Calculating with Discord.js | V12 - discord.js

Im trying to make a command, which makes => x+(x*0,3)
like, when someones does: /pp 1
that x = 1 or smth and then the bot makes: 1+(1x0,3) and then that the bot output this: New Price: 1,30$
Discord.JS v12


Discord Bot stops working after a command

I am making a discord bot with pycord, but when I added a command to get the latest post of a twitter account the bot stops working.
The bot sends the 5 latest posts and then adds them to a list to not send the same post twice.
But after posted.append( the bot stops reacting to other commands.
I can't figure out what is happening.
async def get_latest_post(ctx):
tweets = await twitter.get_users_tweets(id="1299389003477573632", max_results=5)
posted = []
while True:
for tweet in
if in posted:
await ctx.respond(

I Want To Set Default System Channel On Discordjs v12

I Want To Set System Channel Messages With Discordjs v12
i tried:
But It Doesent Work
First you should look for the specific channel like:
const testChannel = client.channels.cache.find(channel => === "yourchannelname");
and then:
I would do it when client.once is ready or guildMemberAdd
Let me remind you that this is working for me in discord.js 12.5.1 and last version is 13.5.0

See All Server Bot in

I don't know how to do this, but I want to make like if i say !list and bot will show all the server my bot in and then i want to do like !invite (server name) and bot will make an invite link and send to me.
This should do the trick
let guilds = '';
<client>.guilds.cache.forEach((guild) => {
guilds = guilds.concat(guild).concat("\n"); // Adds a new line after each guild
And of course you can adjust / format this for your needs :)

Discord.js - Im wondering how to un-server mute my bot when it gets server muted

Sort of like how the Groovy bot automatically self-defans, im wondering how to do the same thing but opposite and for muting. Basically when the bot detects it has been server muted, it will automatically un-server mute. Thanks!
This might work:
client.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldState, newState) => {
if( === && newState.serverMute) newState.setMute(false); // unmute bot

How do I make my discord bot delete it's own previous message sent?

Currently, I have a command in my bot where it will react to anything with in the message. I want the bot to be able to post the embed message each time a discord invite is posted, but delete the last embed message it sent so it would look like the bot is keeping one specific message at the end of a channel.
This is what the code looks like right now, thank you for your help!
let keyword15 = [""];
if ( return;
if((msg.content.toLowerCase().includes(keyword15) )
const embed2 = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription('Promotion Operator \n ▫️ **Do not post outside the advertisement channel.** \n ▫️ **Do not advertise your server via DM.**')
I wouldn't know how to delete the last embed but, I have came up with another solution you could try.
let keyword15 = [""];
if ( return;
if((msg.content.toLowerCase().includes(keyword15) )
const embed2 = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription('Promotion Operator \n ▫️ **Do not post outside the advertisement channel.** \n ▫️ **Do not advertise your server via DM.**')
.setColor(0x000000) => {
that there will delete the embed after 5 minutes, You can always change the time, Just keep in mind discord uses milliseconds so if you want to use 10 minutes you would have to put in 600000, etc.
