Why am I getting a write after write hazard in vulkan validation layers? - c

I am trying to get proper synchronization working in trying to get a compute shader writing to an image. However, when I enable validation layers I get the following errors:
[ SYNC-HAZARD-WRITE-AFTER-WRITE ] Object 0: handle = 0x4b7df1000000002f, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE_VIEW; | MessageID = 0x5c0ec5d6 | vkCmdDispatch: Hazard WRITE_AFTER_WRITE for VkImageView 0x4b7df1000000002f[], in VkCommandBuffer 0x558d7b2aec00[], and VkPipeline 0x95a125000000001a[], VkDescriptorSet 0x944a2c0000000039[], type: VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE, imageLayout: VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, binding #0, index 0. Access info (usage: SYNC_COMPUTE_SHADER_SHADER_STORAGE_WRITE, prior_usage: SYNC_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION, write_barriers: 0, command: vkCmdPipelineBarrier, seq_no: 1, reset_no: 1).
[ SYNC-HAZARD-WRITE-AFTER-WRITE ] Object 0: handle = 0xb12fb2000000002c, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE; | MessageID = 0x5c0ec5d6 | vkCmdPipelineBarrier: Hazard WRITE_AFTER_WRITE for image barrier 0 VkImage 0xb12fb2000000002c[]. Access info (usage: SYNC_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION, prior_usage: SYNC_COMPUTE_SHADER_SHADER_STORAGE_WRITE, write_barriers: 0, command: vkCmdDispatch, seq_no: 2, reset_no: 1).
The relevant code is as follows:
vkBeginCommandBuffer(cmdBuffer, &cmdBufBeginInfo);
VkImageMemoryBarrier toGeneralBarrier = {
.pNext = NULL,
.srcAccessMask = 0,
.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
.image = vr.swapImages[imageIndex],
.subresourceRange = {
.baseMipLevel = 0,
.levelCount = 1,
.baseArrayLayer = 0,
.layerCount = 1,
// vkCmdBindPipeline, vkCmdBindDescriptorSets is left out, not interesting
vkCmdDispatch(cmdBuffer, dispatchX, dispatchY, 1); // hazard here
VkImageMemoryBarrier toPresentBarrier = {
.pNext = NULL,
.dstAccessMask = 0,
.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
.image = vr.swapImages[imageIndex],
.subresourceRange = {
.baseMipLevel = 0,
.levelCount = 1,
.baseArrayLayer = 0,
.layerCount = 1,
vkCmdPipelineBarrier( // hazard here?
// vkEndCommandBuffer, vkQueueSubmit, vkQueuePresentKHR, ... left out
I have tried searching for a mistake in my code that code have caused these errors but I could not find one. Is there something wrong with my pipeline barriers and how do I fix this?


Historical Market Screener: Processing Array Data

I have a question with respect to arrays & tables on PineScript, please. To give an overview of what I am intending to do, I want to create a screener that will go through a set of symbols and output the annual performance at a historical date.
The idea behind this concept is that I would be able to identify top performing symbols from a historical perspective. I have researched online, and I was not able to find such a tool.
The reason why I would need a tool like this, is so that I can back-test my strategy on historical top-performers, considering that I would be rebalancing my portfolio at a fixed interval e.g. once per quarter.
So my questions with regards to the code below are basically 2 –
How can I filter the arrays to output only values above 10% yearly performance?
How do I sort the table so that the top performers come to the top of the list?
I have shortened the code for this post. However, this screener can go through a max of 40 symbols as you all know. My plan is to run this on basically all the major and minor FX pairs and for stocks, I will pick a balanced portfolio with stocks from each of the 11 S&P sectors. As liquidity rotates through each of sectors, this should keep me running my strategy on stocks with positive alpha potential.
indicator('Annual Performance Historical Screener', overlay=true)
// INPUTS //
//Year Input
input_year = input(2022, "Year")
u01 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's01')
u02 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's02')
u03 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's03')
u04 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's04')
u05 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's05')
s01 = input.symbol('XRPUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's01')
s02 = input.symbol('BTCUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's02')
s03 = input.symbol('DOGEUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's03')
s04 = input.symbol('BNBUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's04')
s05 = input.symbol('ETHUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's05')
// Get only symbol
only_symbol(s) =>
array.get(str.split(s, ":"), 1)
//price at the input
price_input_year = timestamp(input_year,10,12)
period = time >= price_input_year and time[1] < price_input_year
periodPrice = ta.valuewhen(period, close, 0)
//price at 1 year preceeding input
price_prev_year = timestamp(input_year-1,10,12)
period_prev = time >= price_prev_year and time[1] < price_prev_year
periodPrice_prev = ta.valuewhen(period_prev, close, 0)
screener_func() =>
//Yearly performance from input date
[math.round_to_mintick(close), annual_perf]
// Security call
[cl01, ap01] = request.security(s01, timeframe.period, screener_func())
[cl02, ap02] = request.security(s02, timeframe.period, screener_func())
[cl03, ap03] = request.security(s03, timeframe.period, screener_func())
[cl04, ap04] = request.security(s04, timeframe.period, screener_func())
[cl05, ap05] = request.security(s05, timeframe.period, screener_func())
// ARRAYS //
s_arr = array.new_string(0)
u_arr = array.new_bool(0)
cl_arr = array.new_float(0)
ap_arr = array.new_float(0)
// Add Symbols
array.push(s_arr, only_symbol(s01))
array.push(s_arr, only_symbol(s02))
array.push(s_arr, only_symbol(s03))
array.push(s_arr, only_symbol(s04))
array.push(s_arr, only_symbol(s05))
// FLAGS //
array.push(u_arr, u01)
array.push(u_arr, u02)
array.push(u_arr, u03)
array.push(u_arr, u04)
array.push(u_arr, u05)
// CLOSE //
array.push(cl_arr, cl01)
array.push(cl_arr, cl02)
array.push(cl_arr, cl03)
array.push(cl_arr, cl04)
array.push(cl_arr, cl05)
// Annual performance //
array.push(ap_arr, ap01)
array.push(ap_arr, ap02)
array.push(ap_arr, ap03)
array.push(ap_arr, ap04)
array.push(ap_arr, ap05)
// PLOTS //
var tbl = table.new(position.top_right, 6, 41, frame_color=#151715, frame_width=1, border_width=2, border_color=color.new(color.white, 100))
if barstate.islast
table.cell(tbl, 0, 0, 'Symbol', text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = color.gray, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.small)
table.cell(tbl, 1, 0, 'Price', text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = color.gray, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.small)
table.cell(tbl, 2, 0, 'Annual Performance', text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = color.gray, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.small)
for i = 0 to 4
if array.get(u_arr, i)
ap_col = array.get(ap_arr, i) >= 10 ? color.green : #aaaaaa
table.cell(tbl, 0, i + 1, array.get(s_arr, i), text_halign = text.align_left, bgcolor = color.gray, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.small)
table.cell(tbl, 1, i + 1, str.tostring(array.get(cl_arr, i)), text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = #aaaaaa, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.small)
table.cell(tbl, 2, i + 1, str.tostring(array.get(ap_arr, i), "#.##"), text_halign = text.align_center, bgcolor = ap_col, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.small)

syntax error in LogisticRegression

I get a syntax error in the following command of LogisticRegression. Can someone please advise where I might be going wrong here?
from sklearn import linear_model
lm = linear_model.LogisticRegression (C = 1e3)
lm.fit (m[:lags].T, np.sign(m[lags])
LogisticRegression (penalty ='l2', tol = .0001, C = 1000000.0, class_weight = None, dual = False, fit_intercept = True,
intercept_scaling = 1, random_state = None, solver ='liblinear', max_iter = 100, multi_class ='ovr',verbose = 0,
warm_start = False, n_jobs = 1)
File "<ipython-input-33-529ff9190586>", line 4
LogisticRegression (penalty ='l2', tol = .0001, C = 1000000.0, class_weight = None, dual = False, fit_intercept = True,
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
you have missing closing parenthesis here:
lm.fit (m[:lags].T, np.sign(m[lags]) <--
change to
lm.fit (m[:lags].T, np.sign(m[lags]))

TCPDF: Prints Extra Blank PDF Page on Firefox only

I am viewing pdf files for printing, using TCPDF on CakePHP 2.4.
All browsers print exactly the same expected results, in addition to Adobe Acrobat reader too. The only exception is FireFox! It adds an additional blank page. I tried all suggested solutions mentioned in other questions here (and there), and none worked.
Here is my code:
App::import('Vendor', 'xtcpdf');
header('Content-type: application/pdf');
//see tcpdf_config.php for constants definitions
// set margins
$pdf->setPrintHeader(FALSE); //$pdf->SetHeaderMargin(25);
$pdf->setPrintFooter(FALSE); //$pdf->SetFooterMargin(25);
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, 0);
// set image scale factor
$pdf->addPage('L', 'Letter');
//****************** Completion Image *************************************//
$pdf->Image('/img/completion.png', $x = -10, $y = 34, $w = 240, $h = 30, $type = 'PNG', $link = '', $align = 'C', $resize = TRUE, $dpi = 900, $palign = 'C', $ismask = false, $imgmask = false, $border = 0, $fitbox = TRUE, $hidden = false, $fitonpage = TRUE);
//************************************************** TITLE Body **************************************************//
$pdf->SetFont('times', '', 20);
$title = $information['title'] ;
$pdf->writeHTMLCell($w = 0, $h = 0, $x = 0, $y = 66, $title, $border = 0, $ln = 0, $fill = 0, $reseth = true, $align = 'C', $autopadding = true);
//****************** Description *********************************//
$pdf->SetFont('times', 'I', 16);
$description = 'bla bla bla bla bla';
$pdf->writeHTMLCell($w = 0, $h = 0, $x = 0, $y = 93, $description, $border = 0, $ln = 0, $fill = 0, $reseth = true, $align = 'C', $autopadding = TRUE);
//************************** NAME **********************************//
$pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 24);
$fullName = $information['Student']['first_name'] . ' ' . (!empty($information['Student']['middle_initial']) ? ($information['Student']['middle_initial'] . ' ') : '') . $certificate['Student']['last_name'];
$pdf->writeHTMLCell($w = 0, $h = 0, $x = 0, $y = 127, $fullName, $border = false, $ln = 0, $fill = 0, $reseth = true, $align = 'C', $autopadding = FALSE);
//***************** Line/OFFICE ************************//
$pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 12);
$office = '__________________________________________________<br/> Bla Bla Bla <br/>Office of bla bla blat<br/>bla bla bla bla';
$pdf->writeHTMLCell($w = 0, $h = 0, $x = 3, $y = 151, $office, $border = 0, $ln = 10, $fill = 0, $reseth = FALSE, $align = 'C', $autopadding = FALSE);
//******************************* Certificate No. ************************************//
$pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 10);
$certNo = 'No. ' . $information['Certificate']['certificate_No'];
$pdf->writeHTMLCell($w = 0, $h = 0, $x = 32, $y = 154, $certNo, $border = 0, $ln = 0, $fill = 0, $reseth = FALSE, $align = 'L', $autopadding = false);
//*************************** Date of Issuance ****************************//
$pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10);
$issueDate = 'Date of Issuance: ' . date('F, Y', strtotime($information['Certificate']['award_date']));
$pdf->writeHTMLCell($w = 0, $h = 0, $x = 31, $y = 157, $issueDate, $border = 0, $ln = 0, $fill = 0, $reseth = false, $align = 'L', $autopadding = FALSE);
echo $pdf->Output('PDF' . $information['Certificate']['certificate_number'] . '.pdf', 'I');
questions I looked at:
Extra blank page with TCPDF
how TCPDF prevent the extra blank page
Firefox prints extra blank page
I found no documentation, no articles, no one can explain such weird behavior.
After all, an extra blank paper won't do any harm!

Wow addon failing to work with array

I'm trying to create a simple addon for world of warcraft which records my kills.
I've already got'n quite far except there is a problem with the writing of a lua array.
The code I have so far
local CharacterDefaults = {
kills = {},
totalkills = 0
local killDefaults = {
DBtimeofday = 0,
DBplayer = 0,
DBenemyname = 0,
DBenemyid = 0,
DBzone = 0,
DBkilltype = 0
The next piece is inside a event which checks for overkill
if not KillCount then
KillCount = CharacterDefaults
if not KillCount.totalkills then
KillCount.totalkills = 0
KillCount.enemy[KillCount.totalkills] = destName
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills] = killDefaults
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBtimeofday = stamp
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBzone = zone
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBkilltype = killtype
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBenemyid = unitId
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBenemyname = destName
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBplayer = playerName
KillCount.totalkills = KillCount.totalkills + 1
Ofcourse there's more code but this is the only important code (as far as I know).
If I look at this I would expect that for every new kill a new array part is made and the values are entered. However, for each kill I make in world of warcraft, every single item already in it will get the results of the last kill.
The lua variables saved file:
KillCount = {
["kills"] = {
["DBplayer"] = "MyName",
["DBzone"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["DBkilltype"] = 0,
["DBenemyname"] = "Grim Patron",
["DBenemyid"] = 9545,
["DBtimeofday"] = "11-09-22 10:45:23",
}, -- [1]
["DBplayer"] = "MyName",
["DBzone"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["DBkilltype"] = 0,
["DBenemyname"] = "Grim Patron",
["DBenemyid"] = 9545,
["DBtimeofday"] = "11-09-22 10:45:23",
}, -- [2]
[0] = {
["DBplayer"] = "MyName",
["DBzone"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["DBkilltype"] = 0,
["DBenemyname"] = "Grim Patron",
["DBenemyid"] = 9545,
["DBtimeofday"] = "11-09-22 10:45:23",
["totalkills"] = 3,
as you can see the [0] is the only one to be properly writen. Am I doing something wrong?
The problem is here:
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills] = killDefaults
Everytime you kill, you're pointing KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills] to killDefaults then modifying killDefaults. The problem is, you are using the same killDefaults every time. So when you udpate the values of killDefaults later, it affects every reference to killDefaults that you have already created.
Try something like:
function GetDefaultKills()
return {
DBtimeofday = 0,
DBplayer = 0,
DBenemyname = 0,
DBenemyid = 0,
DBzone = 0,
DBkilltype = 0
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills] = GetDefaultKills()

core dump during std::_List_node_base::unhook()

I have a program where std::list is used.
The program uses threads which act on the std::list as producers and consumers.
When a message is dealt with by the consumer, it is removed from the list using pop_front(). But, during pop_front, there is a core dump.
The gdb trace is as below. could you help getting me some insights into this issue?
(gdb) bt full
#0 0xf7531d7b in std::_List_node_base::unhook () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#1 0x0805c600 in std::list<myMsg, std::allocator<myMsg> >::_M_erase (this=0x806b08c,
__position={_M_node = 0x8075308})
at /opt/target/usr/include/c++/4.2.0/bits/stl_list.h:1169
__n = (class std::_List_node<myMsg> *) 0x0
#2 0x0805c6af in std::list<myMsg, std::allocator<myMsg> >::pop_front (this=0x806b08c)
at /opt/target/usr/include/c++/4.2.0/bits/stl_list.h:750
No locals.
#3 0x0805afb6 in Base::run () at ../../src/Base.cc:342
nSentBytes = 130
tmpnm = {_vptr.myMsg = 0x80652c0,
m_msg = 0x8075140 "{0130,MSG_TYPE=ND_FUNCTION,ORG_PNAME=P01vm01Ax,FUNCTION=LOG,PARAM_CNT=3,DATETIME=06/12/2010 02:59:26.187,LOGNAME=N,ENTRY=Debug 0 }", m_from = 0x8096ee0 "P01vm01Ax", m_to = 0x0,
static m_logged = false, static m_pLogMutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0,
__kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}},
__size = '\0' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}}
newMsg = {_vptr.myMsg = 0x80652c0, m_msg = 0x0, m_from = 0x0, m_to = 0x0,
static m_logged = false, static m_pLogMutex = {__data = {__lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0,
__kind = 0, __nusers = 0, {__spins = 0, __list = {__next = 0x0}}},
__size = '\0' <repeats 23 times>, __align = 0}}
fds = {{fd = 5, events = 1, revents = 0}}
retval = 0
iWaitTime = 0
#4 0x0805b277 in startRun () at ../../src/Base.cc:454
No locals.
#5 0xf7effe7b in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#6 0xf744d82e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
