I have issue with variation display on my wocommerce version 6.8.0 with wordpress version 6.0.1.
I have product A with 2 variations A-1 and A-2.
When I check wp_postmeta where meta_key = 'attribute_pa_size' for both variations I get correct respond from DB.
If I check product on front page I don't see variations on product level. I checked wp_term_relationships and found out that parent product has wrong information stored there once I update that the display is ok.
Is there any possible way to extract all parent attributes from wp_term_relationships connected to all variation product from wp_postmeta where meta_key = 'attribute_pa_size'.
Thank you.
I am new to SalesForce and SOQL so sorry in advance if the question has already been answered, if yes link it to me.
The aim of my SOQL query is to get all the contract information to generate PDF.
There are tables: Contract, Contact and Account
In the Contract table there are fields: Maitre_d_apprentissage__c, MaitreApprentissageNom1__c, MaitreApprentissagePrenom1__c, Apprenti__c, ApprentiNom__c, ApprentiPrenom__c
There are relationships:
Apprenti__r which link Apprenti__c to Contact table
Maitre_d_apprentissage__r which link Maitre_d_apprentissage__c to Contact table
When I looked at table, I saw that MaitreApprentissageNom1__c was equal to Maitre_d_apprentissage__r.LastName and ApprentiNom__c was equal to Apprenti__r.LastName. So I conclude I could get other information of Apprenti__c and Maitre_d_apprentissage__c from the Contact Table following the same principle. So I added to my query Apprenti__r.Date_de_naissance__c and Maitre_d_apprentissage__r.Date_de_naissance__c to get the Date_de_naissance__c field which is in my Contact table.
I see in the results that the query succeeds in getting the information but some values have changed column (lines 6 and 7), you can see the difference between query 1 and query 2. In the first query I only return the Apprenti__r.Date_de_naissance__c and in the second query I return Apprenti__r.Date_de_naissance__c and Maitre_d_apprentissage__r.Date_de_naissance__c
Query 1:
SELECT ApprentiNom__c, ApprentiPrenom__c, Apprenti__r.Date_de_naissance__c, MaitreApprentissageNom1__c, MaitreApprentissagePrenom1__c
FROM Contract
Result 1:
Query 2:
SELECT ApprentiNom__c, ApprentiPrenom__c, Apprenti__r.Date_de_naissance__c, MaitreApprentissageNom1__c, MaitreApprentissagePrenom1__c, Maitre_d_apprentissage__r.Date_de_naissance__c
FROM Contract
Result 2:
I would like to understand from where is coming the problem and how to correct it. Thank you in advance.
It's possible that it's just your query editor displaying stuff incorrectly. You can see it got confused with 2 lookups to Contact table, why there's even a column header "Contact.Date_de_naissance__c" (and why it's there twice). And they aren't shown in the order you requested...
What editor you're using? You could try built-in "Developer Console" or http://workbench.developerforce.com/
What do you need it for? In Apex order of fields won't matter, in REST API query the values fetched via lookup will come as JSON sub-objects so there will always be a way to figure out exactly which value is coming from which relation.
In Dev Console try to run this and check if it solves your fears:
ApprentiNom__c, ApprentiPrenom__c,
MaitreApprentissageNom1__c, MaitreApprentissagePrenom1__c,
FROM Contract]));
Then add Maitre_d_apprentissage__r.LastName to query and see what changed, what stayed as is.
I am facing Data Category visibility related issue.
The scenario is i'm following -
I have One Community User which one is using for login into my community.
This User's role is Inheriting Visibility for Category Group from it's parant role and it's Visibility is No categories are visible to parent role and subordinates.
But This User's Permission set have Custom Visibility Permission is like -
All Category Group > child Category > sub child Category
for ex :
All Products > Computers > Laptops
And I am accessing lick bellow query from apex to display related article in community.
Select Id, Title, KnowledgeArticleId, Summary, CreatedDate, UrlName From KnowledgeArticleVersion WHERE Language = 'en_US' and PublishStatus='Online' WITH DATA CATEGORY Products at (Computers__c) limit 10 UPDATE VIEWSTAT
but I am not getting any articles.
getting error like --
Invalid data category name provided: Products. There is no data category matching the given developer name on the data category group: Computers__c
If anyone have solution for this please let me know.
Thank you,
You probably have already figured this out by now, however you need to use the API name for your Group as well, i.e. 'Products' becomes 'Products__c'.
Should be something more like this:
Select Id, Title, KnowledgeArticleId, Summary, CreatedDate, UrlName From KnowledgeArticleVersion WHERE Language = 'en_US' and PublishStatus='Online' WITH DATA CATEGORY Products__c at (Computers__c)
Queries are not dependent on permission sets.
The error in the SOQL query can be looked upon at the query editor. Whenever there is a wrong API name in the query, there comes down an indication in the Query Editor under Developer Console that:
No such column 'field_name' on entity
Thus we can look back at the object fields and relationships and can ensure if the right API name is there.
I have the following data inside an index at Search API. The name and slug fields are TextFields.
Document Id name slug
5946158883012608 Configurations configurations
4820258976169984 Customers customers
6227633859723264 Sites sites
I'm trying a lot of options of querystrings and can't get the right row.
My last tries:
If I try: index.search('customers') I receive one row. But if a remove the last s, then I receive no row.
Can someone please explain me why?
I have groups as such:
So the goal is to get all users that are members of parent group GroupA.
I have the following filter:
Which works for the lowest level groups.
From research, it seems that this should work, but doesn't:
If it matters, I'm using Active Directory Explorer to get the Distinguished Names, and the LDAP Input step in Pentaho's Data Integration tool (Kettle/PDI) to retrieve the data.
I love the fact that I always find the answer to my questions as soon as I post them somewhere. I need to learn to post much earlier and maybe I will spend less time searching :)
Found a random stackoverflow post that indicated there's an error in the msdn article for this and it has too many parenthesis.
This won't work:
But this DOES work:
(no parenthesis around the Distinguished Name)
Hi This does not fetch the users recursively. This is just giving the list of users of parent group only.
We have created a site for a client using Django CMS and are approaching the launch date. There are a number of links to files on their old site. Doing a search of the cmsplugin_text table, I find 12 entries that contain the URL. There is no simple mapping to the new file download URL from the old download URL, so I need to find the pages these 12 entries appear on and tell our client so they can edit the page.
But the database is not easy to follow. So how do I go from the value of the cmsplugin_ptr_id column of the cmsplugin_text column to the URL of the page? I'm fairly sure that the cmsplugin_ptr_id is meant to line up with the id of the cms_cmsplugin table. That table also has parent_id, tree_id and placeholder_id, but I've kind of got lost at this point.
I'm happy to use either the database commands directly, or to use manage.py shell to do this.
Should have tried a bit harder before answering.
The steps that worked were to look in cms_page_placeholder for lines with the placeholder_id and look up the corresponding page_id. I could then look up the page in the admin at http://mysite.com/en/admin/cms/page/page_id and that page has a "View on site link".
The SQL statement I used was:
SELECT cpp.page_id
FROM cmsplugin_text AS cpt
LEFT JOIN cms_cmsplugin AS ccp ON cpt.cmsplugin_ptr_id = ccp.id
LEFT JOIN cms_page_placeholders AS cpp ON ccp.placeholder_id = cpp.placeholder_id
WHERE cpt.body like '%userfiles%';
Where userfiles was part of the path to the files on the old site.