjs, and I want to create a table to show some data. In the project I'm working, we are using Ag-Grid datagrid.
I already have created it with basic usage, but my question is:
Supose I have 100 rows as enter, how I can display in datagrid just the 10 firsts?
I stil wanna load all data (for filtering, sort, etc), just don't wanna show all by default.
I'm looking at documentation and do some search, but don't find the proper way to do it.
Edit: I already see the pagination options (the default solution provided by documentation), but in my case, at least for now I don't want pagination. Just wanna render the X first rows (the extra will be ommited in table, but have to be loaded in UI, if not, I could use autoHeight).
Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming you are using the Client Side Row Model and not loading data from a Server. In which case, the easiest way to achieve this would be to show the 10 rows, and add more rows (depending on when you want to load them) via Transaction Updates, please see the documentation on this here
you can use pagination:
documentation reference

sencha modern list item swipe item bug

I'm trying to provide swipe actions in Sencha Modern list in version 7.2.0.
Although the documentation indicates that the text, ui, iconcls and cls are bindable, I'm unable to get it to work.
Further, the text seems to be getting bound without any bind configuration which is even more surprising.
Please see relevant fiddle
Essentially, I would like to make the iconCls and the cls change based on the record's data.
There is definitely an issue here. The text does not seem to be handled as a bind. If the text field exists it is used..... so I did a quick override that treats the ui field similarly. if it exists it is using it. You can do the same with the iconCls... etc.
Swipper override fiddle

React Js Autocomplete Multi select example

I'm pretty new to React Js, I have a requirement for building AutoComplete Multiselect dropdown.
Despite looking around for lot of examples,
I was suggested not use any third party libraries. And pretty
clueless how to start and proceed further.
My requirements are
Have an input text box for typing names.
Display sugggested name with checkbox.
Upon checking the names, they must be display in an with an 'X' symbol(remove item)
If I uncheck the name from the multiselect dropdown, it must be removed from the li.
If I Click the 'X' it should be removed from the li and uncheck the item from dropdown list.
And lastly , I need to display the selected items in the input fields like
I've been trying to implement this functionality but figure out how.
Can anyone please provide some reference and any guidance in implementing this functionality or any examples. It would be a great help.
I'm not sure why the recommendation against third party libraries. These component can get complicated fast.
I recommend you use a third party. Don't reinvent the wheel!
Something like https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select will do what you want. It has been around for years and has over 300 contributors and 2 million weekly downloads.

episerver auto-suggestion allow multiple

I am using episerver auto suggestion like this
It works fine, what I want is to let the user add multiple value from the dropdown menu. Is it possible to do? I have seen the other way with the select multiple attribute, it creates checkbox and no auto suggestion is available.
No, there's no such option out-of-the-box.
The AutoSuggestSelection and SelectOne attributes result in dropdowns whereas the SelectMany attribute results in checkboxes.
Note however that AutoSuggestSelection doesn't force the user to select one of the suggested values, so it differs from the other two attributes.
There are others who wish for an equivalent attribute for select many scenarios, but your only option currently is to create a custom editor.

AngularChosen change the single select input to be like the multiple select

I hope someone can help me with this. I'm using angular-chosen and I'm really happy with it, but I want to remove the button type select box with the single select, into the text type box that's used with the multiple select, an example here.
I tried using a different module, acute-select, because the combo mode was exactly what I wanted, but the module is still too incomplete and I can't use it.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this using the chosen directive, or is there maybe another, working, module?
I ended up forking acute-select in order to make something that suited my needs. I removed most of the other features and only kept the combo-box.
It's tailored to be used in a bootstrap dropdown in a bootstrap nav-bar.
You can view the demo and source here.
