.NET 7 Distributed Transactions issues - distributed-transactions

I am developing small POC application to test .NET7 support for distributed transactions since this is pretty important aspect in our workflow.
So far I've been unable to make it work and I'm not sure why. It seems to me either some kind of bug in .NET7 or im missing something.
In short POC is pretty simple, it runs WorkerService which does two things:
Saves into "bussiness database"
Publishes a message on NServiceBus queue which uses MSSQL Transport.
Without Transaction Scope this works fine however, when adding transaction scope I'm asked to turn on support for distributed transactions using:
TransactionManager.ImplicitDistributedTransactions = true;
Executable code in Worker service is as follows:
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
int number = 0;
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
number = number + 1;
using var transactionScope = TransactionUtils.CreateTransactionScope();
await SaveDummyDataIntoTable2Dapper($"saved {number}").ConfigureAwait(false);
await messageSession.Publish(new MyMessage { Number = number }, stoppingToken)
_logger.LogInformation("Publishing message {number}", number);
_logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);
_logger.LogInformation("Transaction complete");
await Task.Delay(1000, stoppingToken);
catch (Exception e)
_logger.LogError("Exception: {ex}", e);
Transaction scope is created with the following parameters:
public class TransactionUtils
public static TransactionScope CreateTransactionScope()
var transactionOptions = new TransactionOptions();
transactionOptions.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
transactionOptions.Timeout = TransactionManager.MaximumTimeout;
return new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOptions,TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled);
Code for saving into database uses simple dapper GenericRepository library:
private async Task SaveDummyDataIntoTable2Dapper(string data)
using var scope = ServiceProvider.CreateScope();
var mainTableRepository =
await mainTableRepository.InsertAsync(new MainTable()
Data = data,
UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now
I had to use scope here since repository is scoped and worker is singleton so It cannot be injected directly.
I've tried persistence with EF Core as well same results:
Transaction.Complete() line passes and then when trying to dispose of transaction scope it hangs(sometimes it manages to insert couple of rows then hangs).
Without transaction scope everything works fine
I'm not sure what(if anything) I'm missing here or simply this still does not work in .NET7?
Note that I have MSDTC enable on my machine and im executing this on Windows 10

We've been able to solve this by using the following code.
With this modification DTC is actually invoked correctly and works from within .NET7.
using var transactionScope = TransactionUtils.CreateTransactionScope().EnsureDistributed();
Extension method EnsureDistributed implementation is as follows:
public static TransactionScope EnsureDistributed(this TransactionScope ts)
Transaction.Current?.EnlistDurable(DummyEnlistmentNotification.Id, new DummyEnlistmentNotification(),
return ts;
internal class DummyEnlistmentNotification : IEnlistmentNotification
internal static readonly Guid Id = new("8d952615-7f67-4579-94fa-5c36f0c61478");
public void Prepare(PreparingEnlistment preparingEnlistment)
public void Commit(Enlistment enlistment)
public void Rollback(Enlistment enlistment)
public void InDoubt(Enlistment enlistment)
This is 10year old code snippet yet it works(im guessing because .NET Core merely copied and refactored the code from .NET for DistributedTransactions, which also copied bugs).
What it does it creates Distributed transaction right away rather than creating LTM transaction then promoting it to DTC if required.
More details explanation can be found here:

Ensure you're using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient +v5.1
Replace all "usings" System.Data.SqlClient > Microsoft.Data.SqlClient
Ensure ImplicitDistributedTransactions is set True:
TransactionManager.ImplicitDistributedTransactions = true;
using (var ts = new TransactionScope(your options))
... your code ..


Spring #Transactional does not begin new transaction on MS SQL

I'm having trouble with transactions in Spring Boot using #Transactional annotation. The latest Spring is connected to a MS SQL Database.
I have following service, which periodically executes transactional method according to some criteria:
public class SomeService {
SomeRepository repository;
public SomeService(SomeRepository someRepository) {
this.repository = someRepository;
#Scheduled(fixedDelayString="${property}") //10 seconds
protected scheduledIteration() {
if(something) {
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, rollbackFor = Exception.class)
protected void insertDataInNewTransaction(List<Data> data) {
//insert data to db
//call verify proc
The algorithm supposed to process data, insert them into table and perform check (db procedure). If the procedure throws an exception, the transaction should be rollbacked. I'm sure, that the procedure does not perform commit of the transaction.
The problem I'm facing is, that calling the method does not begin new transaction (or does but it's auto-commited), because I've tried following:
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, rollbackFor = Exception.class)
protected void insertDataInNewTransaction(List<Data> data) {
int counter = 0;
for(Data d : data) {
if(counter == 10) {
throw new Exception("test");
After the test method is executed, the first 10 rows remain in the table, where they were supposed to be rollbacked. During debugging I've noticed, that calling repository.save() in the loop inserts to the table outside transaction, because I can see the row from DB IDE while debugger sitting on next row. This gave me an idea, that the problem is caused by auto-commit, as it's MS SQL default. So I have tried to add following properties, but without any difference:
Is there anything I'm doing wrong?
If you use Spring Proxy AOP, then you need to turn the method insertDataInNewTransaction as public.
Remember that if the method is public, but it is invoked from the same bean, it will not create a new transaction (because spring proxies won't be call).
Short answer:
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void insertDataInNewTransaction(List<Data> data) {
//insert data to db
//call verify proc
But if you really need a new separate transaction use Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW instead of Propagation.REQUIRED.

Timeout waiting for connection from pool - despite single SolrServer

We are having problems with our solrServer client's connection pool running out of connections in no time, even when using a pool of several hundred (we've tried 1024, just for good measure).
From what I've read, the following exception can be caused by not using a singleton HttpSolrServer object. However, see our XML config below, as well:
Caused by: org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException: Timeout waiting for connection from pool
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingClientConnectionManager.leaseConnection(PoolingClientConnectionManager.java:232)
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingClientConnectionManager$1.getConnection(PoolingClientConnectionManager.java:199)
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(DefaultRequestDirector.java:455)
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:906)
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:805)
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:784)
at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer.executeMethod(HttpSolrServer.java:448)
XML Config:
<solr:solr-server id="solrServer" url="http://solr.url.domain/"/>
<solr:repositories base-package="de.ourpackage.data.solr" multicore-support="true"/>
At this point, we are at a loss. We are running a web application on a tomcat7. Whenever a user requests a new website, we send one or more request to the Solr Server, requesting whatever we need, which are usually single entries or page of 20 (using Spring Data).
As for the rest of our implementation, we are using an abstract SolrOperationsrepository class, which is extended by each of our repositories (one repository for each core).
The following is how we set our solrServer. I suspect we are doing something fundamentally wrong here, which is why our connections are overflowing. According to the logs, they are always being returned into the pool, btw.
private SolrOperations solrOperations;
public final Class<T> getEntityClass() {
return (Class<T>)((ParameterizedType)getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
public final SolrOperations getSolrOperations() {
/*HttpSolrServer solrServer = (HttpSolrServer)solrOperations.getSolrServer();
solrServer.getHttpClient().getConnectionManager().closeIdleConnections(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);*/
logger.info("solrOperations: " + solrOperations);
return solrOperations;
public final void setSolrServer(SolrServer solrServer) {
try {
String core = SolrServerUtils.resolveSolrCoreName(getEntityClass());
SolrTemplate template = templateHolder.get(core);
solrServer.getHttpClient().getConnectionManager().closeIdleConnections(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);*/
if ( template == null ) {
template = new SolrTemplate(new MulticoreSolrServerFactory(solrServer));
logger.debug("Creating new SolrTemplate for core '" + core + "'");
templateHolder.put(core, template);
logger.debug("setting SolrServer " + template);
this.solrOperations = template;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("cannot set solrServer...", e);
The code that is commented out has been mostly used for testing purposes. I also read somewhere else that you cannot manipulate the solrServer object on-the-fly. Which begs the question, how do I set a timeout/poolsize in the XML config?
The implementation of a repository looks like this:
public class StellenanzeigenSolrRepositoryImpl extends SolrOperationsRepository<Stellenanzeige> implements StellenanzeigenSolrRepositoryCustom {
public Query createQuery(Criteria criteria, Sort sort, Pageable pageable) {
Query resultQuery = new SimpleQuery(criteria);
if ( pageable != null ) resultQuery.setPageRequest(pageable);
if ( sort != null ) resultQuery.addSort(sort);
return resultQuery;
public Page<Stellenanzeige> findBySearchtext(String searchtext, Pageable pageable) {
Criteria searchtextCriteria = createSearchtextCriteria(searchtext);
Query query = createQuery(searchtextCriteria, null, pageable);
return getSolrOperations().queryForPage(query, getEntityClass());
Can any of you point to mistakes that we've made, that could possibly lead to this issue? Like I said, we are at a loss. Thanks in advance, and I will, of course update the question as we make progress or you request more information.
The MulticoreServerFactory always returns an object of HttpClient, that only ever allows 2 concurrent connections to the same host, thus causing the above problem.
This seems to be a bug with spring-data-solr that can be worked around by creating a custom factory and overriding a few methods.
Edit: The clone method in MultiCoreSolrServerFactory is broken. This hasn't been corrected yet. As some of my colleagues have run into this issue recently, I will post a workaround here - create your own class and override one method.
public class CustomMulticoreSolrServerFactory extends MulticoreSolrServerFactory {
public CustomMulticoreSolrServerFactory(final SolrServer solrServer) {
protected SolrServer createServerForCore(final SolrServer reference, final String core) {
// There is a bug in the original SolrServerUtils.cloneHttpSolrServer()
// method
// that doesn't clone the ConnectionManager and always returns the
// default
// PoolingClientConnectionManager with a maximum of 2 connections per
// host
if (StringUtils.hasText(core) && reference instanceof HttpSolrServer) {
HttpClient client = ((HttpSolrServer) reference).getHttpClient();
String baseURL = ((HttpSolrServer) reference).getBaseURL();
baseURL = SolrServerUtils.appendCoreToBaseUrl(baseURL, core);
return new HttpSolrServer(baseURL, client);
return reference;

ServiceStack Ormlite transaction between services

I'm having trouble with a rather complex save operation inside a ServiceStack service.
To simplify the explanation the service starts an Ormlite transaction and within it calls another service through ResolveService:
public ApplicationModel Post(ApplicationModel request)
using (IDbTransaction tr = Db.OpenTransaction())
using (var cases = ResolveService<CaseService>())
request.Case = cases.Post(request.Case);
Db.Save<Application>(request.Application, true);
The other service (CaseService) uses also a transaction to perform its logic:
public CaseModel Post(CaseModel request)
using (IDbTransaction tr = Db.OpenTransaction())
In a similar situation with higher hierarchy of services calling other services a "Timeout expired" error is thrown, and so far I've not been able to resolve, although I closely monitored the SQL Server for deadlocks.
My question is whether this is the right way of using/sharing Ormlite transactions across services or there is another mechanism?
Thanks in advance.
You shouldn't have nested transactions, rather than calling across services to perform DB operations you should extract shared logic out either using a separate shared Repository or re-usable extension methods:
public static class DbExtensions
public static void SaveCaseModel(this IDbConnection db,
CaseModel case)
Then your Services can maintain their own transactions whilst being able to share logic, e.g:
public ApplicationModel Post(ApplicationModel request)
using (var trans = Db.OpenTransaction())
Db.Save<Application>(request.Application, true);
public CaseModel Post(CaseModel request)
using (var trans = Db.OpenTransaction())

Initialize Spring embedded database after deployment

I have an Spring MVC app with an embedded database (HSQLDB) that I want to initialize after deployment. I know that I could use an xml script to define initial data for my datasource but, as long I'm using JPA + Hibernate, I would like to use Java code. Is there a way to do this?
Heavily updated answer (it was too complex before):
All you need is to add initializing bean to your context, which will insert all the necessary data into the database:
public class MockDataPopulator {
private static boolean populated = false;
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
public void populateDatabase() {
// Prevent duplicate initialization as HSQL is also initialized only once. Duplicate executions
// can happen when the application context is reloaded - e.g. when running unit tests).
if (populated) {
// Create new persistence session
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
// Insert mock entities
// ...
// Flush and close
// Set initialization flag
populated = true;

EJB 3.1 and NIO2: Monitoring the file system

I guess most of us agree, that NIO2 is a fine thing to make use of. Presumed you want to monitor some part of the file system for incoming xml - files it is an easy task now. But what if I want to integrate the things into an existing Java EE application so I don't have to start another service (app-server AND the one which monitors the file system)?
So I have the heavy weight app-server with all the EJB 3.1 stuff and some kind of service monitoring the file system and take appropriate action once a file shows up. Interestingly the appropriate action is to create a Message and send it by JMS and it might be nice to integrate both into the app server.
I tried #Startup but deployment freezes (and I know that I shouldn't make use of I/O in there, was just a try). Anyhow ... any suggestions?
You could create a singleton that loads at startup and delegates the monitoring to an Asynchronous bean
public class Initialiser {
private FileSystemMonitor fileSystemMonitor;
public void init() {
String fileSystemPath = ....;
Then the Asynchronous bean looks something like this
public class FileSystemMonitor {
public void poll(String fileSystemPath) {
WatchService watcher = ....;
for (;;) {
WatchKey key = null;
try {
key = watcher.take();
for (WatchEvent<?> event: key.pollEvents()) {
WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind = event.kind();
if (kind == StandardWatchEventKinds.OVERFLOW) {
continue; // If events are lost or discarded
WatchEvent<Path> watchEvent = (WatchEvent<Path>)event;
//Process files....
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
if (key != null) {
boolean valid = key.reset();
if (!valid) break; // If the key is no longer valid, the directory is inaccessible so exit the loop.
Might help if you specified what server you're using, but have you considered implementing a JMX based service ? It's a bit more "neutral" than EJB, is more appropriate for a background service and has fewer restrictions.
