How to Successfully Build the Open Source Apple Chess Game in XCode - c

I am trying to download and run the source code of a previous version of the Apple macOS chess game (preferably in the 369-408 version range) using XCode 14.1.
The game is written in Objective-C and interfaces with a chess engine called "sjeng" that is written in C. (Correct me if I'm wrong).
I have already navigated some preliminary stumbling blocks (which you may want to follow to duplicate if you'd like to give this a try):
Downloading the source code in the first place.
[ The next four steps come from here ]
Commenting out the "#include..." line from the Chess.xcconfig file.
Removing the entitlement from the Chess.entitlements file.
Getting my provisioning profile set up for the X-Code project (this is straight-forward as long as you already have a developer profile).
Changing the bundle identifier from "" to something random.
Resolving "Implicit declaration of function is invalid in C99" compile-time errors related to the C code within the sjeng chess engine. This question helped with that.
But now I am stuck on the next and hopefully final step which is this is the build error:
./build-book normal nbook.pgn
+ test -z ''
+ SJENG=/Users/classified/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MBChess-frynfmbcfskhcfdlqxxctvlldmnm/Build/Products/Development/sjeng.ChessEngine
+ cat
+ /Users/classified/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MBChess-frynfmbcfskhcfdlqxxctvlldmnm/Build/Products/Development/sjeng.ChessEngine
./build-book: line 21: /Users/classified/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MBChess-frynfmbcfskhcfdlqxxctvlldmnm/Build/Products/Development/sjeng.ChessEngine: No such file or directory
make: *** [nbook.db] Error 1
Command ExternalBuildToolExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
I have no clue what this stage of the build process pertains to.
I have verified in the Finder that the directory in the error message does indeed not exist.
I tried "Cleaning the Build Folder" in XCode and building again, but same result.
Can anyone get the game actually running (from source) on macOS and describe the steps required to get there?

Here is how it worked for me:
Download the project from here (build tag 408);
Unarchive the project and open MBChess.xcodeproj file with Xcode;
Open MBChess target and do as follows:
Change Bundle Identifier to something more relevant to you
Enable "Automatically manage signing" flag
Choose your Apple Developer team OR choose any personal team
(Optional) If you chose a personal team, don't forget to remove incompatible entitlements from here (Game Center)
Remove Chess.xcconfig file from Project Navigator:
Find Chess.entitelements file and remove array from it:
Select sjeng target and build it first
Select MBChess target and build it for the same platform
At this point the app should build successfully (I was using macOS Ventura 13.0.1 (22A400) as the target platform with Xcode Version 14.1 (14B47b))


Xcode 9.4 : unexpected service error: The Xcode build system has crashed

I’m getting strange error while building project in Xcode 9.4
Build system information - unexpected service error: The Xcode build system has crashed. Please close and reopen your workspace.
I tried Xcode quit and reopen but that didn’t worked. Any solution?
Please clear derived data folder (located at ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData) and restart the Xcode project.
This error usually happens between Xcode major versions. Apple usually claim their new build system is ** times faster than their previous version. If you see this error(I see this on changing Xcode9 to Xcode10 beta), you can always change it to the legacy build system. Here is how you can do this:
Open 'workspace settings'( it is now changed to 'Project Settings' if you are using Xcode10 or later) in the File Menu
Change build system to 'legacy'
Update for Xcode 13.4.1:
I had this infamous bug today as well. I tried a lot including clean project, delete derived, restart max etc.
What did the fix finally is similar to the answer of kakaiikaka: I set the workspace settings to "Legacy Build System (Deprecated)" for both, the shared and per user workspace. I tried to build with this, but got an error because I had packages wich are not supported.
Restarted Xcode, then changed back the build system. Restarted Xcode again.
Now the crash doesn't happen any more.
Looks like something internal was spoilt and cycling the build system fixed it.
I moved a lot of files all at once between folders, including nested folders. This error started happening. Nothing I did in regards to cleaning, purging derived data, or undoing the move operation would help.
What I did to help was: restore the previous version of the project file from source control and then re-add all the applicable new files to it. It was project file related. Deleting user data inside the project container did not help in my case. So as long as you use source control and can rollback the .xcodeproj, this may be an option.
it happened to me when i changed build configuration names. After deleting Pods folder and Podfile.lock, and then runnnig "pod install" fixed the issue.
For Xcode 10.2 delete podfile, podfile.lock, xcworkspace, open terminal, cd directory of project, pod init, add pods you want to pod file, pod install, open xcworkspac. Everything will be indexing now and then you can build.

How do I run a custom C unit test with Appveyor?

I'm currently writing an open source library in C ( and have a simple unit test solution/project running. It uses a simple C unit testing framework and generates a unittest.exe that prints out the results and returns 1 or 0 depending on if it was successful or not.
My problem is that I'm not sure how to configure Appveyor to run this executable after building. The Appveyor executable is produced at C:\projects\sralloc\examples\Build\x64_Debug\unittest.exe
So I tried this:
- '%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\examples\build\%PLATFORM%_%CONFIGURATION%\unittest.exe'
However Appveyor says: The system cannot find the path specified.
I've searched online a fair amount but haven't really found anything.
Here's my full appveyor.xml
version: 1.0.{build}
image: Visual Studio 2017
- Debug
- Release
parallel: true
project: examples/sralloc.sln
- '%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\examples\build\%PLATFORM%_%CONFIGURATION%\unittest.exe'
I forked your repo and added the following into your appeyor.yml:
- x64
and cannot find the path error disappeared. If you do not have this setting in YAML, there are no environment variable called platform on build VM, and first in list platform is being selected by msbuild.
Side note: now it stuck with Press any key to continue . . . but I believe this is another subject and you can fix it with altering command line syntax.
Side note 2: Use this approach to upload text results (I assume your tests can create XML results on one of supported formats.

Problems deploying SecureInput MS Edge Extension native messaging sample

I am trying out SecureInput extension sample that demonstrates NativeMessaging capabilities in MS Edge browser extensions and I running into problems deploying the extension after building using VS community edition 2017. I don’t have Universal Windows Platform Apps development experience, so I apologize if there is a pretty obvious answer I am not aware of. But following in the sample doesn’t work, so posting this question here...
Steps followed…
Turned on developer mode in “Use Developer Features”
Turned on Enable extension developer features in Edge browser’s about:flags.
Downloaded the sample as a zip file to the local machine.
Copied SecureInput.html to my local webserver
Loaded SecureInput.sln in VS
community edition 2017 Out of two options.. InProc or OutOfProc, I
wanted to try InProc. So needed to select Project in
NativeMessagingHostInProcess in Build Configuration manager. Other
settings used... Debug - configuration; Any CPU – Active solution
platform; NativeMessagingHostInProcess – x64 project platform as I
was using 64 bit Windows and edge running as a 64 bit process as
well; Left rest as default.
With Debug Configuration and Any CPU Solution platform built the entire solution.
Deployment Summary
Built Entire SecureInput solution.
Installed AppX package by running
Add-AppxPackage -register [PathtoSecureInputSolutionFolder] NativeMessagingHostInProcess\bin\x64\Debug\AppxManifest.xml
No errors during building or while running Add-AppXPackage from elevated Power shell prompt.
Expected: At this point EdgeBrowser->MoreOptions->Extensions should list extension installed by AppX package (Deployment Summary/Step 2). =>> Doesn’t happen.
Few other details
I am using 64 bit Win 10 creators build (1703 – OS build 16063.128)
I am suspecting Add-AppxPackage failed to add the extension silently. Verbose flag doesn’t give me any clues either.
Get-AppXPackage shows newly added AppX package.
Name : ae24a957-5239-43b2-a36c-b96805a58ade
Publisher : CN=msft
Architecture : X64
ResourceId :
Version :
PackageFullName : ae24a957-5239-43b2-a36c-b96805a58ade_1.0.0.0_x64__2yx4q2bk84nj4
InstallLocation : [PathtoSecureInputSolutionFolder] \NativeMessagingHostInProcess\bin\x64\Debug
IsFramework : False
PackageFamilyName : ae24a957-5239-43b2-a36c-b96805a58ade_2yx4q2bk84nj4 PublisherId : 2yx4q2bk84nj4
IsResourcePackage : False
IsBundle : False
IsDevelopmentMode : True
IsPartiallyStaged : False
I would like to know if anyone got this sample working. If Microsoft Edge folks are monitoring stackoverflow, I really appreciate if someone can jump in to help your early adopters like me. :-)
With offline help from Chee Chen, we were able to figure out why SecureInput was not working. My sincere thanks to him for going out of his way to help. In my specific case, here are the things that went wrong.
URL manifest.json gives permissions to is case sensitive. I had a typo when I first entered the URL in edge browser very first time.. I typed in as SecureInput.html. Try cleaning the cache if you see that using lower case secureinput.html doesn't help.
When instructions didn't work right first time, I used Add-AppxPackage way of deploying the Extension. While doing that, I picked AppxManifest file in NativeMessagingHostInProcess\bin\x64\Debug\AppxManifest.xml instead of NativeMessagingHostInProcess\bin\x64\Debug\AppX\AppxManifest.xml. Something to watch out for and if you make the same mistake, make sure you uninstall the appx package completely and start all over again.
So here are my supplemental instructions for others trying the sample :-)
Make sure you selected right Platform as per your target test machine. Edge runs as 64 bit process so your extension needs to be targeted at that platform.
Make sure right AppServiceName is selected in PasswordInputProtection->Program.cs and Extension->background.js
I think PasswordInputProtection.csproj has a hardcoded Program files (x86) in its path, which will break if you try the sample on 32 bit machine. Edit the project file in notepad and fix it before you try.
Ensure NativeMessagingHost project's Output paths are correctly configured... It needs to be "bin\[Platform]\[Configuration]\AppX\" and not "bin\[Platform]\[Configuration]\"
Avoid typos if you can, because I see very little feedback or verbose logs on why things are not working.
Have you tried following the deployment steps in the documentation? The actual steps and ordering is important:
Build and deploy the NativeMessagingHostinProcess UWP app.
This will generate:
Necessary binaries and files needed for the UWP app.
The AppX folder.
The AppXManifest.xml based on the content of package.manifest. (The content of package.manifest in this sample has been edited to include the necessary entries for Edge extensions).
Build the PasswordInputProtection Desktop Bridge.
This will:
Build the binaries for this project
Trigger a post-build event that will copy the output of the exe to the AppX folder and copy the Extension folder to the AppX folder.
Now that the files are all ready to go, you will need to register the AppX.
There are two ways to accomplish this:
Run Add-AppxPackage from PowerShell: Add-AppxPackage -register [Path to AppX folder]\AppxManifest.xml
Deploy the NativeMessagingHostInProcess project. Visual Studio will run the same PowerShell script to register the AppX from the folder.

Compiling mod_tile

I wanted to build my own tile server as written on switch2osm site. In short: render is not happening (more details you can find here).
Seems that mod_tile is not installed correctly. First it gave some errors during installation and in the end error message was:
27 warnings and 4 errors generated.
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
I removed this source (original from openstreet) and downloaded new one from here. This time installation went without error, only some warnings. But rendering is still not happening (it's stuck on <Debug>: Using web mercator projection settings and doesn't move on).
Data about my system goes here:
OS: Mac OS 10.9.4
Python: 2.7.5
Mapnik: 3.0.1-pre
Server version: Apache/2.2.26 (Unix)
Installation logs are here.

how to Step through Catel code while debugging ?

After adding Catel implementation to one of my views(mainPage) in my project I have a bug that crashes my Silverlight project. The only indication I have is :" A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Catel.MVVM " (just about after setting the RootVisual~) - I can't find what I'm doing wrong, and since I am planing on a long-term relationship with Catel I thought that stepping through Catel code might come in handy, so I tried and failed in all the following steps (any help will be appreciated.. because currently I'm stuck and can't find anything):
downloaded catel 3.9 source files (same as my nuget package) and tried building it.. failed with this error :
E:\Dev\Catel-3.9.0\src\Catel.Core\Catel.Core.SL5\Fody.targets(51,5): error MSB4036: The "Fody.WeavingTask" task was not found. Check the following: 1.) The name of the task in the project file is the same as the name of the task class. 2.) The task class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask interface. 3.) The task is correctly declared with in the project file, or in the *.tasks files located in the "E:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" directory. - trying to search and figure the reasons and overcome this, lead me to nowhere. :(
i have followed this "Stepping through the code" instruction in Catel documentation but noting really happened (I'm using this an issue ?? )
I read this article & at : about using GitHubLink to help you stepping through Catel code while debugging. I downloaded the release GitHubLink 1.3.0 from ... but running this even with just the githublink.exe -help flag had thrown a exception..
I downloaded the Githublink-master source files but 0 projects were loaded (the GithubLink project file is incompatible with the current version of VS - I'm using VS2010)
can anyone help me either shade some light or:
overcome the build error I receive for catel (no.1)
instruct me how to set & step into catel ?
share the pdb files for Catel libs
It completely depends on the version you are using. If you are using the latest official one (3.9), stepping through the code is only possible by cloning the master branch and building the PDB files yourself.
In the latest prerelease versions via NuGet (the upcoming 4.0 version) you only have to enable the source server checkbox.
Note that you should never have to use GitHubLink yourself, that is for developers only (we run it during the build of Catel).
About the Fody task: it looks like the NuGet packages have not yet been restored on your side. In the lib folder there is a RestorePackages.bat which you can run to restore the packages.
I tried debugging on VS2012 and using Catel 4 pre-release (from Nuget)..
although I believe I did all the right things & settings in VS, I didnt get much further..
So I Opened (using a bin editor) the pdb file that was pulled by Nuget with the DLL, and took a look at the bin file.
the file have strings pointing to the source files at this directory :
So I have created a tree that starts with
and downloaded the catel folder to that dir, renamed it from
"Catel-Develop" to just "Catel" in order to feet the location the pdb pointed.
To get things going I also had to add a "Symbol File(.pdb) location" in VS
option-> settings->Debugging->Symbols..(location/server list) to where the nuget download the packages.
in my case.. SolutionFolder\Packages\Catel.MVVM.\lib\sl50..(I'm using Silverlight)
and then I was able to load the symbols and step/break into the code successfully ..
Maybe I missing something and there is a better way, but this the only way that worked for me..
The only question that still remains for me now is : What is the name of the Catel Github source branch that is matching the pre-release dll and pdb that Nuget is publishing at the moment ( ?
(I unchecked the general debug settings of : require source files to exactly match the original version)
