How to disable post build options in sonarscanner - sonarscanner

I want to disable post build options of sonar scanner, especially upload report step
How to do that?
Sonar scanner ver:


Create internal testing release error when upload App bundles to google play

I send Android build with build hint android.appBundle=true.
And upload the aab file to google play for creating internal testing release with the option "Let Google manage and protect your app signing key (recommended)".
But I get the error "The Android App Bundle was not signed."
I also try "Export and upload a key from Java keystore" option but still failed with the same error.
Did you create an Android Certificate before creating the build?
If you don't create a certificate we print a warning but let you send a debug build. This probably won't work for Google Play though.

Integrate SonarQube in Bamboo for react js application

I am trying to integrate react js app in sonarqube with Bamboo by running ant configuration.
sonar${bamboo.sonarqube_host_url} -Dsonar.login=${sonarqube_auth_token} -DCommandLineParameter=${bamboo.buildKey} -Dsonar.projectVersion=3.0 -Dsonar.sources=src -Dsonar.tests=src/test -Dsonar.exclusions=src/assets/**/*.js, src/utils/**/*.js, src/test/**/*.js, src/store/**/*.js -DBranchType=${bamboo.planRepository.branch} -Dsonar.projectName=testProject]
But it's failing with
Target "" does not exist in the project "My Project".
Q1. Is this the right way to do this? (As Ant is for Java)
If not how should I so this?
Using an Ant task to run your scan doesn't make sense since you don't user/need Ant in Javascript development. The better alternatives would be to:
Call the sonarqube scanner from a shell script task
use the 'Sonar for Bamboo' pluging (a for pay plugin) to have a more GUI-like interface to ostensibly the same thing.
You should look at the sonar scanner documentation

How to modify auto generated service-worker in Create-React-App

I have created a sample app from Create-React-App library. When I ran the build command then it generates a service-worker on its own using cache-first strategy.
But I need some more functionality like cache some API responses n all. I don't know how to modify the script which includes my own code in auto generated service-worker.
I have found some help lines for my case but these are not enough to get a whole understanding of it.
By default, the generated service worker file will not intercept or cache any cross-origin traffic, like HTTP API requests, images, or embeds loaded from a different domain. If you would like to use a runtime caching strategy for those requests, you can eject and then configure the runtimeCaching option in the SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin section of
Above paragraph is from official doc
Thanks in advance!
We had a similar problem while working on a project recently and we didn't want to "eject". We created a little tool that allows you to append custom service worker code to the one generated by CRA.
Have a look here:
You would can run npm run eject and get access to the underlying Webpack configuration.
Once you do that, the file can be modified to adjust your generated service worker. Look for the section that configures SWPrecacheWebpackPlugin.
You can add in an additional runtimeCaching configuration option to that section to accommodate your runtime caching needs.

Cannot configure Email-ext

I can no longer add an email-ext post build step to my jenkins jobs.
This worked before, but the I upgraded to jenkins 2.7.1 and the email-ext plugin 2.44.
Now, when I add an post build step to a job and try to save the modified job, I will be taken to a login page and this page will lead to an error and the new step will not be saved.
One solution is to downgrade your jenkins to earlier working version.
Try uninstall/reinstall of email plugin.
If you are OK with the New version and not willing to downgrade and wanted email as a post build step, follow the below steps.
Login to the server where you have installed jenkins and traverse to the that jobs config.xml path.
add the email section to the job's config.xml [You can refer to other existing job's config.xml which contains email section as a post build and use the same in this job, paste those lines in your job's config.xml]
Save you changes.
Now come back to your jenkins GUI and goto manage jenkins section.
Click on "Reload Configuration from Disk", This will reload your changes from server.
You will now be able to find the changes saved.
Another way is to update the job config.xml from jenkins command line.
search for jenkins-cli.jar and you will find a route.

OAuth2 password-less GAE upload using Google's Maven GAE plugin

I know that Google support password-less GAE app uploads using appcfg.{sh,cmd], as described here:
However, I would like to know if I can do the same using Google's official Maven GAE plugin. There is a goal called appengine:update that is used for uploading the local GAE app to the cloud. However, I cannot find information anywhere as to whether this will support OAuth2. Anyone know how I can combine OAuth2 and this Maven plugin?
The reason why is because I am using Jenkins to build my project and I would much rather prefer to upload my application automatically using a Maven goal during the build instead of running a script (more complex than Maven goal) as a post-build step.
It seems that it have been improved in recent versions of GAE Maven plugin (no appcfg invocation necessary). It is enough to invoke:
mvn clean appengine:update
if there is no ~/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens_java it will pop your browser, and will ask for credential to Google Account. After successful authentication you are presented with OAuth2 token. Paste it in the terminal window, where you invoked mvn and you're done.
It appears that appengine:update automatically supports OAuth2. I just had to run a manual build with If that shell script was on your PATH, then the command looks something like this: --oauth2 update myapp/war-directory
Once I follow the manual steps to deploy my app and download the OAuth2 token for my user, I can run mvn appengine:udpate. This will detect my OAuth2 token and not require any manual interaction.
