Leaflet map renderer L.svg changed already existing canvas markers - reactjs

I have set renderer value L.svg with a padding of 100 for map as shown below
Before setting this option canvas markers were visible like this
After setting renderer option markers are visible like this
Code to render canvas marker is as follows
(function () {
var proto = L.Canvas.prototype;
var prev = proto._updateCircle;
proto._updateCircle = function (layer) {
// only circleMARKER, not the standard circle
if (layer instanceof L.Circle)
return prev.call(this, layer);
if (!this._drawing || layer._empty()) {
var p = layer._point,
ctx = this._ctx,
r = Math.max(Math.round(layer._radius), 1)
//,s = (Math.max(Math.round(layer._radiusY), 1) || r) / r;
var options = layer.options;
var scale = Math.pow(2, this._map.getZoom()) * 256 / Math.PI / 6378137;
scale = Math.pow(scale, options.boostExp) * options.boostScale;
r = r * scale;
if (!options.boostType) {
ctx.arc(p.x, p.y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
this._fillStroke(ctx, layer);
else switch (options.boostType) {
case 'ball':
if (options.fill) {
if (options.stroke && options.weight !== 0)
r = r + options.weight * 0.5 * scale;
let grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(p.x - r / 2, p.y - r / 2, 0, p.x, p.y, 1.5 * r);
grd.addColorStop(0, options.fillColor);
grd.addColorStop(1, options.color);
ctx.fillStyle = grd;
ctx.arc(p.x, p.y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
ctx.fill(options.fillRule || 'evenodd');
case 'balloon':
if (options.fill) {
if (options.stroke && options.weight !== 0)
r = r + options.weight * 0.5 * scale;
// this condition is used to identify if employee is at suggested location and draw a star on top of marker
let grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(p.x - r / 2, p.y - r / 2 - 2 * r, 0, p.x, p.y - 2 * r, 2.5 * r);
grd.addColorStop(0, options.fillColor);
grd.addColorStop(1, options.color);
ctx.fillStyle = grd;
ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
ctx.lineTo(p.x - r, p.y - 2 * r);
ctx.lineTo(p.x + r, p.y - 2 * r);
ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y);
ctx.arc(p.x, p.y - 2 * r, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
ctx.fill(options.fillRule = 'nonzero');
drawStar(p.x, p.y - 2 * r, 5, 3, 1.5, ctx);
case 'borderedball':
if (options.fill) {
if (options.stroke && options.weight !== 0)
r = r + options.weight * 0.5 * scale;
let grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(p.x - r / 2, p.y - r / 2, 0, p.x, p.y, 1.5 * r);
grd.addColorStop(0, options.fillColor);
grd.addColorStop(1, options.color);
drawStar(p.x, p.y, 5, r, r, ctx);
ctx.fillStyle = grd;
ctx.arc(p.x, p.y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
ctx.fill(options.fillRule || 'evenodd');
if (options.stroke && options.weight !== 0) {
ctx.arc(p.x, p.y, r + options.weight * 0.5 * scale, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
ctx.fillStyle = options.color;
ctx.fill(options.fillRule || 'evenodd');
if (options.fill) {
ctx.arc(p.x, p.y, r - ((options.stroke && options.weight !== 0) ? options.weight * 0.5 * scale : 0), 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
ctx.fillStyle = options.fillColor || options.color;
ctx.fill(options.fillRule || 'evenodd');
var xproto = L.CircleMarker.prototype;
var xprev = xproto._containsPoint;
xproto._containsPoint = function (p) {
if (this instanceof L.Circle)
return xprev.call(this, p);
var r = this._radius;
var options = this.options;
var scale = Math.pow(2, this._map.getZoom()) * 256 / Math.PI / 6378137;
scale = Math.pow(scale, options.boostExp) * options.boostScale;
r = r * scale;
r = r + (this.options.stroke ? this.options.weight * scale / 2 : 0);
if (options.boostType === 'balloon')
p = new L.Point(p.x, p.y + 2 * r);
return p.distanceTo(this._point) <= r + this._clickTolerance();
// clickTolerance only for mobile! (seems to be fixed with LL1.4)
// return p.distanceTo(this._point) <= r + ((L.Browser.touch && L.Browser.mobile) ? 10 : 0);
var cproto = L.Layer.prototype;
var cprev = cproto._openPopup;
cproto._openPopup = function (e) {
var layer = e.layer || e.target;
if (!(layer instanceof L.CircleMarker) || (layer instanceof L.Circle))
return cprev.call(this, e);
if (!this._popup) {
if (!this._map) {
// prevent map click
// treat it like a marker and figure out
// if we should toggle it open/closed
if (this._map.hasLayer(this._popup) && this._popup._source === layer) {
} else {
layer.on('preclick', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation);
var pproto = L.Popup.prototype;
var p_getAnchor = pproto._getAnchor;
pproto._getAnchor = function () {
if (!(this._source instanceof L.CircleMarker) || this._source instanceof L.Circle)
return p_getAnchor.call(this);
var r = this._source._radius;
var options = this._source.options;
//var zoomScale;
var scale = Math.pow(2, this._map.getZoom()) * 256 / Math.PI / 6378137;
scale = Math.pow(scale, options.boostExp) * options.boostScale;
if (options.boostType === 'balloon')
r = 2.5 * r * scale;
r = 0.5 * r * scale;
// Where should we anchor the popup on the source layer?
return L.point(this._source && this._source._getPopupAnchor ? this._source._getPopupAnchor() : [0, -r]);
function drawDiamond(context, x, y, width, height) {
context.moveTo(x, y);
// top left edge
context.lineTo(x - width / 2, y + height / 2);
// bottom left edge
context.lineTo(x, y + height);
// bottom right edge
context.lineTo(x + width / 2, y + height / 2);
function drawStar(cx, cy, spikes, outerRadius, innerRadius, ctx) {
var rot = Math.PI / 2 * 3;
var x = cx;
var y = cy;
var step = Math.PI / spikes;
ctx.moveTo(cx, cy - outerRadius)
for (let i = 0; i < spikes; i++) {
x = cx + Math.cos(rot) * outerRadius;
y = cy + Math.sin(rot) * outerRadius;
ctx.lineTo(x, y)
rot += step
x = cx + Math.cos(rot) * innerRadius;
y = cy + Math.sin(rot) * innerRadius;
ctx.lineTo(x, y)
rot += step
ctx.lineTo(cx, cy - outerRadius);
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
ctx.strokeStyle = 'blue';
ctx.fillStyle = 'skyblue';
Please suggest a solution to render canvas markers as they were before setting renderer value to L.svg.


glutWarpPointer with first person camera

I'm trying to do a first person camera with GLUT, I have my get mouse speed x/y code here..
X_mouse = mousex;
Y_mouse = mousey;
current_t = static_cast<double>(glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME));
delta_t = (current_t - previous_t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
diffX = (X_mouse - Xpre);
diffY = (Y_mouse - Ypre);
if ( diffX != 0)
if (delta_t == 0) delta_t = 1;
Vx = diffX / delta_t;
MouseXSpd = Vx/1000.0;
if ( diffY != 0)
if (delta_t == 0) delta_t = 1;
Vx = diffY / delta_t;
MouseXSpd = Vy/1000.0;
glutSwapBuffers(); //<-- not sure if this is needed
previous_t = current_t;
Xpre = X_mouse;
Ypre = Y_mouse;
Then in my glutMotionFunc is just this code
void MousePosition(int x, int y) {
mousex = x;
mousey = y;
but having trouble with warping the mouse pointer when it gets to the edge of the window.

AngularJS : using Two.js, Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

I want to create an edit polygon using AngularJS : i used this function but i have error :Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null.
Controller AngularJS :
var two = new Two({ type: Two.Types.svg }).appendTo(document.getElementById("ImgCamera"));
var polygon = new Two.Polygon(10,10,5,4)
$scope.drawWheel = function () {
var center_X = 420;
var center_Y = 140;
var radius = 100;
var ellipse = $scope.two.makeEllipse(center_X, center_Y, radius, radius);
ellipse.linewidth = 0;
ellipse.fill = "#66BB6A";
var spoke_color = "#FF5722";
var x1 = center_X;
var y1 = center_Y;
for (var i = 0; i < self.spokes; i++) {
var x2 = x1 + radius * Math.cos(i * 5);
var y2 = y1 + radius * Math.sin(i * 5);
var line = self.two.makeLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
line.linewidth = 3;
line.stroke = "white";
HTML code :
<div id="ImgCamera">
<div ng-init="drawWheel()"></div>

Create a particle circle

I'm creating a particles engine in C (with the CSFML library) where each particle has a position on {X,Y}, a life, and a movement vector in {X,Y}.
I'm actually creating X particles at the same position on my screen (ex: {100, 100}, and i wan't to make them moving to create a growing circle from the initial position.
What is the mathematical function that can help me to make this ?
#include <SFML/Graphics/Vertex.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "main.h"
int my_rand(int a, int b){
return rand()%(b-a) +a;
partBuffer *newPartBuffer(int size)
partBuffer *this;
const size_t size_m = (sizeof(partBuffer) + sizeof(sfVertex) * size * 4
+ sizeof(t_info) * size);
void *ptn = malloc(size_m);
if (ptn == NULL)
return (NULL);
memset(ptn, 0, size_m);
this = (partBuffer*)(ptn);
this->size = size;
this->vertex = (sfVertex*)(ptn + sizeof(partBuffer));
this->info = (t_info*)(this->vertex + (size * 4));
return (this);
void setPart(partBuffer *this, uint id, sfVector2f pos)
if (id >= this->size)
return ;
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 0].position = (sfVector2f){pos.x + 0, pos.y + 0};
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 1].position = (sfVector2f){pos.x + 5, pos.y + 0};
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 2].position = (sfVector2f){pos.x + 5, pos.y + 5};
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 3].position = (sfVector2f){pos.x + 0, pos.y + 5};
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 0].color = (sfColor){255, 255, 255};
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 1].color = (sfColor){255, 255, 255};
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 2].color = (sfColor){255, 255, 255};
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 3].color = (sfColor){255, 255, 255};
//this->info[id].speed = (sfVector2f){my_rand(-3, 3), my_rand(-3, 3)};
this->info[id].speed = (sfVector2f){0, 0};
this->info[id].life = 1.0;
static uint newPart(partBuffer *this)
for (uint id = this->size - 1; id != 0; id -= 1)
if (this->info[id].life <= 0)
return (id);
return ((uint)(-1));
void updatePartBuffer(partBuffer *this)
for (uint id = 0; id < this->size; id += 1) {
if (this->info[id].life > 0)
this->info[id].life -= 0.0;
if (this->info[id].life <= 0)
this->info[id].life = 0.0;
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 0].position.x += this->info[id].speed.x;
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 1].position.x += this->info[id].speed.x;
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 2].position.x += this->info[id].speed.x;
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 3].position.x += this->info[id].speed.x;
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 0].position.y += this->info[id].speed.y;
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 1].position.y += this->info[id].speed.y;
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 2].position.y += this->info[id].speed.y;
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 3].position.y += this->info[id].speed.y;
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 0].color.a = (sfUint8)(this->info[id].life * 255.);
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 1].color.a = (sfUint8)(this->info[id].life * 255.);
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 2].color.a = (sfUint8)(this->info[id].life * 255.);
this->vertex[(id * 4) + 3].color.a = (sfUint8)(this->info[id].life * 255.);
void drawPartBuffer(partBuffer *this, sfRenderWindow *window)
sfRenderWindow_drawPrimitives(window, this->vertex, this->size * 4,
sfQuads, NULL);
void set_circle(partBuffer *this, float points)
sfVector2f start = {0, -1};
sfVector2f adder = {1 / (points), 1 / (points)};
for (uint id = 0; id < points; id += 1) {
this->info[id].speed = (sfVector2f){start.x + adder.x * id, start.y + adder.y * id};
int game_loop(sfRenderWindow *window)
partBuffer *buffer = newPartBuffer(10000);
int points = 11;
sfClock *clock = sfClock_create();
sfVector2f position = {250, 250};
for (uint nb = 0; nb < points; nb += 1)
setPart(buffer, nb, position);
set_circle(buffer, points);
while (sfRenderWindow_isOpen(window)) {
if (sfTime_asMilliseconds(sfClock_getElapsedTime(clock)) >= 10) {
sfRenderWindow_clear(window, sfBlack);
drawPartBuffer(buffer, window);
int main(void)
sfRenderWindow *window = sfRenderWindow_create((sfVideoMode){500, 500, 32},
"Title", sfDefaultStyle, NULL);
sfRenderWindow_setFramerateLimit(window, 120);
return (0);

C language bresenhamLine Algorithm

I am confused about what could be the problem in this algorithm:
With these parameters:
ine temp = {(Vector){10, 150}, (Vector){120, 40}, polygon->color};
drawaLine(monitor, &temp);
However, when I change the coordinates to 120, 20 it fails:
Line temp = {(Vector){10, 150}, (Vector){120, 20}, polygon->color};
drawaLine(monitor, &temp);
My code is:
int changed = 0;
int x = line->start.x;
int y = line->start.y;
int dx = (line->end.x - line->start.x);
int dy = (line->end.y - line->start.y);
dx = (dx < 0) ? -dx : dx;
dy = (dy < 0) ? -dy : dy;
int signx;
int signy;
if ((line->end.x - line->start.x) == 0) {
signx = 0;
} else {
int tempsignx = (line->end.x - line->start.x);
signx = (tempsignx < 0) ? -1 : 1;
if ((line->end.y - line->start.y) == 0) {
signy = 0;
} else {
int tempsingy = (line->end.y - line->start.y);
signy = (tempsingy < 0) ? -1 : 1;
//swap values
if (dy > dx) {
int temp = dy;
dy = dx;
dx = temp;
changed = 1; //changed = true
int e = 2 * dy - dx;
for (int i = 1; i <= dx; i++) {
Vector temp = {x, y};
drawPixel(monitor, temp, line->color);
while (e >= 0) {
if (changed) {
x = x + signx;
} else {
y = y + signy;
e = e - 2 * dx;
if (changed) {
y += signy;
} else {
x += signx;
e = e + 2 * dy;
Vector x2y2 = {line->end.x, line->end.y};
drawPixel(monitor, x2y2, line->color);

gradient bars Chart JS

I want to be able to color each bar with a different color in a gradient way like the folloing image
Can any body tell me how to do that?
This is using ChartJS 2.4.0. http://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/charts/bar.html
Given x number of datapoints in your Bar Graph, you'll need to generate an array of x number of colors: one color per each datapoint.
data: [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80],
backgroundColor: ["#ded21e", "#cbd026", "#b8ce2d", "#a5cc35", "#93cb3c", "#80c944", "#6dc74b", "#5ac553"]
Here is a CodePen: https://codepen.io/pgardner/pen/GyeBLW
Credit goes to Neil McCallion, whose CodePen here does much of the legwork: https://codepen.io/njmcode/pen/axoyD
Here is the essential function:
function color() {
// Converts a #ffffff hex string into an [r,g,b] array
function hex2rgb(hex) {
const result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result ? [
parseInt(result[1], 16),
parseInt(result[2], 16),
parseInt(result[3], 16)
] : null;
// Inverse of the above
function rgb2hex(rgb) {
return '#' + ((1 << 24) + (rgb[0] << 16) + (rgb[1] << 8) + rgb[2]).toString(16).slice(1);
// Interpolates two [r,g,b] colors and returns an [r,g,b] of the result
// Taken from the awesome ROT.js roguelike dev library at
// https://github.com/ondras/rot.js
function _interpolateRgb(color1, color2, factor) {
if (arguments.length < 3) { factor = 0.5; }
let result = color1.slice();
for (let i=0;i<3;i++) {
result[i] = Math.round(result[i] + factor*(color2[i]-color1[i]));
return result;
function rgb2hsl(color) {
const r = color[0]/255;
const g = color[1]/255;
const b = color[2]/255;
const max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b);
let h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if (max == min) {
h = s = 0; // achromatic
} else {
let d = max - min;
s = (l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min));
switch(max) {
case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break;
case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break;
case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break;
h /= 6;
return [h, s, l];
function hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
if (t < 0) t += 1;
if (t > 1) t -= 1;
if (t < 1/6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
if (t < 1/2) return q;
if (t < 2/3) return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6;
return p;
function hsl2rgb(color) {
let l = color[2];
if (color[1] == 0) {
l = Math.round(l*255);
return [l, l, l];
} else {
let s = color[1];
let q = (l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s);
let p = 2 * l - q;
let r = hue2rgb(p, q, color[0] + 1/3);
let g = hue2rgb(p, q, color[0]);
let b = hue2rgb(p, q, color[0] - 1/3);
return [Math.round(r*255), Math.round(g*255), Math.round(b*255)];
function _interpolateHsl(color1, color2, factor) {
if (arguments.length < 3) { factor = 0.5; }
let hsl1 = rgb2hsl(color1);
let hsl2 = rgb2hsl(color2);
for (let i=0;i<3;i++) {
hsl1[i] += factor*(hsl2[i]-hsl1[i]);
return hsl2rgb(hsl1);
function generateGradient(color1, color2, total, interpolation) {
const colorStart = typeof color1 === 'string' ? hex2rgb(color1) : color1;
const colorEnd = typeof color2 === 'string' ? hex2rgb(color2) : color2;
// will the gradient be via RGB or HSL
switch(interpolation) {
case 'rgb':
return colorsToGradientRgb(colorStart, colorEnd, total);
case 'hsl':
return colorsToGradientHsl(colorStart, colorEnd, total);
return false;
function colorsToGradientRgb(startColor, endColor, steps) {
// returns array of hex values for color, since rgb would be an array of arrays and not strings, easier to handle hex strings
let arrReturnColors = [];
let interimColorRGB;
let interimColorHex;
const totalColors = steps;
const factorStep = 1 / (totalColors - 1);
for (let idx = 0; idx < totalColors; idx++) {
interimColorRGB = _interpolateRgb(startColor, endColor, factorStep * idx);
interimColorHex = rgb2hex(interimColorRGB);
return arrReturnColors;
function colorsToGradientHsl(startColor, endColor, steps) {
// returns array of hex values for color, since rgb would be an array of arrays and not strings, easier to handle hex strings
let arrReturnColors = [];
let interimColorRGB;
let interimColorHex;
const totalColors = steps;
const factorStep = 1 / (totalColors - 1);
for (let idx = 0; idx < totalColors; idx++) {
interimColorRGB = _interpolateHsl(startColor, endColor, factorStep * idx);
interimColorHex = rgb2hex(interimColorRGB);
return arrReturnColors;
return {
Given 2 colors '#ded21e' and '#5ac553', you would call the function in this manner:
let arrBarGraphColors = color().generateGradient('#ded21e', '#5ac553', data.length, 'rgb');
Specify between 'rgb' and 'hsl'. The linked CodePens should give you an idea of the differences between the two.
