Compiling mod_tile - c

I wanted to build my own tile server as written on switch2osm site. In short: render is not happening (more details you can find here).
Seems that mod_tile is not installed correctly. First it gave some errors during installation and in the end error message was:
27 warnings and 4 errors generated.
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
I removed this source (original from openstreet) and downloaded new one from here. This time installation went without error, only some warnings. But rendering is still not happening (it's stuck on <Debug>: Using web mercator projection settings and doesn't move on).
Data about my system goes here:
OS: Mac OS 10.9.4
Python: 2.7.5
Mapnik: 3.0.1-pre
Server version: Apache/2.2.26 (Unix)
Installation logs are here.


Apex replay debugger is throwing Java 8 is required to run

I am following this trail and I have completed all the steps correctly. Even I able to download the debug logs.
But Problem occurs when I am trying to run the following command
> SFDX: Launch Apex Replay Debugger with Current File
It shows the below error.
But, the thing is, I have jdk-12.0.1 installed on my PC. After that, I have installed the Java 8 also and thus jdk-1.8.0_181 is also installed.
My Java Home setting in VS code is following
I have also restarted my PC, But no luck. It is throwing the same error.
How to solve this ?
You have to set the path as 'C://Program Files//Java//jdk1.8.0_181' and then restart the vs code
In case any Mac users needed help:
I installed Java 11 and then ran this code:
/usr/libexec/java_home -v 11 to find the exact directory and then pasted it in the user settings you have marked with a red rectangle. Then I restarted VS code and it worked.
Edit: Looked at your screenshots...
You did this: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181
You wanted this: C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_181
From the Trailhead unit you linked:

How to configure PDFNet for .NET application to publish to Citrix server? (AnyCPU)

So I have been trying to config the project to make it work on our server via Citrix.
I used this line of code to set the path:
private static pdftron.PDFNetLoader loader = pdftron.PDFNetLoader.Instance().Path(String.Format(#"{0}\{1}",
System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IndexUIZoom)).Location), #"PDFNet"));
I got this error every time (bin is where the .exe file is):
INFO Program [(null)] - Path: [bin]\PDFNet -
ERROR Program [(null)] - System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'PDFNet.dll' or one of its dependencies.
The specified module could not be found. File name: 'PDFNet.dll'
Everything works fine on local machine. I got the error above whenever I run from Citrix, or log into the server machine and run from there.
Most likely your server is missing the MS VC++ Runtime dependencies. Developer machines usually have them installed as part of a Visual Studio installation, but servers often do not. You can download MS VC++ installers from MSDN.
To find the exact one you need to download please see section 3.2.1 of the Getting Started Guide for PDFNet .Net below. Note you need to also match the runtime 32 or 64 bitness of your process, for both PDFNet.dll and the MS VC++ runtime.
PDFNet .Net 4.0+ Getting Started Guide
PDFNet .Net 2.0-3.5 Getting Started Guide

End of script output before headers Apache 2.4 Error

We have just upgraded to Apache 2.4 from 2.2 and our fastcgi apps are now causing the error message 'End of script output before headers'.
All the apps and libraries, which are all in C, have been recompiled using the latest libraries from and they worked fine before the upgrade.
Any clues as to the cause of the problem would be appreciated.
The server is Fedora 19
As it turned out the problem was with a shared object file that wasn't of the correct version. For some odd reason that error did not show in the log.
So, question should be closed.
As it turned out the problem was with a shared object file that wasn't of the correct version. For some odd reason that error did not show in the log.

Javascript error on new install of

I've had a good look around and can't see anyone else with the same issue.
I've downloaded the latest install for DNN (via this page and tried to run it as a new install (via visual studio development web server) but the site crashes on the second page of the wizard, I get a javascript error "Invalid character" in the jquery library and nothing happens are that.
Using the VS javascript debugger I can see in the call stack that the error seems to stem from some javascript used to update the progress bar found on the installation page, the line in question is...
var result = jQuery.parseJSON(status);
If I let the code run from here I get a further error of "Unable to get property 'progress' of undefined or null reference" in the same block of javascript code a few lines down...
if (result.progress < $("#progressbar").progressbar('value')) return;
Details of my installation;
Running on Windows 7 64 bit (have also tried a Windows 7 32 bit but get same error).
Using VS 2010
Installing to new (blank) database on MS SQL server 2008
Using a SQL user for authentication
Have tried the suggestion of "unblocking" the zip file before downloading
Given the NETWORKSERVICE user full control over the DNN website folder
I've tried the installation with IE 10 & the latest version of Chrome (30.0.1)
In addition to trying to run the installation using the wizard I also found that you can disable the wizard via this web.config setting;
Running with this I am able to successfully install DNN but when redirecting from the basic wizard page to the DNN site I get an object not set to an instance of an object error on this line...
if (PortalSettings.ActiveTab.PageHeadText != Null.NullString && !Globals.IsAdminControl())
... of the default.aspx code behind
I had a play with DNN 6 last year and didn't have any issues installing so to confirm that was still the case I downloaded the last release of DNN 6 (version from here and was again able to install that version without any problems at all using the same SQL server and running through VS 2010.
Any help would be appreciated.
I was having the same problem and switching the pipeline mode for the application pool to "Integrated" fixed the issue on PortalSettings comming on null on this line:
if (PortalSettings.ActiveTab.PageHeadText != Null.NullString && !Globals.IsAdminControl())

Error while starting a GAE/GWT project: Unable to restore the previous TimeZone

When I try to run a GWT App Engine project using the Eclipse plugin, I get the following error:
Initializing App Engine server
[ERROR] Unable to start App Engine server
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to restore the previous TimeZone
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: defaultZoneTL
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(
... 6 more
[ERROR] shell failed in doStartupServer method
Unable to start embedded HTTP server (see previous log entries)
Chris Cashwell provided the correct answer. But for people like myself who are relatively new to Eclipse, here are more explicit instructions (which I came across here):
Right-click project directory in Project Explorer window
Select Run As > Run Configurations...
Go to Arguments tab
In VM Arguments textbox, add one of the following parameters mentioned by Chris:
-Dappengine.user.timezone.impl=UTC (this worked in my case)
Click Apply then Run
In my case, this was done specifically in the context of a PlayN project I am working on, so I was right-clicking the HTML folder. In the end, my VM arguments looked something like this:
-Xmx512m -javaagent:/long/path/to/appengine-agent.jar -Dappengine.user.timezone.impl=UTC
See this bug report. For me, it was fixed by downgrading the JDK from 1.7.0_03 -> 1.7.0_02. Other things that have been purported to work are adding -Dappengine.user.timezone=UTC (or in some cases -Dappengine.user.timezone.impl=UTC) to the JVM flags.
i got this error, and found port already in use in the console.
I closed eclipse and killed javaw.exe. Then everything worked fine.
