Openlayers - Image layer's source(Raster) disappears on each zoom - reactjs

I'm having a case where I have to create a Hillshading Image layer on top of the original Raster WebGLTileLayer(GeoTIFF source) to show hillshading view. I'm facing an issue where
The source tile layer disappears on each zoom as the hillshade Image layer is being rendered.
Sometimes, the hillshade is not appearing even when the raster source is given correctly.
Has anyone faced this issue before. If so, can someone help me out.

I was able to solve the issues using style instead of tilelayer as raster source, as done here -
Thanks to #Mike 's comment.


Drawing an image in ios6 using kineticJS

In ios5,when i try to draw an image using KineticJS,it gets drawn perfectly.But whereas in ios6, when i try to draw an image using KineticJS, the image gets drawn 2-3 times bigger(compared to that in ios5) automatically.Why is this happening?. Is it some resolution problem?. How do i resolve the issue?
Thanks in advance.
are you setting the correct meta viewport to define the page size?

SubImages not showing on MultiScaleImage when zoomed out. How to show them?

I've created a deep zoom image with nearly 200 SubImages. I just loaded the main image into Deep Zoom Composer and loaded all the SubImages and exported. I then used code to position and scale the SubImages by editing the dzc_output.xml.
All seems fine apart from when I show the image. Only the SubImages from mid way down up the image show.
When I zoom in on areas where I know there should be SubImages, they do appear.
I'm I hitting some kind of limit with MultiScaleImages or is there a way to control the 'zoom' level that an image shows in the control?
I Worked it out.
Using Fiddler2 I noticed several 404, Silverlight was looking for image files in a path with /dzc_output_out_images/ as part of the path. Which didnt exist.
I'd changed the name of the dzc_output.xml file to dzc_output_out.xml.
Change the name back, all images are appearing now.

WPF Image Color Tint

I am loading several images in WPF and from what I have read, it keeps them all in memory.
I was wondering why it is that when I display my image, that there is a red/purple tint?
Has anyone experienced this issue before?
I set up an Image class using the Designer, then I set the Image.Source to my ImageSourceConverter.ConvertFromString("MyFilepath.png")
I also set
Image.Stretch = Stretch.Fill (if that helps)
It seems that some images have a reddish discoloration to them. I cannot figure out why...?
I tried to post images, but stackoverflow's convenient spam prevention said I could not post them because I just joined...
Is it possible there's a translucent overlay in your XAML causing the discoloration? It could also be an encoding issue... Can you post a sample of your code?
Also, although you can't embed images directly in your post because of your newness, you could upload the image to, for example, and post a link to that image.
Well, I found that after I changed the images from .png to .jpg, the discoloration was no longer an issue. I am wondering what might have caused this?
I do not think it was the alpha transparency of the .png's, but rather the ImageSourceConverter itself...?
This was most likely caused by dithering effect. It should go away after you set the following property on your Image element to true:
SnapsToDevicePixels = "True"

How to draw shapes on top of Silverlight multiscaleimage?

There is a multiscale image with deepzoom image as a source. Now I need to allow users to draw poligons and lines on top of the multiscalimage in such a way that the shapes will follow drag and zoom to scale accordingly.
I tried to add a canvas in addition to the multiscaleimage but can't figure out how to make them stick to each other on zoom or drags.
If you have done any user shape drawing on top of deepzoom image, please share your methods.
Have you checked the Silverlight 4 Puzzle demo?
You may be able to get some "inspiration" by inspecting this app.
Follow the link to download the source:
I've done this before. Not sure if this is the preferred/optimal way, but you can add layers to your root deepzoom layer. (sorry, i forget the proper terminology).
In my case i had 4 sub layers, some of which were used to render lines and shapes, others were used to render entire maps that were loaded from a URI.

How to achieve rotating form effect in wpf

I would like to make a rotating form WPF effect like the one in the norton antivirus 2010.
The effect is a rotating form that changes the contents when the other side is shown. But the axis is not in the center of the form but moves from side to center and back. Like a three step effect.
The rotating form can be seen at 8' 07" in this video: (I'm sad but this was the only video I found on YouTube)
Have a look at the Thriple stuff on CodePlex:
It's almost exactly what you're after.
Hope this helps.
I did not examine the details, but I know that Microsoft's patterns & practices team also uses a similar animation in their "StockTrader Reference Implementation" for the "Composite Application Guidance". They sub-classed the TabControl and added some animation to it. I think the relevant code parts can be found here:
just verify this link. It has code as well as the Sample.
From the Sample take the TransitionPresenter link from the left panel and choose the 3D Rotate item from the listbox. Then select the images from the top list. You can see the same effect in the video. I saw some initial sanp of the video and may be this link can help you.
