How to create complex Logic App using Terraform - azure-logic-apps

I have created logic app which can handle log alert payload and compose the data and further do some ation like triggering Azure function.(below is the image i created from Azure Portal)
Straight to the point , How to create logic app (shown above) using Terraform.
Where i can Parse HTTPS response as Json and do Json Compose ?


Delete document from CosmosDB using Azure Data Factory

My Azure Data Factory has private endpoint connection to CosmosDB and authenticates using System Assigned Managed Identity. The goal is to delete document from CosmosDB using called from web activity.
I created web activity in Data Factory and put the required headers following those documents
DELETE web activity:
I am using Azure Cosmos DB RBAC so my authorization header looks like this:
To get a token I was following this post
but I don't know where can I get the client_secret. I found my ADF in AAD under enterprise application so I guess client_id is application Id but there is no client secret to be found there.
get token web activity:
First obvious question is where can I find this client_secret?
The second one is why is this token needed at all? Why can't it just use managed identity for authenticating the request?
Where can I find this client_secret?
Go to azure active directory -> Inside mange go to app registration(if you not created a app registration create it ) -> Go to registered app -> Certificate & Secretes.
Why is this token needed at all? why can't it just use managed identity for authenticating the request?
Managed identities are a way to simplify the authentication process for applications running in Azure, but they do not apply to all scenarios when calling external APIs that require authentication. In these cases, you need to obtain an access token from Azure AD using a client secret.
I reproduce same thing in my environment. Follow below approach.
Scope :
Body: grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>&scope=scope :
After execution of web1 activity you will get like this bearer token:
Inside Web2 activity provide valid URL as per below syntax:
Add dynamic content at header part as shown in the image:
Authorization: Bearer #{activity('Web1').output.access_token}

How can I retrieve a user ID from Firestore via Flask backend (React frontend)?

I'm a newbie with authentication! I'm building a web app where users can log in, and the data shown in the web app is different for each user. I'm using Reactjs as my frontend with Firebase authentication. After a user logs into my web app, I'm storing their user ID (UID) and other information into Firestore. I have a collection usersCollection where each document is labelled with the UID. For the backend, I'm using Flask as mostly a REST API with a Postgres database, but I am not storing user credentials there (UID, password, etc.).
For some of my backend functions I need to change the output based on which user is signed in, but I'm not sure how to retrieve the current user's UID. I'm able to make an axios request to send the current user's UID from the frontend to the backend, so I've tried 2 methods with that:
Saving the axios request output as a global variable - this has led to Flask errors like runtimeerror: working outside of application context. and I don't think this is the best solution.
With each GET request that the frontend is making to the backend (every time there's a function whose output changes based on user), I am passing the UID as a parameter, which causes latency problems.
What is the simplest way for me to request the current UID from Firestore from the backend?
Is structuring our frontend, backend, database, and authentication like this recommended? Or is there a simpler way or better system for our situation (JWT?)? We selected Firebase authentication in the first place because we are using a React MUI template that already set up Firebase for us.
Thank you in advance! Happy to provide more information if needed!
I don't know reactjs, but I have the same setup with flutter (iOS / Android apps).
What I did and what worked out well is:
authenticate your client against firebase (which it looks you already achieved)
extract the idToken from the firebase response
send the idToken to your flask backend, which verifies the id token (see below)
in flask backend, log in the user with login_user() from flask_login. This creates a cookie session which is sent back to the client in the response headers
the reactjs client stores the cookie and needs to attach it to every subsequent API request to flask (this might come out of the box for reactjs, but for flutter I needed some custom code for that)
As for the token validation you can…
use the python sdk
use a jwt library such as pyjwt, see documentation
There is flask-firebase which does a good job for the token validation. I wrote a blog post which gives an example how you would use this.

How to set up access to Azure blob storage from React app (deployed in Azure web app) with credentials from browser?

I got stuck on trying to access Azure blob storage from React app (thus from browser) with credentials.
And firstly I want to admit, that I am newbie in Azure, so maybe I misunderstood some basic concepts...
My current situation and goal:
I am developing React app (lets say MyReactApp). This app uses some files from Azure blob storage (lets say MyBlobStorage) -> it reads, creates and deletes blobs.
I started to develop it on my local and for this dev purpose I was connecting to MyBlobStorage with SAS - this worked perfectly.
MyReactApp is browser only, so it does not have any backend.
After finishing local development, I deployed it as Azure web app with SAS. What have I done:
created App service (lets say MyAppService)
register app in Azure Active Directory and use it as Identity Provider in MyAppService
After this the app works from Azure url perfectly too.
But my app on Azure should fulfill 2 conditions:
User has to log in with AAD account before access to MyReactApp
App itself must get rid of SAS (because it is not secure as it can be obtained from browser) and use some Azure credentials to connect to Azure blob storage
First condition - user log in:
I enabled "easy" logging in MyAppService -> Authentication and chose users, who can have access.
in Authentication section of app in AAD I set up Web type Redirect Uri as /.auth/login/aad/callback
Still everything works great - the user, who is assigned to the app, can log in and work with the app - so far so good, but now the problem comes
Second condition - I wanted to get rid of the SAS to access MyBlobStorage and use DefaultAzureCredentials:
I turned on managed identity for MyAppService and add it as Storage Blob Data Contributor for MyBlobStorage
I obtained user_impersonation and User.Read Api permissions for my app
I removed SAS and tried to add DefaultAzureCredentials to my code -> but it seems, that they can't be used in browser and only option is InteractiveBrowserCredentails
so I tried to use InteractiveBrowserCredentails like this:
this.interactiveBrowserCredential = new InteractiveBrowserCredential({
tenantId: "<appTenant>", // got from app registration on AAD
clientId: "<appClient>", // got from app registration on AAD
redirectUri: <MyAppServiceURi>/.auth/login/aad/callback // the same as in Azure AAD app,
this.blobSC = new BlobServiceClient(Constants.STORAGE_PATH, this.interactiveBrowserCredential);
My current result:
This shows login popup after getting to the page and after another signing in it results in error:
AADSTS9002326: Cross-origin token redemption is permitted only for the
'Single-Page Application' client-type.
I googled it of course and according to some answers I tried to change the Web type of redirect URI to SPA.
I tried it, but some other error showed up:
AADSTS9002325: Proof Key for Code Exchange is required for
cross-origin authorization code redemption.
Surprisingly this should be solved by changing from SPA to Web type...:) So I am trapped...
My expected result
In ideal world, I want to connect MyReactApp to MyBlobStorage without popup and with some secret credentials, just to say something like this.blobSC = new BlobServiceClient(Constants.STORAGE_PATH, credentials);
and be able to work with blobs.
Is it possible to access blob storage from browser without errors of course and ideally without popup, which needs another log in for user?
My complementary questions
Can I use somehow the logging info from the user (from his "easy" AAD logging)? I can get his info with GET call to /.auth/me, maybe it can be utilized, so I can use his info to access the blobs?
The solution should be working on localhost too (I tried to add http://localhost:3000/ to redirect uri, but without success), can it be done?
Thank you all, who read the whole story!

operation name appended to Backend service UrL in azure API management

I have a logic app with http trigger. I am trying to create a proxy for the logic app using APi management. The issue I am facing is that APi management when calling the Logic App, adds operation name which makes the logic app url invalid.
Example: logic app url: azure/invoke
API manager operation name: pass
Looking at trace logs, URL to call Logic app is:
I am trying to manually add url to backend service with Blank API design instead of using LogicApp.
API management preserves operation URL template while forwarding request to backend API. You can use rewrite-uri policy to control that behavior. In your scenario try adding <rewrite-uri template="/"/>
Anyone struggling why this is happening. The url in the front end is being passed in to the back end. You can either make it empty, add a policy to trim that off

Pull data fro API using Azure Logic Apps

I need to Pull data from a 3rd party API and minor process that data and then send it to DB. Is there any connector to pull API data using Logic App? Any connector or Action? How to start.
It seems you wants to fetch data from any API using logic App right?
Yes you can do it using Logic Apps Custom Connector on azure portal see the screen shot below:
How to connect any API with Custom Connector:
Step 1: Create New Custom Connector
To create a Custom Connector go to azure portal and in All services search for Logic Apps Custom Connector click on it and Add New Connector. see the screen shot:
Step 2: Edit Custom Connector
Once you have created new custom connector then to add your API with it you have to Edit it to configure your API request and response with the new custom connector
Step 3: Configure Custom Connector
There are 3 part of custom Connector
1. General
Here you would see Host enter your API main domain name like
Leave base URL blank
2. Security
For test propose no authentication required just leave it blank
3. Definition
enter a Summary note , description but surely enter a Operation ID which should unique like TestAPI
Then in Request selection click on Import from sample and enter your API method type Like POST or GET
Full URL of your API for example:
See the screen shot:
Here click on Add default response and add Json of your expected response from API
Call Your custom Connector On Azure Logic App
Go to azure logic App and click on Http Request on Request Body JSON Schema paste below JSON
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"title": {
"type": "string"
"description": {
"type": "string"
"email": {
"type": "string"
Then click on Next Step and add your custom connector like below:
Then finally add new Step as Response
Configure the response as below screen shot:
If you still have any query feel free to share. Thanks and happy coding!
