Bootstrap typeAhead control customization - angularjs

I am working on Angular UI bootstrap typeahdead control, i am displaying the name information on typing. Now i want to show the additional information in case of duplicate names. is it possible to show the additional information in typeahead control, can we customize this control. I am using AngularJS as well.


Kendo UI scheduler popUp customize

I want to remove some fields and add my custom fields in the kendo scheduler pop.
In the above snippet, I want to customize all the fields that appear after a repeat

Customising BrainTree Drop UI

I am using Braintree Drop Ui in my react application. Can anybody help me out how to customize the UI because its looking to ugly
See how to customize your UI e.g. via CSS or field overrides in the "Customize your UI" section of the official documentation.
If that doesn't fit your needs you can also edit the UI on the client side. E.g. to customize the headings use document.getElementsByClassName("braintree-heading") and set the style attributes of its items.

Angular-UI bootstrap popover directive component

I developed a directive to maintain inline help for a widget from a dropdown bootstrap menu, but when I click help from the dropdown, the popover is currently bound to the element and cannot be separated, so it opens absolute from that position.
But the requirement would be if we click help in the dropdown we have show popover like below
I am not sure if it even possible, anyways I'll list down the efforts that I made.
Angular-UI Bootstrap does not help, it does not possess any capabilities to programmatically trigger like bootstrap.
However, In Angular-UI Bootstrap we can add triggers which was done by Elijen, but it would be divided into two components.
My issue would be to create a single directive housing both the trigger and the popover like the second image. I don't want to kill the sanity of bootstrap by overiding the CSS. I wanted to know either we could write a method to detect the position and move to the top of the widget or anything like that, since it would be a reusable component.
The reason why it's a single directive is, it would be packed into webpack and made a cross-cutter tool.
The angular-ui-bootstrap popover listens to the popover-is-open attribute to support opening the popover programmatically.

Generate icons, and its properties, dynamically using controllers

I'm using angularJs 1.3 with Angular Material Design 0.8.3 and I have a page that has a toolbar on the top <md-toolbar class="md-whiteframe-glow-z2 md-default-theme"> where I'm trying to put some icons dynamically. The page has some crud's and each crud has it own controller. The case is, each crud must have it specific icons at the toolbar, I'm trying to specify it through the controllers but I have no idea how can I write this cuz each icon should have it owns properties (the href link, the action function etc). Someone know if its possible to apply this idea (control the icons that will appears in the screen per crud via controllers)?

Implement accordion view for mobile break point grid for bootstrap and angularjs based application

I am using Angularjs and bootstrap for my application. I have multiple sections in my page and each sections has multiple columns. I have used bootstrap grid to show the list of items for tablet and desktops ranges and used "row" for each of my sections and then col- class. Due to default bootstrap grid css, it shows one column display at mobile breakpoints for each sections.
However we want only at mobile breakpoint it should display work as accordion control.
I don't want to use css to hide the markup for tablets and desktop and show mobile markup for accordion. I want to use same markup for all of my breakpoints.
I have gone through the bootstrap accordion control also angular-ui project accordion control, however both require new HTML markup.
How can I use same bootstrap grid based markup to show accordion control at mobile breakpoints. Please also note; I tried to use ":target" css properties however it doesn't seems working fine with angular.
Please also note; I am using single page application and HTML5(true) router.
Please advice.
I was looking and found blog by Mary Lou which seems good solution to implement accordion using css only.
Accordion using CSS Only
