This is a question about usage of the database plug-in.
I'm a newcomer to PyCharm. I've set up a database connection through the Databases plug-in and can execute queries against the database in a console window. I see the value of developing SQL under the same pane of glass.
Is there a way to use the Databases plug-in to help me in the python scripts in PyCharm, ie by automatically generating a connection string or suggesting a better method among SQLAlchemy or pyodbc? Or is the plug-in not a replacement for building the connection strings and instancing the engines in the code?
I have just finished an standalone desktop application in C# and .Net. For the app, I need to access several existing SQL Server tables for various data. I accomplished it with Entity Framework 6 code first. My question is how I should update the connection string in app.config during a customer installation to reflect customer's SQL Server configurations. What steps are generally involved? What options are available to me? I'll use Inno Setup for the app installation.
Thank you.
Good day. :D
I'm in some trouble configuring BonitaBPM with Ms Sql database.
Already searched a lot on the internet but many of the examples used in mysql show, it tried to do the same, so that the problem that the files mentioned in the articles do not exist in my folders setup Bonita (Bundle, etc.).
I try to configure the file that links to BD's but gives a runtime error.
My goal is to use Ms Sql as the primary database, thus making the emigration of all tables in Bonita to SQL DB.
I would like to receive an example how to do this configuration.
Thank you already.
Actually Bonita BPM 6 can be configured to use Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Bonitasoft provide official support for such configuration) but only with the JBoss bundle or other supported applications server such as Oracle WebLogic.
That is because:
Apache Tomcat is not a full Java EE application server
An extra library (Bitronix) is included to provide transaction management support
Bitronix has known issues with SQL Server
So only solution I may suggest is to switch to JBoss bundle, or, if possible, use an alternative DBMS such as PostgreSQL.
Sorry to not be able to come with a better option but here we facing a limitation of Bitronix library.
I recently started a Winforms VB.NET application that uses a mysql database to store information. Problem is this is a standalone system no network access to the database is needed. And installing mysql server, along with the connector has become a great burden. Is there a viable alternative database engine that will be non-transactional, and EF still works with. This database just needs to keep up with client details, payment History, and related items..
SQL Server Compact might work for you, depending on it's limitations. If not, SQL Server Express will work fine
I'm looking to build a specialized msi installer, preferably with VS2010 to do the following:
Be able to configure SQL server connection.
Pick the database to be used from the SQl server.
Create database table with specified credentials.
Assign a new DB user a set of permissions.
Also configure the IIS application.
I looked into a default installer project in VS2010 and it has nothing related to dealing with SQL server and IIS. Any idea how can I do all this?
Visual Studio setup projects do not offer support for SQL scripts and IIS. The best you can do is write some custom actions (using custom code) to handle this during install.
Commercial setup authoring tools offer the most control over SQL scripts and IIS elements. You can find a list here:
You can also try WiX. It has a steep learning curve, but it's free and gets the job done.
I have a WPF desktop application that uses a custom database for storage.
I need to prepare a setup project (from Visual studio 2008) (full setup, not ClickOnce).
I can add the to the list of prerequisites to the application and it does install during the setup of the application.
My question is: How can I run a script during the setup to create the database that the application needs? OR how can I restore the database to the client machine during the setup?
Another related question, what would happen if already exists on the client machine? How to detect the instance name and connection data? And then how to be able -if needed- to change the Connection string used by Entity framework to connect to that database?
SQL Server Express Edition is generally a really poor choice for a local database. It's a server-class engine that likes to use a lot of resources and runs as a service (so it's using up those resources even when your app isn't running). In other words, it belongs on a server.
The only place I've seen SQL Server Express used on a desktop that almost makes sense is as part of the Microsoft Small Business Accounting app, and in this case you generally install that program on a machine who's primary purpose is doing the accounting for your business.
What you should do is use a desktop or in-process class engine like SQL Server Compact Edition, Sqlite, or even Access. This will also greatly simplify your deployment.
If you insist on pushing through with this, know that the installer will create a new instance of sql server on the system. SQL Server will be fine with this. However, you'll need to account for that in the connection string of your app, and that can be a little more complicated. Additionally, to set up the database you have a couple options:
Create it from client code on first start of the app
Create it with a custom installer action (hard to get right because msi permissions)
Distribute an pre-build *.mdf file and attach with custom installer action or on first start of the app.