Handling auth in Chrome Extension MV3 - reactjs

I am building my first ever Chrome browser extension and I am struggling to find the right solution for handling authentication. There is a requirement that the extension stay logged in as long as possible, to reduce the need for the user to log in often. This means we would need to use Refresh Tokens. I would very much like to handle all authentication on the background script but this is no longer persistent in MV3 nor does it have access to the DOM.
This being the case, I see these options:
use Auth0 React SDK on the content scripts - this means all my authentication logic will run in a somewhat less secure environment but the token will be handled by the library and I will be able to access it in all my content and popup scripts (if I need persistence across page refreshes, I would still need to use localStorage, I believe). But this means that the background script will not have access to the token and it will need one of the other scripts to retrieve it and send it through a message
implement the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE following the steps in this tutorial on the background script - this will mean that all my auth logic is running in a more secure environment but I don't have a way of storing the token, other than using chrome.storage. It's also a bit tricky to silently retrieve the token (or check if user is still logged in) from the background script (it can be done using an injected iframe and the web_message response type or with chrome.identitybut there are still issues with the redirect_uri which needs to be listed in the Allowed Origin config of the Auth0 app - so you can only easily do this on the pages of the extension).
I know that the recommended solution for an SPA is using the SDK but I would like to know if this is also the right solution for a browser extension. Based on this article on Token Storage, localStorage is dangerous especially due to third-party scripts. Seeing that the MV3 manifest has now removed the ability to execute remote code, is localStorage an acceptable way to store tokens?
I have implemented both options using the docs provided but I am unsure as to what is the best solution, given the changes introduced by MV3.
Thank you


React JS (not native) is there a way to create an external timer to force log out a user even after the window is closed?

Right now, I am using the react-idle-timer library to log a user out after a period of inactivity. However, when I close all tabs or windows associated with my application and wait the idle period, then open up the webapp again, I am still considered an active user. I want to find a way to log a user out if they close the webapps after a certain period of time.
I tried using react-native AppState, but I started my app with create-react-app and I am having issues getting the application to react native.
Any advice?
If your user closes the browser tabs/window, it is like they are killing a process using the task manager: The application has no running instances anymore and there is no possibility to prevent this from happening. Therefore, it is not possible to achieve such a log-out mechanism using a client-side approach.
However, there are some possible solutions to this requirement to log out a user upon inactivity, which highly depend on the authentication mechanisms you use.
If your app is frontend-only (and has no dependencies to any backend services), you can have a „last active“ timestamp in local storage, compare and update it on each action and invalidate the users credentials if necessary.
For session-based log-in, you can make the session expire when the user closes the window (which should be the default behavior). Additionally, you can add a session variable similar to the „last active“ field, which is updated on each action and invalidates the authentication state from server side if necessary.
If you are using token-based authentication, you can tweak the token expiration period and regularly re-issue a new token (probably not best practice, but might be working…)
In general, in terms of security, you should always prefer relying on information saved on the server-side of your app rather than on the client-side. Information in the browser can be easily manipulated by an attacker, while checking for a forced log out on the server-side even works when the user decides to hard-reset their machine (or experiences a power outage, …). And if your server-side is not working anymore one day… well, then you have some bigger problems.
Regarding react and react-native, though they are working pretty much the same and are using the same framework paradigms, they have one major difference: They are compiling for different platforms. Therefore from my experience and from their technical foundation, it is neither easy nor recommended to use components of one of them for the other one. So it highly depends on your use case which of them to use best.
Even though this is not a safe & sound solution, I hope to give you some orientation on your possibilities for such a log out.

How to use external api access tokens without exposing them to the user?

Sorry if this might be a bit of a trivial question, but I wanna be sure and couldn't exactly find a definitive answer online.
I am writing a small app that uses Mapbox, and I am using react-map-gl for it. They require the access token on the client side, so they suggest using an environment variable. My question is would it be okay to simply create a .env file in the front-end folder and put the variable there?
You can't get away from revealing API keys on the front end. If someone wants to dig around in your source code, they will find them.
However, you should always configure any API key that is visible on the Internet to be restricted to specific referrers, i.e. the domain of your website.
Usually this is done during creation of an API key through your provider's dashboard.
For Mapbox, you can read the documentation on restricting API tokens here. It states:
You can make your access tokens for web maps more secure by adding URL restrictions. When you add a URL restriction to a token, that token will only work for requests that originate from the URLs you specify. Tokens without restrictions will work for requests originating from any URL.
(emphasis my own)
They require the access token on the client side, so they suggest using an environment variable. My question is would it be okay to simply create a .env file in the front-end folder and put the variable there?
There are two reasons one uses environment variables in front-end development:
As a convenience, to keep environment-specific configuration removed from source code.
To keep sensitive information out of source code. You shouldn't commit API tokens or other similarly sensitive details to your version control.
Using environment variables in front-end code will not to keep their values secret from the end user. Whatever the value of an environment variable is at build time will be visible in the compiled output.

Serve REST-API data in web-page without exposing API-endpoint

I am beginner in MEAN stack.
When invoking unauthenticated REST API (no user log-in required), API end-points are exposed in the JS files. Looked through forums that, there is no way to prevent abusers using the API end-point directly or even creating their own web/app using those end-points. So my question is, are there any way to avoid exposing the end-points in the JS files?
On a similar note, are there any ways, not to use REST calls on front-end and still be able to serve those dynamic content/API output data in a MEAN stack? I use EJS.
There's no truly secure way to do this. You can render the page on the server instead, so the client only sees HTML (and some limited JS).
First, if you don't enable CORS, your AJAX calls are protected by the browser, i.e. only pages served from domain A can make AJAX calls to domain A.
Public API providers like Google Maps protect themselves by making you use an API key that they link to a Google account.
That key is still visible in the JS, but - if abused - can be easily disabled.
There's also pseudo-security through obfuscation, i.e. make it harder for an attacker to extract a common secret you are using the encrypt the API interaction.
Tools like http://javascript2img.com/ are far from perfect, but makes attackers spend a lot of time trying to figure out what your code does.
Often that is enough.
There are also various ways to download JS code on demand which can then check if the DOM it runs in is yours.

How to secure file download?

I have an application written in angularjs and a dropwizard backend. All API calls are ajax, with the exception of file downloads, which is done by performing a redirect to a standard GET request.
All API calls are secured through a token which is passed as a Token header. We use SSL for all APIs.
The download GET request works but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to secure it. I have no way of setting a custom header, which is required to pass the token. So theoretically, I'm left with two options, clearly none of them acceptable: 1. Pass the token as one the GET parameters 2. Leave the download unsecured.
Any ideas how to secure file download?
Putting a secret token in a URL query parameter isn't great because URL tend to be leakable, for example through history/logging/referrers. There are ways to mitigate this: for example you could have the server side issue a download token that is only good for one use or for a limited amount of time. Or the client could pass a time-limited token created using a signature over the secret token that the server side could verify.
Alternatively you could, just for this one interface (eg path-limited, quitckly-expiring) put the token in a cookie.
Another approach is to download the whole file through AJAX, thus allowing you to set the header as normal. Then you have to present the content as a downloadable local resource, which requires a cocktail of browser-specific hacks (eg using data: or filesystem: URLs, and potentially links with the download attribute). Given the complication this isn't usually worth bothering with, especially if the file is very large which may present further storage constraints.

multilayer or nested session in mobile applications

I am using ionic framework as a matter of course I use angular.js for front end. on the back end, I use spring-boot for data handling and API management.
I have used a single session and csrf token exchange between client and server.
However, I have been asked to use in some sections one extra security control. as an example one section of application can take as long as server is alive. Another section can stay alive till couple of weeks and another section will ask in every single request or every single.
How can I handle this design problem?
Modern webapps use JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
there is also an angular package you can use.
These tokens are sent with every request and contain arbitrary information about the user or other data. They are issued by your API on successful login and stored in your frontend. The issued token is then attached to every request header when requesting your API. You can then in the backend decode the token and determine if the user has all the required rights to continue, if the token is still valid our outdated for your different use cases.
I am not familiar with your backend solution but i am sure you can find some jwt packages for it or implement an easy solution yourself. (Googling for spring jwt gave quite some results)
