I have a HTML component that selects items in a drop down menu like this:
<select ng-model="selectedCar" ng-options="car.name for car in cars" class="form-control" ng-required="true">
<option value="" selected >Select Car</option>
I have a button that is part of this form that fires onSave() function in the controller.
When I log $scope.selectedCar in the controller function I get undefined, however if I initialize $scope.selectedCar to {} i get a hashkey.
How do I access the value in the controller?
I have a form using a select. I'm trying to set a default value, which I want to disable, so the dropdown will show "-- select state --" as the first option and will force the user to make a selection.
My problem is it's not working and the select always starts out blank.
Here is my code:
<select ng-model="contactEditCtrl.addressData.state" style="width: 50%;">
<option ng-disabled="$index === 1" ng-selected="true">--Select State--</option>
<option value="{{state.abbreviation}}" ng-repeat="state in contactEditCtrl.states">{{state.name}}</option>
Check this one with default <option> and ng-options:
<select ng-model="contactEditCtrl.addressData.state"
ng-options="state.name as state.name for state in contactEditCtrl.states" >
<option value="" ng-disabled="true">-- select state --</option>
Demo fiddle
It will be converted to:
<select ng-model="addressData.state" style="width: 50%;"
ng-options="state.name as state.name for state in states" class="ng-valid ng-dirty">
<option value="" ng-disabled="true" class="" disabled="disabled">-- select state --</option>
<option value="0">CCCCC</option>
<option value="1">QQQQQQ</option>
The empty option is generated when a value referenced by ng-model doesn't exist in a set of options passed to ng-options. This happens to prevent accidental model selection: AngularJS can see that the initial model is either undefined or not in the set of options and don't want to decide model value on its own.
In short: the empty option means that no valid model is selected (by valid I mean: from the set of options). You need to select a valid model value to get rid of this empty option.
Taken from here
So I'd suggest writing it like this.
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
// Register MyController object to this app
app.controller('MyController', function MyController($scope) {
this.addressData = {state: "--Select State--"};
this.states = [{abbreviation: 'a', name:'ant'}, {abbreviation: 'b', name:'asd'}, {abbreviation: 'b', name:'asd2'}]
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.22/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app='myApp' ng-controller='MyController as contactEditCtrl'>
<select ng-model="contactEditCtrl.addressData.state" style="width: 50%;">
<option value="--Select State--">--Select State--</option>
<option ng-value="state.abbreviation" ng-repeat="state in contactEditCtrl.states">{{state.name}}</option>
I have the following select input in my html which is populated using ng-options. I want to show the selected NAME down below in whereas I want to send the selected ID back to the controller. I get the required id from ng-model="user.category". How can I show the selected name? I also show the names in options.
<select ng-model="user.category" ng-options="category.id as category.name for category in categories" class="form-control" class="select" required>
<option value="{{category.name}}">Select a Category</option>
<p>Available On : {{user.retailerBranchId}}</p>
<select ng-model="user.category" ng-options="category for category in categories" class="form-control" class="select" required>
<option value="{{category.name}}">Select a Category</option>
<p>Available On : {{user.category.id}}</p>
If you make retailerBranchId a method you can do it with something like lodash' _.find() (or even native find). You have user.category updating according to your selection, which you say has the id in it, which you can use:
function retailerBranchId() {
return _.get(_.find(this.categories, { id: user.category }), 'name', '');
This also fails gracefully; if it can't find any name, or any item that matches the id, it'll return an empty string.
Edit: You would call it in a similar fashion like so:
<p>Available on: {{ user.retailerBranchId() }}</p>
Although really, it's better to use it like this:
<p data-ng-bind="'Available on: ' + user.retailerBranchId()"></p>
Can you try like a below method,
Controller to get selected Category Name:
angular.forEach($scope.categories, function(cat){
Template to have ng-change event:
<select ng-model="user.category" ng-options="category.id as category.name for category in categories" class="form-control" class="select" required>
<option value="{{category.name}}" ng-change="getSelectedCategoryDetail(user.category)">Select a Category</option>
<p>Category Id : {{user.category}}</p>
<p>Category Name : {{user.name}}</p>
Using AngularJS, there is a requirement to show a dropdown with a selected value:
- When user selects a different value we should show a warning message and shouldn't proceed with update (save button disable).
- When user reverts to the original value, the message should hide and able to update (save button enable)
<select ng-model="vm.sldetails.AgencyGroupID" onchange=""
ng-options="a.AgencyGroupID as a.AgencyGroupName for a in vm.agencygroups">
<option value="">--Select--</option>
<label ng-show="">Warning message</label>
Instead of calling an event in controller, can we achieve directly in Onchange event?
<div class="col-md-2">
<select class="form-control" ng-model="vm.sldetails.AgencyGroupID"
ng-options="a.AgencyGroupID as a.AgencyGroupName for a in vm.agencygroups">
<option value="">--Select--</option>
<label class="col-md-2 control-label text-align-left" id="lblWarningMessage" ng-if="vm.sldetails.AgencyGroupID==='your value'">Warning message</label>
In label tag,your value should be replaced by ur compare value
I guess you could try something like this:
<select ng-model="vm.sldetails.AgencyGroupID" ng-change="vm.selectChanged()"
ng-options="a.AgencyGroupID as a.AgencyGroupName for a in vm.agencygroups">
<option value="">--Select--</option>
<label ng-show="vm.showWarning">Warning message</label>
And in js:
vm.selectChanged = function(){
if(vm.sldetails.AgencyGroupID !== 'the initial value'){
vm.showWarning = true;
vm.showWarning = false;
ng-model, not working on select only in directive
<select ng-model="employees.employee" required="true">
<option id="employee_{{$index}}" ng-repeat="employee in employees" value="{{employee.name}}">{{employee.name}}</option>
while loading the form, Default selected value is not set in the dropdown.
I'm new to angularjs and here is a dumb question
<select id="Select1" ng-model="tld" class="form-control ">
<option value="net" data-id="2">.net</option>
<option value="vn" data-id="3">.vn</option>
<input type="button" class="btn btn-test" ng-click="checkDomain(newDomain,tld)" value="CheckDomain">
On controller:
I can get the tld value(net or vn) fine, but how can i get the data-id associated with the clicked item in Select ?
Most of the time I have an array bound to the select box, seems like a better approach. But, you could try to have a json object as the value argument, like <option value="{ text: 'net', id: 2 }">.net</option>.