Can the default priority be changed in J1939 from SAE? - default

As per SAE document for J1939 the default priority is specified but can the default priority be changed.
Will it have any impact if the default priority is changed?


Map State lifecycle in a keyed process function or windowed stream

Is MapState content automatically cleared up after the window expires or when onTimer function for that particular key is called or it has to be manually cleared given a TTL config is not defined
Any state you register yourself and that doesn't have TTL defined will be retained indefinitely.
Flink's built-in windows are cleaned up automatically, but windows you implement yourself in a KeyedProcessFunction using MapState need to be manually cleared when they are no longer useful.

Flink set timer on non keyed stream

Can Flink set timer on the non-keyed stream?
ProcessAllWindowFunctionis a good option. But it cannot scale up the parallelism. It has to be 1.
I am looking for such non-keyed process function that can set a timer.
Flink's timers are only available within keyed process functions.
The standard answer to this question is to go ahead and key the stream, adding a field holding a random number to use as the key (if there isn't already a suitable way to implement a key selector).
If you can't live with the expense of a network shuffle, for event-time timers you could implement a custom operator that implements your logic in its processWatermark method.
And if you are looking for processing-time timers, you could roll your own.
you could keyBy(_ => None) or keyBy() a constant and still use timers

TTL for state in ProcessWindowFunction

I would like to set the TTL of the state in a processwindowfunction. This state is shared across windows. This TTL needs to be based on an attribute in the event itself. So I cannot calculate the TTL in the state descriptor. Also, onTimer function is not supported in processwindowfunction.
Is there any other way to achieve this?
If the time-to-live must be computed as a function of the event itself, then you can't use the state TTL mechanism.
The only alternative is to use timers with a KeyedProcessFunction, rather than using the window API. There's an example in the flink documentation:

Finding created pthread timer is active or not

I have created many timers in my running application.
At a certain point, I want to check whether a previously created timer is active or not.
pthread_create - creating the timer
timer_settime - starting the timer (recursive timer)
Now somewhere in the application and using the timer id, I will want to check whether that timer is active or not.
Is there an API to do this? If not, How can I do this?
Possible way I was thinking:
-Issue two consecutive timer_gettime() and see if there is any change for the given timer id.
-If there is change, I will consider that as an active timer.

Game-maker - Timer System Room Transfer

How do you transfer a timer's value from one room to another in Game-maker?
I have a working timer system that counts up, but when I change rooms the timer count resets. Why does the timer count reset?
The object that the timer is connected to is obviously not set to persistent (which will enable it to remain throughout all the rooms, with all of its previous data).
To enable persistence in an object:
If it is connected to a controller object it should be easy to make it persistence but if it is part of a lesser object I recommend having it in a separate object to help with room changes (an object set to persistent of course).
