AngularChosen change the single select input to be like the multiple select - angularjs

I hope someone can help me with this. I'm using angular-chosen and I'm really happy with it, but I want to remove the button type select box with the single select, into the text type box that's used with the multiple select, an example here.
I tried using a different module, acute-select, because the combo mode was exactly what I wanted, but the module is still too incomplete and I can't use it.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this using the chosen directive, or is there maybe another, working, module?

I ended up forking acute-select in order to make something that suited my needs. I removed most of the other features and only kept the combo-box.
It's tailored to be used in a bootstrap dropdown in a bootstrap nav-bar.
You can view the demo and source here.


disable multiple select in checkbox treeview in react

This is my example with treeviewCheckbox. Now this allow multiple checked. I want to check only one at a time.
If there any suggestions please help me.
You can change the setChecked([...checked, ...updatedValues]); to setChecked([...updatedValues]);. But still, if you select a folder it will auto-select all the items beneath it.
If you want to be able to select a single folder, without its its children, then you can remove all your isParent relevant code and add the noCascade property to the tree.
If you read the supported option in the documentation you can find other customization as well.

React Js Autocomplete Multi select example

I'm pretty new to React Js, I have a requirement for building AutoComplete Multiselect dropdown.
Despite looking around for lot of examples,
I was suggested not use any third party libraries. And pretty
clueless how to start and proceed further.
My requirements are
Have an input text box for typing names.
Display sugggested name with checkbox.
Upon checking the names, they must be display in an with an 'X' symbol(remove item)
If I uncheck the name from the multiselect dropdown, it must be removed from the li.
If I Click the 'X' it should be removed from the li and uncheck the item from dropdown list.
And lastly , I need to display the selected items in the input fields like
I've been trying to implement this functionality but figure out how.
Can anyone please provide some reference and any guidance in implementing this functionality or any examples. It would be a great help.
I'm not sure why the recommendation against third party libraries. These component can get complicated fast.
I recommend you use a third party. Don't reinvent the wheel!
Something like will do what you want. It has been around for years and has over 300 contributors and 2 million weekly downloads.

Select2 - multiple selection custom format selection

I'm using select2 in my angular web application, and i'm trying to achieve
a custom format selection for multiple selection mode, that as far as i know
is not supported by select2.
by default select2 in multiple selection mode, just puts in selection area all the selections side by side and when there is not enough space the selection area height is getting bigger.
what I'm trying to achieve is something like this:
"item1, item2, item3..." ("..." appears when there is not enough.)
I hope someone will suggest a reasonable solution for my needs,
as shown here: this directive is deprecated; there is a new directive here:, which appears to support multiple selections. Having said that, your question is not entirely clear and perhaps some more information would enable a better answer.

Creating Rich Text editor AngularJS

I know there are lots of great rich text editors out there that can easily be ported to angular and plenty of discussion on how to do this, but I'd like to create my own.
I have the basic idea down:
create a text area and watch the input and perform a function as the input changes. I am familiar with the ngBindhtml directive, only to the extent that I can apply it to an element.
Any idea how I might be able to create a function that would render plain text into html?
I've tried it before but ended up using textAngular.
Basically i replaced the textarea with a iframe, similar to the way tinyMCE does.
The contenteditable on a element allow you to replace the textarea and write directly on the div. You would insert all html elements like headers and text this way. You'll have to handle the cursor position on text, apply styles based on buttons and text selection, etc.
Well, I also came across this and created my own editor as I was required to add features like Table addition etc. The repo is still under development but you can some idea by taking a look at this plunkr. Unlike old answers, I have tried to keep it as a component so that it can be reused at many other places as required.
You can star this git repo to stay updated or feel free to add your inputs

Adobe CQ5.5 how to create multiple CustomMultiField to be used in a single component

I have a requirement which requires me to use a single dialog with two tabs. Each tab should have a CustomMultiField (multiple sets of four fields). I do not know anything about EXT JS. Can some one point me to right direction where I can find something about requirement as above.
I have built custom components without any explicit understanding of Ext JS. To understand how to set up a dialog with tabs, look at the code for the page component in /libs/foundation/component/page. A directory of all the xytpes you can use, like MultiField, is here.
If you need something that behave like one, but is not necessarily huge specific ExtJS component or custom xtype, and you do not want to dig hundreds of Adobe ‘support’ pages, trying to find some piece of useful doc.
You can simply use multifield xtype and write 4 pure JS listeners, that does what you need.
