How do I create a stickied message in Discord.js - discord

I've looked all over and I can't find a solution.
I'm using discord js using non-slash commands.
How could I make it so you have a message from the bot and if someone types in the channel the bot's message will get deleted and resent
I want to do this in a sense of a server request channel so you need to add the channel you want the command to run and what you want it to say:
Stickied Message
Request Needed:
Approved By:
how could I program that? Thanks :) <3
I ahve googled online and can't see anything relating to this topic - maybe I'm not searching the right things?
Tried Discord.js V13 | Sticky Message but did not work


how to send automatically a message when we send in a Discord channel

In a Discord server I manage, there is a channel "Tutorials", where people can share tutorials for tools they might find useful.
The "rule" of this channel is that if we have a question about a tutorial, we need to answer inside a thread and not in the channel discussion (to avoid the important message being lost in history).
I updated the description of the channel, but this is not enough, because not everybody read it ;)
So I would like to set a way to make the user sure before they publish their message, for instance, my idea is when they try to send a message to the channel, a hidden message pops up telling "are you sure you want to do this ?" to recall the rule to the user.
Is there such a feature in Discord (or with a bot) ? Until now my researches were unsuccessful.

Discord Bot Trigger on Webhook Received

I am trying to pipe notifications from various online services into a Discord server using Webhooks. The problem is, discord doesn't render the message that is received by a webhook the way I need. It omits some information that I would like to display.
Is it possible to receive the raw JSON information from a webhook when it arrives, then process it and post into a channel?
My thinking was: I can create a new bot, then subscribe to some kind of webhook_message_received event and process it the way I want. Turns out, there's no such event (or I don't know where to look).
There's not much information online, so I would appreciate any advice.

Giving a webhook a name Discord.JS

I like using webhooks, and I think they work amazing, but what I can't figure out is giving a webhook a certain name for just one message.
You can do it by setting username in the JSON you send to Discord. The full documentation is available here:

Discord.js - Bot messages LIMIT?

I have a bot with which you have to verify yourself to be on our Discord server
(The verification takes place in the DM`s)
Recently we have the problem that certain members of our Discord cannot write to the bot.
Everyone allowed everyone to send a message to the person
Each of the people is on our Discord Server, allows the person to write messages and have not blocked the bot
The bot does not issue any error messages
We would be delighted to find a quick solution
Since you haven't provided any code snippets, logs or error messages, it's a bit difficult to assess your situation... but here are some basic troubleshooting steps that you could follow:
Remove and re-authenticate the bot into the server.
Double check that you have enabled DM's.
Check the console for any errors that could pertain to direct messaging issues with users in the server. (especially from successful DM's)
Try to notice any differences between the users in the server who are
able to message the bot, versus those who cannot.
Ensure the bot isn't running more than one instance. (i.e. you might
have more than one bot running on the same token!)
I highly recommend giving more detail, because usually a question pertaining to broken/lost functionality would usually attach code or error logs to help diagnose the issue.
Okay, the problem is that you either didn't enable DMs or the bot is not in the server.
Otherwise, this problem will not occur.

Discord bot to check if a minecraft server is online

I was wondering if anyone knew of a discord bot that will send a message in a discord sever when a minecraft server is online and send a message when it goes back offline
I've done some googling and can't seem to find one that does what I want there are a couple that u have to manually type commands for and others that appear in the sidebar of discord I simply want one that will do it automatically is there one that exists like this already?
I didn't found any not that already did this, but you can do this pretty easily with the Discord API.
Here is a a script I found that send a message to the server :
You can adapt it to ping the server in a if statement to send if it is online or not
(This script is in python but the Discord api works in more languages)
