getting the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException while installing UX studio software in eclipse - salesforce

I am trying to install UX_ Studio software in eclipse from the following URl.
This is my home pc
But I am getting the org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException
The error is as follows:
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Received fatal alert: protocol_version
I checked the error online and added the following line
open the eclipse.ini file and add the following on a separate line under the -vmargs option.
But exception is still there

Java 8 needs to install with the software. Other versions of java will not work


Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces error (in CSVHelper method) when running the application installed by Visual Studio Setup project

I have a WPF application that reads a CSV file using CSVHelper which I installed using NuGet. Here's the project, system, etc version info.
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.4.5
NuGet Package Manager 5.4.0
WPF Project Target Framework: .NET Framework 4.7.2
CSVHelper Version: 15.0.5
CSV reader method is straightforward; read a file and put it in a list. Nothing fancy. I'll link the entire project at the bottom so you can download and try it out if you want.
When I run the executable made in either Release or Debug builds, they work fine. They read the file, put contents in a list, and display on a DataGrid just fine. As a next step, I created a standard Visual Studio Setup project, and created an msi installer, which I used to install the app in my PC.
When I run that executable (which is in my Program Files directory), however, the application throws an exception. Here's the exception message and Stack Trace.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. Reference assemblies should not be loaded for execution. They can only be loaded in the Reflection-only loader context. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131058)
at ReadCSVTest.MainWindow.ReadPeopleList(String path, List`1& people, String& msg)
at ReadCSVTest.MainWindow..ctor()
Since the error says couldn't load the assembly Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces, I added that from NuGet and ran everything again, and I still get the error. What's the problem here? What does it mean that Reference assemblies should not be loaded for execution. They can only be loaded in the Reflection-only loader context.? And why do I only get this exception when I run the executable installed by the Setup project?
Please download the entire project from HERE.
Just so anyone runs into the same issue in the future; as Jones suggested in the comments, downgrading each of the two libraries to following versions fixed the issue for me.
CsvHelper ==> 12.3.2
Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces ==> 1.0.0

Apex replay debugger is throwing Java 8 is required to run

I am following this trail and I have completed all the steps correctly. Even I able to download the debug logs.
But Problem occurs when I am trying to run the following command
> SFDX: Launch Apex Replay Debugger with Current File
It shows the below error.
But, the thing is, I have jdk-12.0.1 installed on my PC. After that, I have installed the Java 8 also and thus jdk-1.8.0_181 is also installed.
My Java Home setting in VS code is following
I have also restarted my PC, But no luck. It is throwing the same error.
How to solve this ?
You have to set the path as 'C://Program Files//Java//jdk1.8.0_181' and then restart the vs code
In case any Mac users needed help:
I installed Java 11 and then ran this code:
/usr/libexec/java_home -v 11 to find the exact directory and then pasted it in the user settings you have marked with a red rectangle. Then I restarted VS code and it worked.
Edit: Looked at your screenshots...
You did this: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181
You wanted this: C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_181
From the Trailhead unit you linked:

How to configure PDFNet for .NET application to publish to Citrix server? (AnyCPU)

So I have been trying to config the project to make it work on our server via Citrix.
I used this line of code to set the path:
private static pdftron.PDFNetLoader loader = pdftron.PDFNetLoader.Instance().Path(String.Format(#"{0}\{1}",
System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IndexUIZoom)).Location), #"PDFNet"));
I got this error every time (bin is where the .exe file is):
INFO Program [(null)] - Path: [bin]\PDFNet -
ERROR Program [(null)] - System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'PDFNet.dll' or one of its dependencies.
The specified module could not be found. File name: 'PDFNet.dll'
Everything works fine on local machine. I got the error above whenever I run from Citrix, or log into the server machine and run from there.
Most likely your server is missing the MS VC++ Runtime dependencies. Developer machines usually have them installed as part of a Visual Studio installation, but servers often do not. You can download MS VC++ installers from MSDN.
To find the exact one you need to download please see section 3.2.1 of the Getting Started Guide for PDFNet .Net below. Note you need to also match the runtime 32 or 64 bitness of your process, for both PDFNet.dll and the MS VC++ runtime.
PDFNet .Net 4.0+ Getting Started Guide
PDFNet .Net 2.0-3.5 Getting Started Guide

JVM error while installing clearcase

I am unable to install ClearCase version 8.0.3 in RHEL7.
I have installed all the dependencies, and yet it still shows error.
While doing ./ under the path /Clearcase/Setup/disk1/, it opens in Mozilla and shows the added error.
JVM error while installing clearcase
When I install through /Clearcase/Agent/ with ./install, it installs version 1.7.2 and does not shows list of versions when I click on show all versions.
How can I get pass this error message?
It depends on the exact error you have.
For instance, following this technote, you could see: script generates this error:
JVM Terminated. Exit Code=1
Clicking Close on the GUI pop-up window then reports this error:
Error loading: /cc71bin/disk1/InstallerImage_linux/jre_5.0.3.sr8a_20080811b/jre/bin/classic/
cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
That is because:
This might occur if Secure Linux (SELinux) is enabled.
To disable SELinux:
Edit the file /etc/selinux/config.
Change the line "SELINUX=enforcing" to "SELINUX=disable" or "SELINUX=permissive", and then reboot the machine.

Compiling mod_tile

I wanted to build my own tile server as written on switch2osm site. In short: render is not happening (more details you can find here).
Seems that mod_tile is not installed correctly. First it gave some errors during installation and in the end error message was:
27 warnings and 4 errors generated.
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
I removed this source (original from openstreet) and downloaded new one from here. This time installation went without error, only some warnings. But rendering is still not happening (it's stuck on <Debug>: Using web mercator projection settings and doesn't move on).
Data about my system goes here:
OS: Mac OS 10.9.4
Python: 2.7.5
Mapnik: 3.0.1-pre
Server version: Apache/2.2.26 (Unix)
Installation logs are here.
