When building a report on Activities (Tasks and Events), I had a Subject of Introduction.
I know that I have hundreds, but when I create a Report, it is only returning 8.
I removed all other fields from the report, made sure the filters were All Activities. Date: All Time, and all other filters were set to show me all data, not just my data.
Any advice on what I might be missing in my report?
Created the report using Lighting and Searched Activities, then selected Tasks and Events.
Expecting to see more than 8 items with the Subject of Introduction.
You may be a victim of archived activities. Can you see these Tasks/Events all right on the record itself just like that or are they "below the fold", you need to click "view all"?
Events that ended more than 365 days ago,
Closed tasks due more than 365 days ago ,
Closed tasks created more than 365 days ago (if they have no due date)
If that's the case - you can contact SF support to increase the limit: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=000385669&type=1
If you're after an one-off export - maybe API access will be faster than support route, check https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_guidelines_archive.htm and https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=000385173&type=1 out.
I know that there is user parameter CLIENT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE, which defines wether session should stay alive forever or be killed after 4 hours of inactivity.
Mine is set to False.
show parameters like 'CLIENT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE';
But in Snowflake UI on tab Account > Sessions I see my old session, which started almost 2 days ago.
When I check this session in QUERY_HISTORY table, I also see that there were no queries for almost 2 days.
Why my session is not getting killed? Which settings should I change?
If there is no way to kill such sessions automatically, then I'd like to kill them manually using select system$abort_session(<session_id>); command.
In order to do that, first of all I need to get list of active sessions, that I see on UI tab Account > Sessions.
Is there any system table/view which can provide such data?
Per the Snowflake Documentation, the CLIENT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE is only for ODBC, JDBC, Python, and Node.JS client connectors. It does not affect the UI.
I am the lead developer on a project for a 'difficult' client. I will try not to bore anybody with the details but here is my issue I am facing.
Our client has a team of QA testers that are managing their project through JIRA. We currently have a fixed bid contract with them to supply them the software they requested at a fixed price and any additional features or pre-existing issues will be covered under time and materials.
They have taken the time to raise every defect within the system unrelated to the current fixed bid process and have tried to get them resolved for free and each time we have come to an agreement through JIRA comments that this is a preexisting issue/new feature and you will have to pay for it after the project has been completed which they have agreed to.
The issue is this client has a history of forgetting conversations and email trains that don't benefit them putting a lot of wasted time on our side digging up proof we agreed to handle a situation a specific way.
The project will not complete for several more weeks but as soon as it does I will likely be removed from the JIRA project by their administrator and they will begin asking again for us to complete all this additional work at no cost and I will lose access to the comments on each issue explaining to them it will not be free and them agreeing.
I am currently exporting each ticket after it closes but this is wasting about 30-40 minutes a day and would be interested if there is a tool out there that can export an entire JIRA project to a readable text format that I can run once near the project end.
TL:DR; Is there a tool that will allow me to export an entire JIRA project in a text readable format before I lose access to the project and all information included within that project
Export as CSV doesn't include comments and is limited to 1000 issues be default.
I have used the jira-python library to retrieve all issues, all fields, all comments from a single project. Missed the attachments though.
But what you have is a people problem more than a technical problem. Good luck!
Large exports (e.g. many hundreds of issues) are not recommended.
To change the number of issues that are exported, change the value of the tempMax parameter in the URL.
To export search results to Microsoft Excel:
Choose Issues > Search for Issues.
Refine your search, as described in Searching for Issues, then choose the Export menu.
Choose one of the following from the dropdown menu:
'Excel (All fields)'— this will create a spreadsheet column for every issue field (excluding comments).
Note: This will only show the custom fields that are available for all of the issues in the search results. For example, if a field is only available for one project and multiple projects are in the search results then that field will not appear in the Excel document. The same goes for fields that are only available for certain issue types.
'Excel (Current fields)' — this will create a spreadsheet column for the issue fields that are currently displayed in your Issue Navigator.
A file called - .xls will be created. Edit this file using Microsoft Excel and/or save it as required.
In Google Appengine Stackdriver logging control panel, I was able to query logs by path-prefix with regex queries: "path:/abc/def/.*" now this filter does not show any results anymore.
The documentation from Hell for this interface from Hell has no examples that I find useful. Simple text searches have too many false positives. Did anyone figure out how to make request-path regex or prefix queries in that panel like the following?
Request-path: /abc/def/.*
Request-path: /abc/def/.*.jpg
Update: I figured out the first part: They changed it to "path:/abc/def" without regex. However this thing is crippled, it seems to only search back 7 days into the past?
7 days is the max logs age in the (default) Basic Tier. From Quota Policy:
Maximum limit Value
Retention of log entries 30 days (Premium Tier)
7 days (Basic Tier)
I have a problem where after a weekly activity report is run, there could be updates to an activity. But after the report has been run again the update information is not shown on the report.
I have created the reports in report wizard.
My filter criteria:
Activity Status Equals Completed;Open;Scheduled
AND Start Date Last Week
Modified On Last X Days 30
I have tried
Clearing the filtered criteria.
Deleting the report.
Re-uploading the report.
Refreshing the Webpage.
Could this be something on the Report Server Side?
Like clearing the cache?
How would I clear the cache?
When you say the updated information isn't shown on the report, you're saying that it only displays the original information at all times?
It depends on what browser you are using to clear your cache, but this site makes it pretty easy to figure it out. Refresh Your Cache
I have a app in GAE. This belongs to a domain. This app get info from Reports Api.
If I ask for information 4 days ago, I get the information from doc and gmail. If I ask for information 3 days ago I get only the information of gmail. If I ask for information two days ago (1) does not give me information.
But if I get info from (1) date in the future (eg: ten day) the Api get all info from this date.
The api has a delay when I get info?
See https://support.google.com/a/answer/6000239?hl=en&ref_topic=4639149
Short answer is that yes, there is a delay in when full report data is available. Some reports have lower latency than others and it is possible that you'll only get a subset of the expected report data back.