Select2 - multiple selection custom format selection - angularjs

I'm using select2 in my angular web application, and i'm trying to achieve
a custom format selection for multiple selection mode, that as far as i know
is not supported by select2.
by default select2 in multiple selection mode, just puts in selection area all the selections side by side and when there is not enough space the selection area height is getting bigger.
what I'm trying to achieve is something like this:
"item1, item2, item3..." ("..." appears when there is not enough.)
I hope someone will suggest a reasonable solution for my needs,

as shown here: this directive is deprecated; there is a new directive here:, which appears to support multiple selections. Having said that, your question is not entirely clear and perhaps some more information would enable a better answer.


sencha modern list item swipe item bug

I'm trying to provide swipe actions in Sencha Modern list in version 7.2.0.
Although the documentation indicates that the text, ui, iconcls and cls are bindable, I'm unable to get it to work.
Further, the text seems to be getting bound without any bind configuration which is even more surprising.
Please see relevant fiddle
Essentially, I would like to make the iconCls and the cls change based on the record's data.
There is definitely an issue here. The text does not seem to be handled as a bind. If the text field exists it is used..... so I did a quick override that treats the ui field similarly. if it exists it is using it. You can do the same with the iconCls... etc.
Swipper override fiddle

Paginated Drop Down Angular js

I have a dropdown containing 100+ options in it. Can it be paginated so that when user selects the dropdown it shows only 10 options with pager.Is there any angular plugin to do so.Thanks
I've personally never seen such a widget and i think it's a bit weird to be honest. The user wouldn't expect that behaviour from a dropdown which harm the usability quite a bit.
I would recomment to simply use a normal dropdown instead - if you think of a standard country-dropdown for example (Germany, France, Italy etc.) it holds around 100 entries as well but doesn't do some unexpected behaviour like pagination in it.
The standard select doesn't support this behaviour for sure and i'm not aware of any public widget that does.
So if you really want to do this you will probably have to implement it on your own.
Yes it can, but the pagination should happen a little bit special way. There is a plugin, called ngInfiniteScroll which does the pagination based on where additional content for a web page is appended dynamically to the bottom of the page as the user approaches the end of the content.
You may try to use this, but then you have to have your custom dropdown built. In this way you can achieve a convenient usage of a dropdown without showing 100+ hits on start.
ngInfiniteScroll website:

AngularChosen change the single select input to be like the multiple select

I hope someone can help me with this. I'm using angular-chosen and I'm really happy with it, but I want to remove the button type select box with the single select, into the text type box that's used with the multiple select, an example here.
I tried using a different module, acute-select, because the combo mode was exactly what I wanted, but the module is still too incomplete and I can't use it.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this using the chosen directive, or is there maybe another, working, module?
I ended up forking acute-select in order to make something that suited my needs. I removed most of the other features and only kept the combo-box.
It's tailored to be used in a bootstrap dropdown in a bootstrap nav-bar.
You can view the demo and source here.

iAd Producer checkbox radio buttons?

I'm new to iAd Producer - what I'm really looking for is a replacement for Dashcode, since Apple seems to have abandoned it. But while it looks as though iAd Producer CAN produce iBooks Author widgets, it seems to be missing a few fundamental objects - namely checkboxes and radio buttons.
I'm sure there's a way to hack HTML and perhaps use jQuery to get the job done, but this was a relatively simple, straightforward thing in Dashcode. Am I missing something? With tools like buttons, sliders, and such, I'd think checkboxes and radio buttons would be included.
Anybody know an EASY way to replicate Dashcode functionality in iAdProducer?
I've had the exact same problem for the last week and finally came across a solution. You can "escape" the checkboxes in a way by including an empty onclick property to the checkbox or label that you want to affect. This should override native code that relates to cut-and-paste gestures and make checkboxes unusable. I've had success with this in iBooks Widget Tester.
Funny... we seem to be working on the same issue at the same time. Closest I've got to a solution is to build in iAd Producer using the HTML template. There you can add in the objects that are missing using HTML code while also adding drag and drop objects available in the software.
However, while I can populate my view with checkboxes and get them to be checked in iAd Producer's preview, when I preview on my iPad, I can't check the boxes. Radio buttons remain unresponsive too.

Creating Rich Text editor AngularJS

I know there are lots of great rich text editors out there that can easily be ported to angular and plenty of discussion on how to do this, but I'd like to create my own.
I have the basic idea down:
create a text area and watch the input and perform a function as the input changes. I am familiar with the ngBindhtml directive, only to the extent that I can apply it to an element.
Any idea how I might be able to create a function that would render plain text into html?
I've tried it before but ended up using textAngular.
Basically i replaced the textarea with a iframe, similar to the way tinyMCE does.
The contenteditable on a element allow you to replace the textarea and write directly on the div. You would insert all html elements like headers and text this way. You'll have to handle the cursor position on text, apply styles based on buttons and text selection, etc.
Well, I also came across this and created my own editor as I was required to add features like Table addition etc. The repo is still under development but you can some idea by taking a look at this plunkr. Unlike old answers, I have tried to keep it as a component so that it can be reused at many other places as required.
You can star this git repo to stay updated or feel free to add your inputs
