Wow addon failing to work with array - arrays

I'm trying to create a simple addon for world of warcraft which records my kills.
I've already got'n quite far except there is a problem with the writing of a lua array.
The code I have so far
local CharacterDefaults = {
kills = {},
totalkills = 0
local killDefaults = {
DBtimeofday = 0,
DBplayer = 0,
DBenemyname = 0,
DBenemyid = 0,
DBzone = 0,
DBkilltype = 0
The next piece is inside a event which checks for overkill
if not KillCount then
KillCount = CharacterDefaults
if not KillCount.totalkills then
KillCount.totalkills = 0
KillCount.enemy[KillCount.totalkills] = destName
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills] = killDefaults
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBtimeofday = stamp
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBzone = zone
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBkilltype = killtype
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBenemyid = unitId
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBenemyname = destName
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills].DBplayer = playerName
KillCount.totalkills = KillCount.totalkills + 1
Ofcourse there's more code but this is the only important code (as far as I know).
If I look at this I would expect that for every new kill a new array part is made and the values are entered. However, for each kill I make in world of warcraft, every single item already in it will get the results of the last kill.
The lua variables saved file:
KillCount = {
["kills"] = {
["DBplayer"] = "MyName",
["DBzone"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["DBkilltype"] = 0,
["DBenemyname"] = "Grim Patron",
["DBenemyid"] = 9545,
["DBtimeofday"] = "11-09-22 10:45:23",
}, -- [1]
["DBplayer"] = "MyName",
["DBzone"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["DBkilltype"] = 0,
["DBenemyname"] = "Grim Patron",
["DBenemyid"] = 9545,
["DBtimeofday"] = "11-09-22 10:45:23",
}, -- [2]
[0] = {
["DBplayer"] = "MyName",
["DBzone"] = "Blackrock Depths",
["DBkilltype"] = 0,
["DBenemyname"] = "Grim Patron",
["DBenemyid"] = 9545,
["DBtimeofday"] = "11-09-22 10:45:23",
["totalkills"] = 3,
as you can see the [0] is the only one to be properly writen. Am I doing something wrong?

The problem is here:
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills] = killDefaults
Everytime you kill, you're pointing KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills] to killDefaults then modifying killDefaults. The problem is, you are using the same killDefaults every time. So when you udpate the values of killDefaults later, it affects every reference to killDefaults that you have already created.
Try something like:
function GetDefaultKills()
return {
DBtimeofday = 0,
DBplayer = 0,
DBenemyname = 0,
DBenemyid = 0,
DBzone = 0,
DBkilltype = 0
KillCount.kills[KillCount.totalkills] = GetDefaultKills()


Why am I getting a write after write hazard in vulkan validation layers?

I am trying to get proper synchronization working in trying to get a compute shader writing to an image. However, when I enable validation layers I get the following errors:
[ SYNC-HAZARD-WRITE-AFTER-WRITE ] Object 0: handle = 0x4b7df1000000002f, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE_VIEW; | MessageID = 0x5c0ec5d6 | vkCmdDispatch: Hazard WRITE_AFTER_WRITE for VkImageView 0x4b7df1000000002f[], in VkCommandBuffer 0x558d7b2aec00[], and VkPipeline 0x95a125000000001a[], VkDescriptorSet 0x944a2c0000000039[], type: VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE, imageLayout: VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, binding #0, index 0. Access info (usage: SYNC_COMPUTE_SHADER_SHADER_STORAGE_WRITE, prior_usage: SYNC_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION, write_barriers: 0, command: vkCmdPipelineBarrier, seq_no: 1, reset_no: 1).
[ SYNC-HAZARD-WRITE-AFTER-WRITE ] Object 0: handle = 0xb12fb2000000002c, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE; | MessageID = 0x5c0ec5d6 | vkCmdPipelineBarrier: Hazard WRITE_AFTER_WRITE for image barrier 0 VkImage 0xb12fb2000000002c[]. Access info (usage: SYNC_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION, prior_usage: SYNC_COMPUTE_SHADER_SHADER_STORAGE_WRITE, write_barriers: 0, command: vkCmdDispatch, seq_no: 2, reset_no: 1).
The relevant code is as follows:
vkBeginCommandBuffer(cmdBuffer, &cmdBufBeginInfo);
VkImageMemoryBarrier toGeneralBarrier = {
.pNext = NULL,
.srcAccessMask = 0,
.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
.image = vr.swapImages[imageIndex],
.subresourceRange = {
.baseMipLevel = 0,
.levelCount = 1,
.baseArrayLayer = 0,
.layerCount = 1,
// vkCmdBindPipeline, vkCmdBindDescriptorSets is left out, not interesting
vkCmdDispatch(cmdBuffer, dispatchX, dispatchY, 1); // hazard here
VkImageMemoryBarrier toPresentBarrier = {
.pNext = NULL,
.dstAccessMask = 0,
.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED,
.image = vr.swapImages[imageIndex],
.subresourceRange = {
.baseMipLevel = 0,
.levelCount = 1,
.baseArrayLayer = 0,
.layerCount = 1,
vkCmdPipelineBarrier( // hazard here?
// vkEndCommandBuffer, vkQueueSubmit, vkQueuePresentKHR, ... left out
I have tried searching for a mistake in my code that code have caused these errors but I could not find one. Is there something wrong with my pipeline barriers and how do I fix this?

How to create multi infinity loops with coroutine in Kotlin

I have a method in viewmodel that I want to execute infinity till client stop that.
This loop should work for each button separately and stop that too.
But when I execute the loop for fourth time, application hangs.
How can I manage the loop and run it for four separate objects
This is my method in viewmodel:
fun getLocationInfinity(context: Context, tripId: Long, passengerId: Int) =
viewModelScope.launch {
val gpsTracker = LocationGpsTracker(context, 0, 0)
val netGpsTracker = LocationGpsTrackerNetwork(context)
var way = Way()
way.latitude1 = gpsTracker.getLatitude()
way.longitude1 = gpsTracker.getLongitude()
way.accuracy1 = gpsTracker.getAccuracy()
way.latitudeNet1 = netGpsTracker.getLatitude()
way.longitudeNet1 = netGpsTracker.getLongitude()
way.accuracyNet1 = netGpsTracker.getAccuracy()
while (isActive) {
if (_passengerSwitch.value?.get(passengerId - 1) == true) {
way.latitude2 = way.latitude1
way.longitude2 = way.longitude1
way.accuracy2 = way.accuracy1
way.latitudeNet2 = way.latitudeNet1
way.longitudeNet2 = way.longitudeNet1
way.accuracyNet2 = way.accuracyNet1
way.latitude1 = gpsTracker.getLatitude()
way.longitude1 = gpsTracker.getLongitude()
way.accuracy1 = gpsTracker.getAccuracy()
way.latitudeNet1 = netGpsTracker.getLatitude()
way.longitudeNet1 = netGpsTracker.getLongitude()
way.accuracyNet1 = netGpsTracker.getAccuracy()
val tripDetails = TripDetails(
latitude1 = way.latitude1,
latitude2 = way.latitude2,
longitude1 = way.longitude1,
longitude2 = way.longitude2,
accuracy1 = way.accuracy1,
accuracy2 = way.accuracy2,
latitudeNet1 = way.latitudeNet1,
latitudeNet2 = way.latitudeNet2,
longitudeNet1 = way.longitudeNet1,
longitudeNet2 = way.longitudeNet2,
accuracy1Net = way.accuracyNet1,
accuracy2Net = way.accuracyNet2,
distance = null,
isCalculated = false,
tripId = tripId.toInt(),
isEnded = false
The delay() call needs to be outside your if-block. Otherwise, if the condition is false, this loop will never suspend so it never relinquishes the thread.

2 object of same type returns true when != checked

I am using model.GetType().GetProperties() with foreach to compare properties of 2 object of same class.
like this
foreach (var item in kayit.GetType().GetProperties())
var g = item.GetValue(plu);
var b = item.GetValue(kayit);
if (g is string && b is string&& g!=b)
a += item.Name + "*";
else if (g is DateTime&& b is DateTime&& g!=b)
a += item.Name + "*";
But the problem is even if they have the same value g!=b returns a true all the time. I have used a break point to prove this and they are literally same thing. Actually I am taking the value putting it in textbox then creating another class after button click and comaring to see the changed properties. So even if I don't change anything it doesn't read the mas equals. Can someone help me about this please?
more info:
I get the plu from database and populate my control with it:
txtorder.Text = plu.OrderNo;
dtporder.Value = nulldate(plu.OrderDate);
dtp1fit.Value = nulldate(plu.FirstFitDate);
dtp1yorum.Value = nulldate(plu.FirstCritDate);
dtp2fit.Value = nulldate(plu.SecondFitDate);
dtp2yorum.Value = nulldate(plu.SecondCritDate);
dtpsizeset.Value = nulldate(plu.SizeSetDate);
dtpsizesetok.Value = nulldate(plu.SizeSetOkDate);
dtpkumasplan.Value = nulldate(plu.FabricOrderByPlan);
txtTedarikci.Text = plu.Fabric_Supplier;
dtpkumasFP.Value = nulldate(plu.FabricOrderByFD);
dtpfabarrive.Value = nulldate(plu.FabricArrive);
dtpbulk.Value = nulldate(plu.BulkFabricDate);
dtpbulkok.Value = nulldate(plu.BulkConfirmDate);
dtpaccessory.Value = nulldate(plu.AccessoriesDate);
dtpaccessoryarrive.Value = nulldate(plu.AccessoriesArriveDate);
dtpcutok.Value = nulldate(plu.ProductionStartConfirmation);
dtpcutstart.Value = nulldate(plu.ProductionStart);
dtpshipmentdate.Value = nulldate(plu.ShipmentDate);
dtpshipmentsample.Value = nulldate(plu.ShipmentSampleDate);
dtpshippedon.Value = nulldate(plu.Shippedon);
nulldate is just a method where I change null values to my default value.
And this is what I do after button click:
var kayit = new uretim();
kayit.OrderNo = txtorder.Text.ToUpper();
kayit.OrderDate = vdat(dtporder.Value);
kayit.FirstFitDate = vdat(dtp1fit.Value);
kayit.FirstCritDate = vdat(dtp1yorum.Value);
kayit.SecondFitDate = vdat(dtp2fit.Value);
kayit.SecondCritDate = vdat(dtp2yorum.Value);
kayit.SizeSetDate = vdat(dtpsizeset.Value);
kayit.SizeSetOkDate = vdat(dtpsizesetok.Value);
kayit.FabricOrderByPlan = vdat(dtpkumasplan.Value);
kayit.Fabric_Supplier = txtTedarikci.Text;
kayit.FabricOrderByFD = vdat(dtpkumasFP.Value);
kayit.FabricArrive = vdat(dtpfabarrive.Value);
kayit.BulkFabricDate = vdat(dtpbulk.Value);
kayit.BulkConfirmDate = vdat(dtpbulkok.Value);
kayit.AccessoriesDate = vdat(dtpaccessory.Value);
kayit.AccessoriesArriveDate = vdat(dtpaccessoryarrive.Value);
kayit.ProductionStartConfirmation = vdat(dtpcutok.Value);
kayit.ProductionStart = vdat(dtpcutstart.Value);
kayit.ShipmentDate = vdat(dtpshipmentdate.Value);
kayit.ShipmentSampleDate = vdat(dtpshipmentsample.Value);
kayit.Shippedon = vdat(dtpshippedon.Value);
kayit.Status = true;
kayit.WrittenDate = DateTime.Now;
kayit.GuidKey = plu.GuidKey != null ? plu.GuidKey : Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
I have proven by breakpoint that values are actually same. But the != check retruns a true.
When you are doing
g != b
compiler doesn't know that these objects are strings to compare so it compares their references. You can do:
g.Equals(b) //be carefull if one of them is null
g.ToString() != b.ToString()
You can compare them after you check the type:
if (g is string && b is string)
if( g.ToString() != b.ToString() ){

construct an small app using shiny, after i code a loop it keeps giving me error

construct an small app using shiny, after i code a loop it keeps giving me error
Why am I getting this error"evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?"
numericInput(inputId = "S0",label = "price at time 0",value = 20),
numericInput(inputId = "k",label = "exercise price",value = 20),
numericInput(inputId = "N",label = "steps",value = 50),
numericInput(inputId = "r",label = "riskfree rate",value = 0.03),
numericInput(inputId = "t",label = "time to exercise data",value = 1),
plotOutput(outputId = "v")
for(i in 1:10)
it seems that something wrong with the for() sentence

StageText - How to use more than 1 StageText field?

I'm using Flash CS 6 and Air 3.6 to build an Android app.
I would like to use StageText for the input fields.
The code below is only working for the first textfield. What do I need change to make it work for both text fields?
// NO. 1
var firstfield:StageText = new StageText();
firstfield.softKeyboardType = SoftKeyboardType.DEFAULT
firstfield.stage = foobar.stage
firstfield.viewPort = new Rectangle(foobar.x, foobar.y, foobar.width, foobar.height);
// NO. 2
var secondfield:StageText = new StageText();
secondfield.softKeyboardType = SoftKeyboardType.DEFAULT
secondfield.stage = example.stage
secondfield.viewPort = new Rectangle(example.x, example.y, example.width, example.height);
Try something like this:
var firstfield:StageText = new StageText();
firstfield.softKeyboardType = SoftKeyboardType.DEFAULT
firstfield.stage = this.stage;
firstfield.viewPort = new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 30);
firstfield.x = 0;
firstfield.y = 0;
firstfield.width = 200;
firstfield.height = 30;
var secondfield:StageText = new StageText();
secondfield.softKeyboardType = SoftKeyboardType.DEFAULT
secondfield.stage = this.stage;
secondfield.viewPort = new Rectangle(0, 40, 200, 30);
secondfield.x = 0;
secondfield.y = 40;
secondfield.width = 200;
secondfield.height = 30;
