Difference between access and import in package diagram software - package

I do have a question about the differences between import and access in the package diagram and how to use them, how to know which package is accessible/visible to x package like in the figure below, I would glad if someone answers the question in the provided image.
I dunno the difference between both import and access, therefore, I haven't tried it yet.


How to control the aligning in highchartjs Venn diagram, with React

I'm using highcharts, the Venn module (highcharts/modules/venn.js), and using the highcharts-react-official package to support it in React, the need to show the Venn diagram circles as shown here:
This is what I have now:
However, I tried to figure out away to do this using legand.layout but did not manage to modify the alignment to get the that results, here's what I get.
Any Idea how to do so, if providing the code for that would help more, I'll be happy to share, but I thing either there's an API that I'm no able to find, or its not supported and I have either to find another solution or find a workaround
Really appreciate your time & help

Will Microsoft abandon office add-ins? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 2 years ago.
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I am already trying to develop Office-Addins for more than a year time (side projects needed for work but not a core business). Sadly, I am still feeling like an absolute noob. I tried to research all courses, documentations and SO questions about the matter but it looks like I just cannot advance. I am thinking that Microsoft will abandon Microsoft Add-ins. I tried to contact Microsoft and the developer program always points me to stack overflow So I did not know how to reach out. But I got the impression that the support for Add-ins is really weak and well because of the following reasons:
The Yeoman scaffolding for TypeScript React is really outdated and does not support Functional components but is required if you want to use Fluent UI React framework.
In my version of Windows 10, 2004, it is still not possible to see the developer tools but you stil need the beta Dev Edge DevTools, which remain in beta.
Decent debugging of Excel Add-ins with TypeScript React in VS code with breakpoints is impossible to get working (also when using office debugger because it crashes excel so dramatically that a forced shutdown of excel is needed.
every time something goes wrong with your TypeScript code, the Edge Dev tools tell you that the office.initialize is not properly loaded. So the user is completely on his own.
SPFx is promoted everywhere and on Pluralsight they say that an Add-in runs in an iFrame and that is limited.
I have multiple questions:
How to transform the Class component from the Yeoman generator to a fully functional component?
if you go to the App.tsx file you will see this code:
export default class App extends React.Component<AppProps,
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
But when I remove context, it does not work anymore. What is this context? Is this the Excel API?
How to get EdgeWebview2 to work? I have seen demo's but I cannot find the settings to change it?
Is it possible to have breakpoints with EdgeWebview2?
Does EdgeWebview2 give better feedback about what is wrong with your code?
Does a Excel Addin work together with SPFx?
many thanks for your explanation.
Thanks for the question and feedback. There's a few parts to your questions so I'm hoping I can help, as I work on the Excel extensibility platform.
a) If you're looking to build an add-in for Excel and work on cross platform, we would recommend you start with building web add-ins and use the resources here: https://aka.ms/office-add-ins.
b) In terms of "will we abandon office add-ins"? No, we are continuing to invest in our Javascript add-ins. To learn about the latest on the Excel side, you can see our Ignite video here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IZjQQ9Kr2o), or attend our community calls: https://aka.ms/officeaddinscommunitycall (which happen second wednesday of every month at 08:00 PST).
b) In terms of getting started,
If you were getting started, checkout the quick start here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/quickstarts/excel-quickstart-react
it sounds like you have tried some of our tools (Yeoman) but are hitting issues. For these, we have an active github channel. I'd suggest logging an issue there: https://github.com/officedev/office-js/issues. Can you log an issue on some of the challenges you are hitting and we can investigate (may be likely after the holidays)?
c) For your questions on Edge, the EdgeWebview2 runtime is currently rolling out to the monthly channel builds. You can find more information here: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/office/blogs/office-add-ins-community-call-november-11-2020/, and we'll definitely post news about it once it does become available. Until then, you do have to use the beta channel for Windows.

integrate react.js with C# project

I have to maintain an old project, and when I look into the code, it shocks me.
(function($, React, ReactDOM){
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, $("#root")[0]);
jQuery, React, ReactDOM)
The backend language is C#. I didn't know backend so it's hard for me to figure out how this project works.
it put all components in one file(one file one page), the code is really long.
It didn't use any import and export syntax.
Now I need to add new page, I want to use many files and use import to put it together. Is this possible?
I didn't find where it import react, maybe the cshtml file in the Views folder I guess. I want to use a new version of React with my new page, is this possible?
The question is pretty vague as it stands, but I don't see how it could be improved in its current state.
Depending on the lifetime, future ownership, and current use of the project you're maintaining, it may make sense to refactor it as you describe in [1] and update to the React version you want to use. Yes, it is of course possible, but it is work.
As for [2], I don't know either way if it is possible to use different versions of React to render different parts of the project. That would certainly be interesting to see. I would recommend trying to stick to one version across the application -- otherwise the next poor soul who needs to update this project will have the same reaction you've had.

Importing Material-UI Components

I've been working with a lot of Material-UI components recently, and for the most part, they are pretty easy to import. I'm starting to find that the documentation on http://www.material-ui.com/ is not very good when it comes to showing where to import components from.
For example, to import the List component, one needs to import from material-ui/lib/lists/list. Is there a known dictionary with these component and import paths associated? It gets quite frustrating to not be able to import the necessary components, even though they do seem to follow a fairly common path, i.e., material-ui/lib/.
It doesn't look like the repo on GitHub contains the true paths to the components, so better documentation might be the answer.
The example code in the docs is the very code that is run to create the examples. The imports shown there are the imports actually used by that code (for the version of Material-UI you are checking the docs for).
If an import isn't working, it is likely that either you're using a different version of Material-UI to that for which you are looking at the docs, or you have a typo in your import.
I had to import List using 'material-ui/lib/lists/list'
This confirms that your installed version of Material-UI is 0.15.0-alpha.2 or prior. We moved to the new directory structure in beta.1: https://github.com/callemall/material-ui/releases/tag/v0.15.0-beta.1, thanks to this PR: https://github.com/callemall/material-ui/pull/3749

Cant change the reference type in a Execute package task SSIS

The reference type in my SSIS reference package task is grayed out and therefor un-editable it is set to external reference where as i need it to be a project reference for deployment purposes.
Is there a way i can fix this?
Possible fix -
Download and re-install. Of course, first check if you are able to change the Reference Type for a package in some other SSIS project.
I know this should have been a comment but I don't have enough rep for that.
I know this post is quite old but I came across it while googling this same problem.
I was able to solve this by changing the deployment model from Package Deployment Model to Project Deployment Model.
You do this simply by right clicking the SSIS project and choose Convert to Project Deployment Model:
This will then start a wizard which will help you convert the project.
Hope this helps - at least if anyone else with a similar problem stumbles upon this post.
