How can i make a webhook security proxy? - discord

How can you redirect a discord webhook through a website to prevent it from getting spammed. Example: Instead of (ex) webhooksec.example.
Havent tried anything idk what to do.


How do you create a redirect URI?

So, a redirect URI is required to invite your Discord bot to your server. However, I tried using this as my redirect URI (replacing CLIENTID with my bot's client ID) and it didn't work:
It says "CLIENT ID is not a snowflake" after trying to invite my bot. How do I fix this, as I've looked everywhere with no good solutions.

How to find discord password with console script

is there any way to find discord password with google console page, i've tried to reset the password but wont work, i found the discord token but is curious is there any other way to find the password other than reseting it, or is it just impossible.
You can't retrieve a password in Discord, imagine the security breach this can create.
The token will not help too.

Can you use the Discord API to get what servers the bot is in, and How?

Im trying to make a discord dashboard all out of Pure HTML (Includes JS, CSS just to be clear), and I wanted to get a list of all the guilds the bot is in without any other APIs like or discord.js.
How can I do this? I couldn't find anything on the Discord Developer Documentation, and is it even possible?
I've tried some answers like getting '/users/#me/guilds', but it just returns the current person that is logged in with the bot's guilds, and not what the bot has joined.
You should make an HTTP requests with your bot's token:
HEADERS: Authorization: "Bot TOKEN"
It will return a JSON with all the guilds your bot is in.
But make sure you don't leak your bot's token somewhere in JS or HTML files.
I guess this should work, have a good day! :D

Use Discord's API to send message as user

I want to send a message in a Discord channel but from a user account not a bot. Is this kind of thing possible using Discord's API?
The official documentation should contain enough information to get started:
Make sure to login with OAuth2 and not as a bot. Also, it is important to get the right scope (permissions) when requesting an OAuth token.

instagram oauth issue (make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request)

Im trying to get basic data from instagram profiles, I am using a local webpack dev server to run my react app, I am also using Firebase functions, the function on firebase sends oauth/authorize request to instagarm's api, im getting a code response back and return it to my react popup, i then send the code to instagrams api for oatuh/access_token but im getting the following error:
Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request
Im running localhost:3000 as https with an ssl, i've set the redirecturl in the instagram developer tools to https://localhost:3000/instagram-popup/
the popup is the page I'm, loading to get the access token, it does get the code from the firebase function correctly, but fails the last call... I have lost SO many hours on this issue, if anyone has been in this situation and solved it, or didnt even encounter it but knows what i can do to fix it, i would really appreciate any guidance here
