Kendo UI scheduler popUp customize - angularjs

I want to remove some fields and add my custom fields in the kendo scheduler pop.
In the above snippet, I want to customize all the fields that appear after a repeat


Unable to populate dynamic dropdown in angular ui grid

I'm working on a project where I'm trying to add a dropdown in a UI Grid and the values of those dropdowns should come directly from the database. How can i implement this functionality?

Angular ui-grid editable feature should work on one click only

Here is the tutorial link for angular ui-grid editable feature Angular ui-grid editable tutorial link.
As per the tutorial/ official plnkr of editable ui-grid feature, editable rows/fields can be edited only when user double-clicks on it.
Which approach should I follow to make the rows/field editable only on single click?
There is additional functionality which I come to know Rows/field editable with one click . Cells or fields will be editable on one click too

Is it possible to disable the autoopen function of the angular ui datepicker?

I don't like the autoopen function of the angular ui datepicker (the automatic display of the calendar when the control gets focus). What I want is to click a button to open the datepicker when needed, but otherwise leave the calendar closed. Is this possible with the angular ui datepicker? I didn't see any option in the documentation.

Kendo UI Mobile - ActionSheet: How To Disable closing AS when click on Background?

i create an action sheet in KendoUI mobile, but when i click outside(in background) of the action sheet, it dismiss and close. how can i prevent it?
the data-close event is not trigger in this case, i try also to modify some CSS changes but without success.
here is example for kendo ui mobile action sheet with new kendo ui mobile version:

Bootstrap typeAhead control customization

I am working on Angular UI bootstrap typeahdead control, i am displaying the name information on typing. Now i want to show the additional information in case of duplicate names. is it possible to show the additional information in typeahead control, can we customize this control. I am using AngularJS as well.
