Drawing an image in ios6 using kineticJS - ios6

In ios5,when i try to draw an image using KineticJS,it gets drawn perfectly.But whereas in ios6, when i try to draw an image using KineticJS, the image gets drawn 2-3 times bigger(compared to that in ios5) automatically.Why is this happening?. Is it some resolution problem?. How do i resolve the issue?
Thanks in advance.

are you setting the correct meta viewport to define the page size?


Openlayers - Image layer's source(Raster) disappears on each zoom

I'm having a case where I have to create a Hillshading Image layer on top of the original Raster WebGLTileLayer(GeoTIFF source) to show hillshading view. I'm facing an issue where
The source tile layer disappears on each zoom as the hillshade Image layer is being rendered.
Sometimes, the hillshade is not appearing even when the raster source is given correctly.
Has anyone faced this issue before. If so, can someone help me out.
I was able to solve the issues using style instead of tilelayer as raster source, as done here - https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/webgl-shaded-relief.html
Thanks to #Mike 's comment.

Mapbox raster image not working in mobile

In mobile view mapbox renders black image instead of raster image. I suspect this is because of the size of image(3.9 MB), also this is happening mostly on chrome browser for mobile. Please help me find the potential issue here?
This sounds as if you could be running into the No-Data issue, when rendering transparency.
The black background that appears is the part of the raster image that does not contain any data. Generally a raster image is a rectangular grid of pixels. When you are working with data that is not rectangular, there are pixels within the grid that don't contain any data. These pixels are expressed as NoData values and represent the absence of data. GeoTIFFs that are uploaded to Mapbox Studio are displayed as JPEG to save space and make maps load quickly. Since JPEG cannot display transparency, NoData values appear black.
Please see this documentation on how to resolve this:

ios6 UIImageView - Loading -568h image

I've seen a couple posts about the UIImage automatically loading the filename-568.png image in the new iOS6, but I can't seem to recreate it in the UIImageView class.
I'm using the Storyboard (not my app, just having to do some checks), and I've a simple layout with just the Image View scaled to fit, no code in the view controller, and I've sure the filename.png and filename-568h.png exist (as well as -568#2x.png just in case) but when I load it up in the iOS6 simulator. This has been for iOS 4 and 5, loading the #2x image for retina, doesn't seem to work in iOS6 though. Any ideas?
The image happens to be called Default.png since it is the same as the launch image, could this be the issue?
Thanks for any help in advance
iOS6 does NOT automatically load -568h as it does with the #2x images. The only exception is the default screen, but further than that you have to manually set you 568h image yourself.
I created some code to mimic the loading behavior for -568h images when using the [UIImage imageNamed:#""] method, but from the IB I do not know the way. If you are interested in such a solution, check it out at http://angelolloqui.com/blog/20-iPhone5-568h-image-loading
Typically, you should only use 568h for the launch image. If you notice yourself using different image assets within your app for the new display height, you should consider that you might be making your UI too static.
The most obvious place people want to use 568h for images is for background images. An alternative is to just have one asset that has the largest possible dimensions and align it properly using the contentMode property of UIView.
But perhaps you have something floating in the image at the top and the bottom, so contentMode doesn't solve it. You could consider that the top and bottom floaters should probably be separate views anyway.
Remember, we have always been making apps with variable heights. Every time a keyboard pops up, its as if the size of the screen has shrunk.

zooming in silverlight

I have created a 3D structure(basically an image) dynamically using kit3D.However,I wanted to zoom only a small segment of the whole structure.My entire image is loaded altogather at a time,so I am not considering using deep zoom.
Is there anyway where I can zoom only a part of a dynamically generated image in silverlight??
Thank you,
You can use a Scale RenderTransform to increase the size of the image, then use a clip to only show one part of it, thus giving the effect of zoom.
Alternatively you can use a ViewBox from the Silverlight toolkit
I'd use a MultiScaleTileSource for that. It's a callback based system - it requests Deep Zoom tiles from a function you implement when the user zooms or pans.
Here's some sample code, and here's a full working example that pulls map tiles dynamically from Virtual Earth.
This example may be helpful.
there is an example of use silverlight 3 and Virtual Earth on http://www.silverenlightenment.com/

Resizing a Silverlight or Flash video player?

Is it possible to resize a silverlight/flash video player on the fly? I would like to create a video where I can drag the bottom left corner to resize the player (maintaining aspect ratio) or at least eliminate the possibility of doing so I could move on to other methods.
Thanks in advance...
EDIT: // forgot to mention
Sorry forgot to mention, this would also mean that the actual video itself resizing right?
Silverlight: Absolutely. Just set the the Stretch property to Uniform and then alter either the Width or Height as you resize.
Flash: Yes, you can alter the size of a flash object through JavaScript. Using a YUI, jQuery, or a Mootools JavaScript library, this should not be too difficult to prototype.
Here is a posts which explains how to resize flash from within your flash code.
Proportional resizing - here is an example of that as well using jQuery.
I'm not sure if the same is true for Silverlight browser objects, although I'd be surprised if you couldn't do the same.
This is a CSS solution for resizing videos on the fly.
The video can even resize itself according to the user settings if it is styled using EMs. This demo shows how a video resize itself according to the width of the user agent.
Here is an example of the silverlight scaling. This photo retouching and restoration site has a couple of silverlight controls that scale with browser resizing. There is quite a nice photo gallery that shows the photos before and after the retouch.
As of version 5.3 they added a resize() method to the javascript API which allows you to resize a player - and all the control bar etc. will resize correctly too.
resize(width, height) Resizes the
player to the specified dimensions.
width:Number: the new overall width of
the player.
height:Number: the new
overall height of the player. Note: If
a controlbar or playlist is displayed
next to the video, the actual video is
of course smaller than the overall
