Keycloak - Customer uses multiple email domains on one IdP. How do I configure the IdP in Keycloak to reconize both domains? - azure-active-directory

Note: We are currently using Keycloak 3.4.3. I know. It's way out of date.
We have few customers using SSO integration (SAML and OIDC) to login to our application. A customer is using Azure AD (SAML) for their identity provider. We have an identity provider configuration set up that works with one email domain. They want to add a second email domain with the same identity provider.
They've added users with the new email domain, but when you enter the email address in the "Login with an organization account" form (for third party login) you get a "Please enter a valid customer email address." message.
Invalid email address image
I believe with newer versions of Keycloak you can add additional domains to an IdP setup under the Authentication section of Keycloak. I'm not sure if this is possible with this old version of Keycloak, but hoping someone can help. I'd love to upgrade to the latest version, but we'll be moving to a completely new application later next year, so unfortunately we're not spending time to upgrade it.
I tried setting up an authentication flow using the identity provider redirector auth type, setting the alias as the additional email domain name, and the default identity provider to the alias of the current IdP configuration. But that didn't work.
authentication flow image

I ended up getting on a call with our customer and worked out a simple solution. They were able to add another end point in Azure, and sent me the configuration URL. I just created a second identity provider entry for their other email domain, imported the config, and it worked.
In the Keycloak IDP configuration, other than the alias and redirect URI, everything is identical to the other domain configuration. The validating X509 Certificates does have some extra data, but that's it.


SSO Setup for a Saas Application

I am looking for some advice regarding "SSO" Setup.
My development team is building a reactjs+node js `Saas Application.
Within this application, we will provide an Option so the user can set up an SSO SAML Authnicaiton by providing
idP metadata
Entity ID
Binding location
Adding Certificate
I have tried to use several services like auth0 but these are extremely expensive services to use. Do any of you know any service which can be set very easily and very cost consciously?
Here are a few open-source alternatives you can try.
SAML Jackson
In the settings page, add a page to enter the SALM metadata.
On the login page, ask the users to enter their company email address or tenant id and redirect the users to IdP based on that.

How to authenticate a Windows Forms client using SAML?

I have been looking into using an identity provider (IDP) to provide user authentication for a Windows Forms client. The user credentials will be hosted by Auth0. After creating a trial account with Auth0 I have downloaded a sample C# Windows Forms client application that can be used to authenticate to the Auth0 IDP using OpenID Connect ("OIDC"). The WinForms sample application pops up a web browser component, displays the Auth0 login screen, I login to the Auth0 IDP (having setup some test credentials in Auth0) and the WinForms application then is sent an authentication token. All well and good, and if I try to login a second time I no longer need to enter my credentials.
However... the company that I will be fetching authentication data from in production would like to use SAML. Is there any way to do this? Based on what I have read, SAML needs a "Service Provider" that will receive credentials from the IDP. The Service Provider is (typically?) a web site. That does not seem to match very well with what I am trying to do (authenticate a windows client). Is there any way of using SAML to do essentially what I have done using OIDC (fetch authentication information for a user from an IDP)? Would I need to develop a separate Service Provider component for this?
Sounds like what you've done so far is fine architecturally:
A modern desktop app following OIDC standards
This puts you in a good position architecturally, where:
Your app gets tokens from Auth0 using OIDC
Auth0 can reach out and do federated authentication with other standards based identity providers, which could be SAML, OIDC, WS-Federation or anything else
This can be done without changing any code in your app - and your app does not need to understand SAML
Feels like you need to set up a federated connection from Auth0 to the SAML Service Provider, and most commonly this involves these steps:
You give the partner your Entity Id and Response URL, to post tokens to
They give you am Entity Id, Public Key Certificate and request URL
You configure rules around account linking, so that users can be matched between their system and yours
There are prerequisites though, and the external identity provider needs to be SAML 2.0 compliant. My Federated Logins Article may help you to understand the general concepts, though I do not drill into SAML details here.

B2C as IdP for SalesForce

Completely new to B2C. Tried both of these walkthroughs, but I'm missing something still:
Both of these only describe the policies needed, but I'm pretty sure I need to register an app on B2C still? The problem I have with app registration is that SalesForce gives me a token endpoint URL with a query string:
And B2C won't allow query strings in the reply URL.
Is there any way around this? Salesforce also supports OpenID I think, if that would be better?
::::::::::::UPDATE 6/22::::::::::
I found and realized I was missing a critical step on the SalesForce side: adding the authentication provider to my domain's login page. Clicking the new link redirects me to B2C, but I get an immediate error from B2C. Application Insights shows the following exception:
The SAML technical profile 'serviceProviderMetadata' specifies a PartnerEntity URL of 'REMOVED', but fetching the metadata fails with reason 'For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettings to Parse and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method.
Using this write-up as a guideline, I've registered the app in B2C and configured the SalesForce side.
Instead of using the Azure AD authorization endpoints, I pulled my B2C tenants endpoints from my meta data URL ({tenant}/.well-known/openid-configuration).
This works for my B2C admin account, however, when I try try a test user that isn't a B2C admin I get the following error from the B2C sign-in page:
Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.
AADSTS50020: User account 'REMOVED' from identity provider 'LINK REMOVED' does not exist in tenant 'MTB2CTest' and cannot access the application '5c8b9f4f-cf28-42fe-b629-b87251532970' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
::::::::::::UPDATE 6/23::::::::::
I’ve found that it works 100% only for my B2C admin account if I don’t use a policy, but doesn't work for other accounts. When I use a policy, only accounts that signed up through the policy can authenticate with B2C (which is great) – but the token doesn’t seem to be reaching SalesForce. I've created two PDFs showing the configuration details and the results from each method (policy and nopolicy) here.
Both of these only describe the policies needed, but I'm pretty sure I need to register an app on B2C still?
Not exactly, you no need to register an app at B2C side. All the configuration you do in Policies is enough.
Did you try Salesforce SAML SSO article
Check the above article and try to do configurations at Salesforce side and grab the details required by SAML RP
I hope by following both SAML RP and Configure SAML Settings for Single Sign-On articles you can configure B2C as IDP for Salesforce.
I stumbled on this question while trying to implement Azure AD B2C as an IdP for Salesforce. We used Open ID Connect to enable SSO between the two. This involved setting up an Application in Azure AD B2C, enabling the read scope on that application, and configuring the connection in Salesforce using that application, a custom policy returning a JWT token, and a dummy User Info endpoint.
Check out this answer for exact steps on how we set up Open ID Connect:

Identity Server and Active Driectory

My current setup is a fairly simple one. I am running Identity Server 3 which is used to provide oauth access tokens which can be used against and a number of our web api endpoints. The identity server has custom user service which authenticates requests against a custom user table in our sql database.
We have a new 3rd party software provider, this provider requires that our users (staff in our call centre) logon to their application via a proprietary login, not against our existing user accounts. We have built an api for this 3rd party which they required for their integration, as with the rest of our api's this is secured using oauth bearer tokens via identity server.
Our staff are all locally logged on to an active directory domain. Is it possible to configure identity server to issues auth tokens for a user who is already authenticated against active directory? I like to achieve this without prompting the user for their credentials again.
I've read around and at this point I'm very lost as to the correct approach, some form of federation seems appropriate, but I couldn’t find a reasonable introduction / walkthrough to help me get started.
What is an appropriate approach and are they any relatively easy to consume primers on the subject?
Yes, you should be able to make it work. The samples contain a windows auth provider. Using this, your identity server would authenticate people in without prompting for a password. Once authenticated, it would then issue tokens same as any other auth. You may need to a bit of experimenting to get it working, but from what you've said it should work in your situation.

Integrating PingFederate with Salesforce

I need to integrate PingFederate with Salesforce using SP-initiated SSO.
My aim is that users in Active Directory will be automatically logged in when they access the Salesforce Application URL. I have created the SP connection to Salesforce in PingFederate and uploaded the PingFederate Certificate in Salesforce. In Salesforce I have set the IdP Issuer Entity ID to match the one in PingFederate.
For SP-initiated SSO, which URL do I need to give the browser to test if this setup is working correctly?
I believe SFDC requires you to establish who your IDP is via Unsolicited SSO (IDP-Init) before SP-Init is automatically triggered when you attempt to access a SFDC protected page. Once IDP-Init SSO is completed successfully, SFDC sets your last known IDP as a persistent cookie in your browser.
IDP-Init is pretty simple to do in PF. Just ensure that IDP-Init and SP-Init SSO is enabled in your SP Connection. After that, when you look at the SP Connection Summary page, you should then see a "Connection URL" that looks like -- "
Give it a shot - if it doesn't work the Ping Support team can quickly help.
