Azure b2c throwing undefined error which is vague error and should be user/email exists error? - azure-active-directory

this undefined error is thrown by Azure B2C when i try to signup an existing user can i fix this issue somhow?

To workaround this issue and display the correct error message, you can do the following:
If you haven't already, follow these steps to add a custom HTML template for the page.
If you haven't already, follow these steps to enable JavaScript in your custom template.
In the B2C authentication screens, open the browser dev tools and reproduce the error that causes "undefined" to be displayed. Then, locate the last network request and inspect the response JSON, noting the errorCode and message properties.
Add the following script to the bottom of your custom HTML template (inside the <body> tag), replacing the error code and message with the one from your devtools. If you like, you can also customise the error message.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (CONTENT) {
CONTENT['UserAccountNotFound'] = CONTENT['UserAccountNotFound'] ?? 'A user with the specified credential could not be found.'
Upload the updated HTML template, and the correct error message should not be displayed.
It seems that undefined is being displayed due to Microsoft having a bug in the page's JavaScript. The variable u is initially set to the correct message, while f is set to the string 'undefined' as the errorCode is not found in the page's lookup dictionary. Then the next line contains u = f which results in the string 'undefined' being printed as the error.
To workaround this, we need lookupLanguage to return the correct string. To do this, we need to add items to the page's lookup dictionary, which helpfully is a global variable named CONTENT that can be easily modified in a custom script.
In the future, Microsoft will hopefully fix this bug so that the workaround will no longer be needed.


Is there any way to handle `Cannot read property 'cards' of null` error?

I am using Embedly in React.js application to show URL preview in the page that has arrow navigation, and I am getting an error when switching page before embed content loaded.
The error message received is:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'cards' of null
at n.done (platform.js:7)
at e.done (platform.js:8)
at e.each (platform.js:8)
at e.<anonymous> (platform.js:8)
at n.<anonymous> (platform.js:7)
at platform.js:7
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.e.each (platform.js:8)
at platform.js:7
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
Setting Chrome to pause on exceptions, and using its pretty print to make the code more easily readable, we see that the contentWindow property of parameter b is null, hence the error. However, this error is coming from the third party Platform.js, so I cannot amend that code myself to work around the issue there.
In order to recreate the issue, open this JS Fiddle. In the lower right pane you'll see the running example. Click the Next button several times very quickly, after a few attempts the error will appear in the console / Chrome will pause execution (if set to do so).
Is there anything I can do in my own code to prevent this exception from occurring in platform.js?

All AngularJS runtime errors refer to angular.js - no helpfull stack trace

I have started a new AngularJS project - and this time something strange is happening. Whenever I get an error in the browser's console, it references to the angular.js file. I don't know what's different with this app from all my others - maybe the AngularJS version (1.6.4). Or the fact that I'm using controllerAs syntax?
For example - if I try the following in my main controller:
vm.notdefined.somevalue = "this should give an error";
I don't get a console error with the line of code in my controller, but with a line in angular.js:
angular.js:14525 TypeError: Cannot set property 'somevalue' of undefined(…) ""
It would be ok for me if I could trace back the error from the stack trace - but also the stack trace does not contain any information on the position of the error in my project.
The error is thrown where it appears. vm.notdefined.somevalue is a part of ngControllerinstance. In the moment your controller get parsed the error is thrown. This happends inside AngularJS kernel logics. You could check the stack trace for debugging. It should lead you to your controller function. You could also use breakpoints on your code e.g. by using chrome debugger. All in all this will lead you to the origin of this error.
For more information about debugging please check this answer: How can I get more stacktrace in AngularJS
The error message is quite clear: vm.notdefined is undefined. Try:
vm = this;
vm.notdefined = {
somevalue: "this should give an error"
Shame on me - I missed to click on the three dots to expand the error message:
Not sure why I have to do this sometimes and other times I get the error stack in the immediate stack.

How to avoid angular.js preemptively fetching data until certain actions

Just started out using angular.js and implemented a directive that reads from a property in the scope that's defined only when a button is clicked. The UI looks fine also because the directive part is only shown when the button is clicked. However in the console when the page is first loaded there is an error message saying "Cannot read property someProperty of undefined".
I must be violating some angular principles but I'm not sure how to fix it. Thanks for the help!
Note: Didn't do a fiddle because this is a general question.
Generally speaking, if you have code patten like
then you could see the error when myObject is undefined.
One possible way to eliminate the error the code work is make sure the object is always initialized when any property is intended to be referred.
You can put this line before the property is referred.
$scope.myObject = {};
Or do
if($scope.myObject !== undefined){
There is no rocket science here.

How to intercept AngularJS $http logging for display in page

I want to intercept console log message from AngularJS and display them in a div on the page. I need this in order to debug ajax traffic in a PhoneGap app.
This is an example of the kind of errors I want to capture:
I tried this Showing console errors and alerts in a div inside the page but that does not intercept Angular error messages.
I also tried the solution gameover suggested in the answers. No luck with that either. Apparently $http is handling error logging differently.
I guess the answer you tried has the right idea but you're overriding the wrong methods. Reading here I can see angularJs uses $log instead of console.log, so to intercept you can try to override those.
Something like this:
$scope.$log = {
error: function(msg){document.getElementById("logger").innerHTML(msg)},
info: function(msg){document.getElementById("logger").innerHTML(msg)},
log: function(msg){document.getElementById("logger").innerHTML(msg)},
warn: function(msg){document.getElementById("logger").innerHTML(msg)}
Make sure to run that after importing angular.js.
Second guess, override the consoleLog method on the LogProvider inner class on angular.js file:
function consoleLog(type) {
var output ="";
//arguments array, you'll need to change this accordingly if you want to
//log arrays, objects etc
forEach(arguments, function(arg) {
output+= arg +" ";
I've used log4javascript for this purpose. I create the log object via
var log = log4javascript.getLogger('myApp')
log.addAppender(new log4javascript.InPageAppender());
I then use this in a value dependency, and hook into it where needed (e.g. http interceptor).
A more lightweight approach might be to use $rootScope.emit and then have a component on your main page which prepends these log messages to a visible div, but this will require you to change all your calls to console.log (or redefine the function in your js).
I think that this message is not even displayed from AngularJS. It looks like an exception which has not been caught in any JavaScript (angular.js just appears on top of your stack because that's the actual location where the HTTP request is being sent).
Take a look at ng.$exceptionHandler. That should be the code you seem to be interested in. If not, take a quick web search for „JavaScript onerror“ which should tell you how to watch for these kinds of errors.
I would rather user an $http interceptor.
Inside the responseError function, you can set a property on a service that will be exposed to the div's scope.

extjs standardSubmit and grid inside a form problem

I'm having some weird issue with extjs. I have a form and a grid, each works great separately but when I put the grid inside the form, everything starts to fall to pieces.
My point by doig so would be to be able to submit ids from rows of the grid and at the same time, stuff from the form.
To do so, I put the standardSubmit to false and added a javascript method to the onSubmit attriobute of my form.
However, when I submit the form this way, I get a weird error :
Uncaught SynthaxError: Unexpected token <
But the form values are submitted and visible in the request's header. Of course, when I put the standard submit to true, the error goes away but the values from the grid are not submitted anymore...
This SyntaxError usually relates to a loaded JavaScript resource. These are common mistakes that can trigger this error message:
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
var s = I forgot the opening quotes so this <html> tag will break the script';
<script type="text/javascript"
var s = 'Here we forgot to close the opening <script> tag! Boom!';
It could also be triggered by the server setting the content type to 'application/javascript' for a non-JS resource (which then again includes this tags).
I also remember reading that this happened to someone using a minified version of a JavaScript library, but no details on the exact reason were given (other than that the problem was solved by using the non-minified version.
You can also wrap your JS resources in a CDATA tag for debugging purposes which should get rid of the SyntaxError and probably bring up a standard JS error message for the invalid script.
/* Code here */
Once you identify the resource that triggers the exception it should be possible to spot the problem by doing a through study of the source with your CSI sunglasses on.
Note: my assumption is that it can*not* be triggered by data that is sent to the server, but only data that is returned from the server. This is because the error refers to the parsing process on the client. But I'm not 100% sure on this one.
If this doesn't help you should really post the involved code and/or explain what you do exactly when you 'added a javascript method to the onSubmit attribute of [your] form'.
