can't install awswrangler==2.18.0 because dependency aiohttp==3.8.1 has a known issue on windows - aiohttp

during build of aiohttp==3.8.1 on windows get error
aiohttp/_websocket.c(198): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'longintrepr.h': No such file or directory
this is a known bug according to
ERROR: Could not build wheels for aiohttp, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
trying to install awswrangler on windows 10 with python 3.11


Why does apache cannot find library?

While i'm trying to start apache2, error occures:
Syntax error on line 146 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/server.load:
Cannot load /opt/dfplatform/bin/ into server: cannot open shared file: No such file or directory
So apache cannot see jsoncpp library, despite it stored in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu directory, along with other libraries, which apache perfectly finds. Both apache2 and library installed via apt install recently, so it must be fresh versions.
Why does apache don't want to see this specific library? Is it really something about versions and I must install older apache2/libjsoncpp?

Problem installing/rebuilding Xdebug under Apple Silicon M1

Failing to install XDebug under the new Apple Silicon M1 under Big Sur - After using pecl install xdebug and running php --ini I am getting the following error:
PHP Warning: Failed loading Zend extension '' (tried: /opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/ (dlopen(/opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
/opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/ mach-o, but wrong architecture
/opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/ stat() failed with errno=22), /opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/ (dlopen(/opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/, 9): image not found)) in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Failed loading Zend extension '' (tried: /opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/ (dlopen(/opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/, 9): no suitable image found. Did find:
/opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/ mach-o, but wrong architecture
/opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/ stat() failed with errno=22), /opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/ (dlopen(/opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl/20190902/, 9): image not found)) in Unknown on line 0
I tried recompiling xdebug from source (git clone git:// with the same results. Can I force the correct architecture in the config.m4 when recompiling xdebug? - ANy other suggestions?
I needed to specify the architecture.
It worked with :
arch -arm64 sudo pecl install xdebug
tried install with pecl install xdebug and got this error:
Build process completed successfully
Installing '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/php#7.4/7.4.15_1/pecl/20190902/'
Warning: mkdir(): File exists in System.php on line 294
Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /opt/homebrew/Cellar/php#7.4/7.4.15_1/share/php#7.4/pear/System.php on line 294
ERROR: failed to mkdir /opt/homebrew/Cellar/php#7.4/7.4.15_1/pecl/20190902
I used fix from this link and it helped
Your warnings are about architecture, maybe need to remove and install again - i was do all from arm64 terminal...
Simply open your php.ini file and replace this line:
with whatever the installation process offered you
in my case it's:
And remember to restart your services!
On a fresh MacOS installation I was getting an error:
Warning: mkdir(): File exists in System.php on line 294 PHP Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /usr/local/Cellar/php/7.3.3/share/php/pear/System.php on line 294
Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /usr/local/Cellar/php/7.3.3/share/php/pear/System.php on line 294 ERROR: failed to mkdir /usr/local/Cellar/php/7.3.3/pecl/20180731
You simply need to make the directory the script cannot, to accomplish this, run the following:
pecl config-get ext_dir | pbcopy
mkdir -p {paste clipboard value}
Now you can install PECL extensions
pecl install xdebug
You will likely have to install Xdebug through PECL with:
arch -x86_64 sudo pecl install xdebug
Not sure if this was the problem. However, I did a full reset of my M1 Macbook. And this time I only used arm software (iterm, homebrew...), this time it installed without any issue.

getting the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException while installing UX studio software in eclipse

I am trying to install UX_ Studio software in eclipse from the following URl.
This is my home pc
But I am getting the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException
The error is as follows:
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Received fatal alert: protocol_version
I checked the error online and added the following line
open the eclipse.ini file and add the following on a separate line under the -vmargs option.
But exception is still there
Java 8 needs to install with the software. Other versions of java will not work

Error during installation of Cairo package on Red Hat (RHEL)

I am working on R and I need to install the Cairo package.
R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
OS : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.1 (Santiago)
I'm getting following error message:
xlib-backend.c:34:74: fatal error: X11/Intrinsic.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [xlib-backend.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘Cairo’
* removing ‘/usr/local/lib64/R/library/Cairo’
The downloaded source packages are in
Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library'
Making packages.html ... done
Warning message:
In install.packages("Cairo") :
installation of package ‘Cairo’ had non-zero exit status
Had same error. To solve:
Ran the 3 following pieces which were already installed, but doesn't hurt to run and check
yum install libX11
yum install libX11-devel
yum install libXt
Then ran the following which fixed my problem:
yum install libXt-devel
Was able to install.packages("Cairo") afterwards in R 2.15.0 RHEL6.1
On Alpine-linux I fixed this using the following:
apk add cairo-dev

Integrating Active Directory with Plone 4

How do you integrate Active Directory with Plone 4 on Ubuntu? I have searched the Internet up and down and cannot get this to work!!
All I know is that all you have to do is add "" in your buildout.cfg file and that will install the add-ons. However, every time I do this I get an error message. I have installed python-ldap 2.3.11 from the Ubuntu repos but yet I still get an error when I run bin/buildout.
When I run bin/buildount it starts Getting distribution for 'python-ldap>=2.0.6'. I don't understand why does it have to do that when I already have python-ldap installed and tested successfully!
I have Python 2.6.
Here is the message I get when I execute bin/buildout:
Getting distribution for 'python-ldap>=2.0.6'.
extra_compile_args: -g
include_dirs: /opt/openldap-RE24/include /usr/include/sasl
library_dirs: /opt/openldap-RE24/lib
libs: ldap_r lber sasl2 ssl crypto
file Lib/ (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.schema) not found
warning: no files found matching 'Makefile'
warning: no files found matching 'Modules/LICENSE'
file Lib/ (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.schema) not found
file Lib/ (for module ldap) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.controls) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.extop) not found
file Lib/ldap/ (for module ldap.schema) not found
In file included from Modules/LDAPObject.c:9:0:
Modules/errors.h:8:18: fatal error: lber.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
An error occured when trying to install python-ldap 2.4.3. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.
Installing instance.
Getting distribution for 'python-ldap>=2.0.6'.
Error: Couldn't install: python-ldap 2.4.3
*************** PICKED VERSIONS ****************
[versions] = 1.2.6
#Required by:
#Products.PloneLDAP 1.1
Products.LDAPMultiPlugins = 1.14
#Required by:
#Products.PloneLDAP 1.1
Products.LDAPUserFolder = 2.20
#Required by: 1.2.6
Products.PloneLDAP = 1.1
#Required by:
#Products.LDAPUserFolder 2.20
dataflake.ldapconnection = 1.2
*************** /PICKED VERSIONS ***************
Please advise.
Now that you've actually included the error, it turns out this is a whole different issue. You can't build python-ldap without having the LDAP development package avialable. On any debian based system, such as ubuntu, you can use the excellent deb package metadata to do this for you.
$ sudo apt-get build-dep python-ldap
