episerver auto-suggestion allow multiple - episerver

I am using episerver auto suggestion like this
It works fine, what I want is to let the user add multiple value from the dropdown menu. Is it possible to do? I have seen the other way with the select multiple attribute, it creates checkbox and no auto suggestion is available.

No, there's no such option out-of-the-box.
The AutoSuggestSelection and SelectOne attributes result in dropdowns whereas the SelectMany attribute results in checkboxes.
Note however that AutoSuggestSelection doesn't force the user to select one of the suggested values, so it differs from the other two attributes.
There are others who wish for an equivalent attribute for select many scenarios, but your only option currently is to create a custom editor.


disable multiple select in checkbox treeview in react

This is my example with treeviewCheckbox. Now this allow multiple checked. I want to check only one at a time.
If there any suggestions please help me.
You can change the setChecked([...checked, ...updatedValues]); to setChecked([...updatedValues]);. But still, if you select a folder it will auto-select all the items beneath it.
If you want to be able to select a single folder, without its its children, then you can remove all your isParent relevant code and add the noCascade property to the tree.
If you read the supported option in the documentation you can find other customization as well.

How To Force Table Filters To Use Input Boxes?

There seems to be a minor bug with the default dropdown filters when you enable filtering, is there a simpler way to force a table to use all input box style filters rather than to implement custom filters for each default drop down.
I think custom filters will solve the issue, but the problem is that doing so for the many tables will probably take far too long.
yes - you get dropdowns for fields where you are adding LOVs to.
But if you will create a duplication of the field (one attribute with LOV, a second attribute - without), you can show inside the table the-attribute-with-LOV, but in filter you will use the-attribute-without-LOV.
You will need to edit the jsff sources yourself.

How do I conditionally show or hide fields on a Layout in Filemaker 14 Advanced?

I'm new to creating Layouts in Filemaker (I'm not using the latest version; am using Filemaker 14 Advanced instead), and I need to know: How can I conditionally/programmatically hide and show drop-down menus on the Layout, based on a selection in another drop-down menu? For instance: Let's say I have a drop-down menu called "Race," and it has three selections: "Human, Vampire, Werewolf." If I choose "Human," I want another drop-down menu called "Class" to appear; if I choose "Vampire," I want a different drop-down menu, called "Clans," to appear instead; if I choose Werewolf, then I want a drop-down menu called "Tribes" to appear. How can I engineer this using Filemaker's built-in language, or is there some other way to do it? Step-by-step instructions and/or code, please; like I said, I'm really, really new to this and to databases in general. Thanks!
You can conditionally hide layout objects by putting a calculation in the Hide Object When blank in the Behavior section of the Data tab on the Inspector palette.
That said, there are relational ways to have your dropdowns change their contents based selections in other fields. That is a lot more flexible, but (of course) more complex. What you want to set up is called a Dynamic Value list and is based on the values in a related table, filtered by the choices you made in the previous fields.
The calculation basically boiled down to just a single "equals" statement, or a bunch of them, simply singling out the value that would need to be selected in order to hide the layout objects I wanted hidden. Thanks for the help, guys! :-)
In my case, I wanted the new dropdown menus to stay shown even if many options were chosen in the first menu. I used the Pattern Count function (https://fmhelp.filemaker.com/help/10/fmp/en/html/func_ref3.33.73.html) to specify that if the answer to the last dropdown menu contained this optioned checked, the new menu would be shown by writing the following : Not PatternCount(table::variable;"text in one of the options")

Persist unique value in react-select which is not present in options array

I want to make react-select accept values which are not stored in the options array. I'm hoping to use this component to suggest values but also allow users to input their own value and persist it on blur.
In my situation the options represent suggestions which have been defined in the DB, on choosing an option it will auto-populate some other relevant fields.
However I also want to allow the user to define a unique value in the and manually define the other values.
I don't want to feed the unique value in the options array because I do not want the user to see this as a selectable option.
Is this possible with react-select?
If I understand your question correctly, you can totally control what's shown to the user as part of the selectable options, and also you have a dedicated class Select-create-option-placeholder attached to labels of new labels that need to be created (namely aren't part of the array of suggestions).

How to programatically disable options in ui-select angularjs

I have two ui-select in my view. I want to disable some values in second ui-select with respect to first. That means when I change values to first, some of the values in second that are related to selected item in first, would be disabled.
If this is database-driven, is there a field which relates the data so as to be able to dynamically check values (e.g., types > subtypes)? If so, you can use ng-if="" to selectively load select items.
You would need some sort of relationship between the values to be able to programmatically (dynamically) perform the task. Otherwise, you'd have to manually do it.
